Event mining is becoming a challenging area of research. Events in system analysis is not a new c... more Event mining is becoming a challenging area of research. Events in system analysis is not a new concept. It has been used in Petri nets, stochastic modeling, etc. However, there are new opportunities that come from the lage amount of data that is stored in various databases. In this paper we will focus on formulating the event mining tasks that consider observations of the system as well as internal and external events
Interim Reports on work of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis receive only ... more Interim Reports on work of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis receive only limited review. Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Institute, its National Member Organizations, or other organizations supporting the work.- ii-Foreword Practically all important decisions involve analysis of several (or even many), typically conflicting, criteria. Analysis of trade-offs between criteria is difficult because such trade-offs for most problems are practically impossible to be defined a-priori even by analysts experienced in Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA). Therefore the trade-offs emerge during an interactive MCA which actually supports a learning process about the trade-offs. How-ever, in some situations an objective MCA is desired, i.e., the trade-offs are elicited rather from the data than from preferences of actual decision-makers. Therefore effective MCA methods are important for actual support of decision-making processes, esp...
Celem artykulu jest przedstawienie wspolpracy dwuetapowego wymiarowania z systemem zarządzania na... more Celem artykulu jest przedstawienie wspolpracy dwuetapowego wymiarowania z systemem zarządzania na poziomie warstw L1 i L2 architektury Systemu IIP. Omowiono zadania systemu zarządzania oraz modulu wymiarowania, zrealizowane algorytmy optymalizacyjne oraz uniwersalne styki z systemem zarządzania oraz Rownoleglymi Internetami.
... Marek Natkaniec, Janusz Gozdecki AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza ... Literatura 1. W. Burakows... more ... Marek Natkaniec, Janusz Gozdecki AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza ... Literatura 1. W. Burakowski, et al., "Specyfikacja Systemu IP QoS opartego na architekturze DiffServ", XXV Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki KSTiT'2009, September 2009, Warszawa. ...
W artykule, po przedyskutowaniu szeroko rozumianego pojęcia inżynierii wiedzy, a w szczególności ... more W artykule, po przedyskutowaniu szeroko rozumianego pojęcia inżynierii wiedzy, a w szczególności inżynierii ontologicznej, koncentrującej się na wykrywaniu wiedzy w dużych zbiorach tekstu, omówiono rezultaty prac wykonanych w Instytucie Łączności PIB w ramach projektu badawczego zamawianego „Usługi i sieci teleinformatyczne następnej generacji – aspekty techniczne, aplikacyjne i rynkowe”. Prace wstępne i rozpoznawcze doprowadziły do sformułowania założenia na przyjazny, spersonalizowany system wspomagania wyszukiwania wiedzy w dużych zbiorach tekstu. Efektem końcowym zaś jest pilotowy system PrOnto wykorzystujący narzędzia inżynierii ontologicznej w dwóch aspektach: jednym – wspomagającym wyszukiwanie informacji w dokumentach elektronicznych na podstawie osobistej ontologii użytkownika i drugim – wspomagającym współdzielenie źródeł wiedzy przy wykorzystaniu modeli ontologicznych. Artykuł kończą wnioski co do stosowalności różnych metod wykorzystania narzędzi inżynierii ontologicznej...
Przedstawiono infrastrukture sieci badawczej PL-LAB2020. Zaprezentowano 7 laboratoriow badawczych... more Przedstawiono infrastrukture sieci badawczej PL-LAB2020. Zaprezentowano 7 laboratoriow badawczych PL-LAB umozliwiających prowadzenie badan w glownych ich obszarach zdefiniowanych dla programu Horyzont 2020. Przedstawiono szczegoly struktury operacyjnej PL-LAB2020 lączącej zasoby poszczegolnych laboratoriow zlokalizowane w 6 ośrodkach naukowo-badawczych w jedno rozproszone środowisko badawcze. Ostatecznie pokazano, jak infrastruktura PL-LAB2020 zostala polączona z innymi sieciami badawczymi w Europie.
Journal of telecommunications and information technology, 2008
While practically all multiple criteria approaches to decision analysis and support concentrate o... more While practically all multiple criteria approaches to decision analysis and support concentrate on rationally supporting subjective decisions, depending on some form of an elicitation of preferences of the decision maker, there are diverse decision situations where we should suggest decisions that are made as objectively as possible; the full objectivity is not attainable for many practical and philosophical reasons, but objectivity can be seen as an useful ideal or goal. Examples of such situations are, on the one hand, managerial decisions influencing many stakeholders, when an aggregation of preferences of stakeholders is impossible. On the other hand, such situations occur also in event detection; e.g., when automatically detecting a case of fire, we should not make decisions based on subjective, personal preferences. We shall call the problem of supporting decisions in such a case the problem of objective classification (treating problem of ranking as a special case with single...
Many methods have been developed for multiple criteria analysis and/or ranking of discrete altern... more Many methods have been developed for multiple criteria analysis and/or ranking of discrete alternatives. Most of them require complex specification of preferences. Therefore, they are not applicable for problems with numerous alternatives and/or criteria, where preference specification by the decisin makers can hardly be done in a way acceptable for small problems, e.g., for pair-wise comparisons. In this paper we describe several new methods implemented for a real-life application dealing with multi-criteria analysis of future energy technologies. This analysis involves large numbers of both alternatives and criteria. Moreover, the analysis was made by a large number of stakeholders without expeience in analytical methods. Therefore a simple method for interactive preference specification was condition for the analysis. The paper provides overview of several of new methods based on diverse concepts developed for multicriteria analysis, and summarizes a comparison of methods and exp...
Discrete decision problems with a large number of criteria (as compared to the number of alternat... more Discrete decision problems with a large number of criteria (as compared to the number of alternatives) present specific difficulties, for example, most of decision alternatives tend to be Pareto-nondominated, some criteria might have binary character, etc. For these reasons, classical methods such as weighted sum aggregation or full utility elicitation are barely applicable for such problems. Methods that might be applied include reference point approaches, particularly if appropriately modified, equitable aggregation approaches and special hierarchical aggregation schemes. The paper presents descriptions and necessary modifications of such methods, together with associated concepts of objective versus subjective decision selection, compensatory versus non-compensatory criteria, preservation of Pareto-nondominance in hierarchical aggregation, etc. Examples show that methods effective in most difficult cases are based on reference point approaches combined with equitable aggregation ...
This report provides detailed information about using the MCA, which is the Web-based application... more This report provides detailed information about using the MCA, which is the Web-based application formultiple criteria analysis of discrete alternatives with a simple preference specification. MCA in its currently available version supports analysis of a set of discrete alternatves, defined either interactively or through a prepared file. Each alternative is characterized by several attributes (indicators) that serve for specification of criteria. MCA has been designed for problems having large numbers of alternatives and of criteria. However, it can also be used for problems with small numbers of criteria and/or alternatives. The report is composed of two main parts. The first one provides an overview of the MCA and summarize the methodology of multiple criteria analysis implemented in the MCA. The second part consists of the step-by-step detailed tutorial to the MCA organized into three stages corresponding to (1) basic funtions of the MCA, (2) specification of problems, instances...
Model-based Decision Support Systems (DSSs) often use multi-criteria optimization for selecting P... more Model-based Decision Support Systems (DSSs) often use multi-criteria optimization for selecting Pareto-optimal solutions. Such a selection is based on the interactive specification of user preferences. This can be done by a specification of aspiration and reservation levels for criteria. Diverse Graphical User Interfaces (GUis) can be used for specification of these levels, as well as for the interpretation of results. In the approach presented in this paper, the specified aspiration and reservation levels are used for the generation of component achievement functions for corresponding criteria, which reflect the degree of satisfaction with given values of criteria. This paper outlines the methodological background and modular structure of a tool ISAAP (which is included in MCMA) for multi-criteria analysis of decision problems that can be represented as Linear Programming (LP) or Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) problems. The MCMA has been used at BASA for the analysis of decision problems in water quality management and land use for sustainable development planning. These experiences have shown that MCMA tool is applicable also to large LP and MIP problems. Other implementations of the same methodology have also been applied to analysis of non-linear problems in several engineering applications.
This paper presents a novel approach for user classification exploiting multicriteria analysis. T... more This paper presents a novel approach for user classification exploiting multicriteria analysis. This method is based on measuring the distance between an observation and its respective Pareto front. The obtained results show that the combination of the standard KNN classification and the distance from Pareto fronts gives satisfactory classification accuracy-higher than the accuracy obtained for each of these methods applied separately. Conclusions from this study may be applied in recommender systems where the proposed method can be implemented as the part of the collaborative filtering algorithm.
Event mining is becoming a challenging area of research. Events in system analysis is not a new c... more Event mining is becoming a challenging area of research. Events in system analysis is not a new concept. It has been used in Petri nets, stochastic modeling, etc. However, there are new opportunities that come from the lage amount of data that is stored in various databases. In this paper we will focus on formulating the event mining tasks that consider observations of the system as well as internal and external events
Interim Reports on work of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis receive only ... more Interim Reports on work of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis receive only limited review. Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Institute, its National Member Organizations, or other organizations supporting the work.- ii-Foreword Practically all important decisions involve analysis of several (or even many), typically conflicting, criteria. Analysis of trade-offs between criteria is difficult because such trade-offs for most problems are practically impossible to be defined a-priori even by analysts experienced in Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA). Therefore the trade-offs emerge during an interactive MCA which actually supports a learning process about the trade-offs. How-ever, in some situations an objective MCA is desired, i.e., the trade-offs are elicited rather from the data than from preferences of actual decision-makers. Therefore effective MCA methods are important for actual support of decision-making processes, esp...
Celem artykulu jest przedstawienie wspolpracy dwuetapowego wymiarowania z systemem zarządzania na... more Celem artykulu jest przedstawienie wspolpracy dwuetapowego wymiarowania z systemem zarządzania na poziomie warstw L1 i L2 architektury Systemu IIP. Omowiono zadania systemu zarządzania oraz modulu wymiarowania, zrealizowane algorytmy optymalizacyjne oraz uniwersalne styki z systemem zarządzania oraz Rownoleglymi Internetami.
... Marek Natkaniec, Janusz Gozdecki AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza ... Literatura 1. W. Burakows... more ... Marek Natkaniec, Janusz Gozdecki AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza ... Literatura 1. W. Burakowski, et al., "Specyfikacja Systemu IP QoS opartego na architekturze DiffServ", XXV Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki KSTiT'2009, September 2009, Warszawa. ...
W artykule, po przedyskutowaniu szeroko rozumianego pojęcia inżynierii wiedzy, a w szczególności ... more W artykule, po przedyskutowaniu szeroko rozumianego pojęcia inżynierii wiedzy, a w szczególności inżynierii ontologicznej, koncentrującej się na wykrywaniu wiedzy w dużych zbiorach tekstu, omówiono rezultaty prac wykonanych w Instytucie Łączności PIB w ramach projektu badawczego zamawianego „Usługi i sieci teleinformatyczne następnej generacji – aspekty techniczne, aplikacyjne i rynkowe”. Prace wstępne i rozpoznawcze doprowadziły do sformułowania założenia na przyjazny, spersonalizowany system wspomagania wyszukiwania wiedzy w dużych zbiorach tekstu. Efektem końcowym zaś jest pilotowy system PrOnto wykorzystujący narzędzia inżynierii ontologicznej w dwóch aspektach: jednym – wspomagającym wyszukiwanie informacji w dokumentach elektronicznych na podstawie osobistej ontologii użytkownika i drugim – wspomagającym współdzielenie źródeł wiedzy przy wykorzystaniu modeli ontologicznych. Artykuł kończą wnioski co do stosowalności różnych metod wykorzystania narzędzi inżynierii ontologicznej...
Przedstawiono infrastrukture sieci badawczej PL-LAB2020. Zaprezentowano 7 laboratoriow badawczych... more Przedstawiono infrastrukture sieci badawczej PL-LAB2020. Zaprezentowano 7 laboratoriow badawczych PL-LAB umozliwiających prowadzenie badan w glownych ich obszarach zdefiniowanych dla programu Horyzont 2020. Przedstawiono szczegoly struktury operacyjnej PL-LAB2020 lączącej zasoby poszczegolnych laboratoriow zlokalizowane w 6 ośrodkach naukowo-badawczych w jedno rozproszone środowisko badawcze. Ostatecznie pokazano, jak infrastruktura PL-LAB2020 zostala polączona z innymi sieciami badawczymi w Europie.
Journal of telecommunications and information technology, 2008
While practically all multiple criteria approaches to decision analysis and support concentrate o... more While practically all multiple criteria approaches to decision analysis and support concentrate on rationally supporting subjective decisions, depending on some form of an elicitation of preferences of the decision maker, there are diverse decision situations where we should suggest decisions that are made as objectively as possible; the full objectivity is not attainable for many practical and philosophical reasons, but objectivity can be seen as an useful ideal or goal. Examples of such situations are, on the one hand, managerial decisions influencing many stakeholders, when an aggregation of preferences of stakeholders is impossible. On the other hand, such situations occur also in event detection; e.g., when automatically detecting a case of fire, we should not make decisions based on subjective, personal preferences. We shall call the problem of supporting decisions in such a case the problem of objective classification (treating problem of ranking as a special case with single...
Many methods have been developed for multiple criteria analysis and/or ranking of discrete altern... more Many methods have been developed for multiple criteria analysis and/or ranking of discrete alternatives. Most of them require complex specification of preferences. Therefore, they are not applicable for problems with numerous alternatives and/or criteria, where preference specification by the decisin makers can hardly be done in a way acceptable for small problems, e.g., for pair-wise comparisons. In this paper we describe several new methods implemented for a real-life application dealing with multi-criteria analysis of future energy technologies. This analysis involves large numbers of both alternatives and criteria. Moreover, the analysis was made by a large number of stakeholders without expeience in analytical methods. Therefore a simple method for interactive preference specification was condition for the analysis. The paper provides overview of several of new methods based on diverse concepts developed for multicriteria analysis, and summarizes a comparison of methods and exp...
Discrete decision problems with a large number of criteria (as compared to the number of alternat... more Discrete decision problems with a large number of criteria (as compared to the number of alternatives) present specific difficulties, for example, most of decision alternatives tend to be Pareto-nondominated, some criteria might have binary character, etc. For these reasons, classical methods such as weighted sum aggregation or full utility elicitation are barely applicable for such problems. Methods that might be applied include reference point approaches, particularly if appropriately modified, equitable aggregation approaches and special hierarchical aggregation schemes. The paper presents descriptions and necessary modifications of such methods, together with associated concepts of objective versus subjective decision selection, compensatory versus non-compensatory criteria, preservation of Pareto-nondominance in hierarchical aggregation, etc. Examples show that methods effective in most difficult cases are based on reference point approaches combined with equitable aggregation ...
This report provides detailed information about using the MCA, which is the Web-based application... more This report provides detailed information about using the MCA, which is the Web-based application formultiple criteria analysis of discrete alternatives with a simple preference specification. MCA in its currently available version supports analysis of a set of discrete alternatves, defined either interactively or through a prepared file. Each alternative is characterized by several attributes (indicators) that serve for specification of criteria. MCA has been designed for problems having large numbers of alternatives and of criteria. However, it can also be used for problems with small numbers of criteria and/or alternatives. The report is composed of two main parts. The first one provides an overview of the MCA and summarize the methodology of multiple criteria analysis implemented in the MCA. The second part consists of the step-by-step detailed tutorial to the MCA organized into three stages corresponding to (1) basic funtions of the MCA, (2) specification of problems, instances...
Model-based Decision Support Systems (DSSs) often use multi-criteria optimization for selecting P... more Model-based Decision Support Systems (DSSs) often use multi-criteria optimization for selecting Pareto-optimal solutions. Such a selection is based on the interactive specification of user preferences. This can be done by a specification of aspiration and reservation levels for criteria. Diverse Graphical User Interfaces (GUis) can be used for specification of these levels, as well as for the interpretation of results. In the approach presented in this paper, the specified aspiration and reservation levels are used for the generation of component achievement functions for corresponding criteria, which reflect the degree of satisfaction with given values of criteria. This paper outlines the methodological background and modular structure of a tool ISAAP (which is included in MCMA) for multi-criteria analysis of decision problems that can be represented as Linear Programming (LP) or Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) problems. The MCMA has been used at BASA for the analysis of decision problems in water quality management and land use for sustainable development planning. These experiences have shown that MCMA tool is applicable also to large LP and MIP problems. Other implementations of the same methodology have also been applied to analysis of non-linear problems in several engineering applications.
This paper presents a novel approach for user classification exploiting multicriteria analysis. T... more This paper presents a novel approach for user classification exploiting multicriteria analysis. This method is based on measuring the distance between an observation and its respective Pareto front. The obtained results show that the combination of the standard KNN classification and the distance from Pareto fronts gives satisfactory classification accuracy-higher than the accuracy obtained for each of these methods applied separately. Conclusions from this study may be applied in recommender systems where the proposed method can be implemented as the part of the collaborative filtering algorithm.
Papers by Janusz Granat