Carcinoma Mamário Com Metástase Pulmonar em Tatu-Peba (Eupharactus Sexcinctus)
Carcinoma Mamário Com Metástase Pulmonar em Tatu-Peba (Eupharactus Sexcinctus)
Carcinoma Mamário Com Metástase Pulmonar em Tatu-Peba (Eupharactus Sexcinctus)
Background: Breast neoplasms are among the most common neoplastic conditions affecting domestic animals and are
considered the most common type of cancer affecting women, bitches, and cats. However, there are few reports on breast
neoplasms in wild animals, and there is no record of their occurrence in armadillos worldwide. Breast neoplasms are
hormone-dependent neoplasms that often cause lymph node and pulmonary metastases. The diagnosis is based on the
patient’s history, complete physical examination, and complementary tests. Here we report a case of mammary neoplasia
with pulmonary metastasis in an armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus).
Case: A senile female armadillo was referred to us for treatment with a history of hyporexia and nodules in both breasts.
Ultrasonographic examination revealed a hypoechogenic nodular lesion with a cross-section of approximately 1.3 × 1.4 cm
and well-defined borders. The lesion had a circumscribed aspect in the left mammary gland. In the right mammary gland,
there was a heterogeneous lesion with cystic formations and anechoic content. Cytopathological examination of the nodules
was performed by fine needle aspiration cytology and revealed the presence of epithelial cells with ovoid and aberrant nuclei,
anisocariasis, binucleation, coarse chromatin, and a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio suggestive of carcinoma. The animal had
a lean body score due to hyporexia that had evolved to anorexia and was undergoing supportive treatment. Nevertheless, the
animal died two months after the cytologic diagnosis. A necropsy was performed. Cutting of the breast nodules revealed a
hardened pale yellow material. The animal had pronounced pleural effusion, hemorrhage, and numerous pale yellow nod-
ules of various sizes with firm consistency throughout the lung parenchyma. It also had hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.
Fragments of various organs were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, routinely processed, embedded in paraffin, and stained
with hematoxylin and eosin. Upon microscopic examination, the mammary nodes demonstrated a proliferation of epithelial
cells organized into tubular structures with intraluminal papillary projections. The cells had a polyhedral profile and a high
nucleus to cytoplasm ratio, moderately pleomorphic evident nuclei. Some cells had coarse chromatin. We observed moderate
anisocytosis and anisocariasis, as well as mitotic figures. In the lungs, nodules with the same microscopic characteristics of
the mammary nodes were observed in addition to intense congestion and multifocal hemorrhages.
Discussion: This type of mammary carcinoma is considered an invasive neoplasm of ductal origin, and is morphologically
characterized by rounded, ovoid, or angulated tubule formations with intraluminal projections. The patient’s prognosis
is directly related to the occurrence of vascular invasion and metastasis. If present, these conditions may lead to reduced
patient survival. Since the lungs are the most common sites of metastasis, pleural effusion caused by vessel erosion due to
the presence of tumors is common and can in most cases lead to respiratory failure and eventually death. In this case, the
association between the necropsy findings and the results of the histopathological examination enabled us to classify the
carcinoma as one of mammary origin and of the tubulopapillary type with pulmonary metastasis. This is the first report of
mammary carcinoma in an armadillo in captivity in the world.
Keywords: Euphractinae, mammary gland, tubulopapillary carcinoma.
Descritores: Euphractinae, glândula mamária, carcinoma tubulopapilar.
Recife, PE, Brazil. CORRESPONDENCE: A.D.F. Alves []. Rua Manuel de Medeiros s/n. Bairro Dois Irmãos. CEP
52171-900 Recife, PE, Brazil.
A.D.F. Alves, D.B. Siqueira, L.C. Rameh-de-Albuquerque, et al. 2018. Carcinoma mamário com metástase pulmonar em tatu-peba
(Eupharactus sexcinctus). Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 46(Suppl 1): 329.
Figura 1. Necropsia de tatu-peba. A- Observar aumento de volume na região de glândula mamária esquerda (seta). B- Efusão pleural sero-sanguinolenta
de coloração amarelo-alaranjado. C- Pulmões congestos contendo inúmeras nodulações distribuídas pelo parênquima (seta).
A.D.F. Alves, D.B. Siqueira, L.C. Rameh-de-Albuquerque, et al. 2018. Carcinoma mamário com metástase pulmonar em tatu-peba
(Eupharactus sexcinctus). Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 46(Suppl 1): 329.
Figura 2. Fotomicrografia de carcinoma tubulopapilar em tatu-peba (HE). A- Carcinoma tubulopapilar mamário. Observar células epiteliais proliferadas
originando estruturas de aspecto tubular [100x]. B- Espessamento do epitélio com formação de projeções papilares intraluminais (asterisco) [400x]. C-
Metástase de carcinoma mamário (seta) em meio a tecido pulmonar (asterisco) [100x]. D- Proliferação epitelial tubular em tecido pulmonar (seta) [400x].
mamária em mais de um órgão, sendo o pulmão o assim, compatível com este caso, pois o animal possuía
principal foco de metástase (86%) seguido da pleura metástase pulmonar de carcinoma mamário.
parietal, coração, linfonodos intratorácicos e fígado [5].
A acentuada efusão pleural (160 mL) visualizada
durante o exame necroscópico do tatu-peba sugere que De acordo com os achados histopatológicos
a morte do animal tenha ocorrido por insuficiência foi possível classificar o carcinoma como sendo de
respiratória, visto que a expansão pulmonar estava origem mamária e do tipo tubulopapilar, com metástase
prejudicada devido à presença de líquido livre dentro da pulmonar. Sendo este o primeiro relato na literatura
cavidade torácica. Além disso, microscopicamente foram mundial de carcinoma mamário em tatu-peba criado
visualizadas áreas de hemorragia, o que também reforça a em cativeiro.
causa morte. Traumas, coagulopatias e erosões em vasos Declaration of interest. The authors report no conflicts of
por tumores ou processos inflamatórios, também podem interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and
ser apontados como causa de efusão pleural [14], sendo writing of the paper.
A.D.F. Alves, D.B. Siqueira, L.C. Rameh-de-Albuquerque, et al. 2018. Carcinoma mamário com metástase pulmonar em tatu-peba
(Eupharactus sexcinctus). Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 46(Suppl 1): 329.
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