Culture conditions were developed that induce Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. root cuttings to regenerate shoots rapidly and at 100% efficiency. The shoots produce viable seeds in vitro or after rooting in soil. A transformation procedure for Arabidopsis root explants based on kanamycin selection was established. By using this regeneration procedure and an Agrobacterium tumor-inducing Ti plasmid carrying a chimeric neomycin phosphotransferase II gene (neo), transformed seed-producing plants were obtained with an efficiency between 20% and 80% within 3 months after gene transfer. F(1) seedlings of these transformants showed Mendelian segregation of the kanamycin-resistance trait. The transformation method could be applied to three different Arabidopsis ecotypes. In addition to the neo gene, a chimeric bar gene conferring resistance to the herbicide Basta was introduced into Arabidopsis. The expression of the bar gene was shown by enzymatic assay.