Python's strftime dislikes years before 1900
>>> birthday = datetime.datetime(year=1879, month=3, day=19) >>> birthday.strftime("%y/%m/%d") Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ValueError: year=979 is before 1900; the datetime strftime() methods require year >= 1900
困りました。ValueError を例外処理するしかないのかな・・・
Review Board
Python で無限大を得る方法
float の引数に文字列で "inf" を渡すと inf オブジェクトが返ってきます。
>>> float("inf") inf
inf に何を足しても inf です。
>>> inf = float("inf") >>> inf + 1 inf >>> inf + 1 == inf True
inf から inf を引いたり、 inf に 0 を掛けると、結果は nan (不定) になります
>>> inf - inf
>>> inf * 0
nan は自分自身と等しくないので、これを利用して nan かどうか調べることができます。
(Python 2.6 からは math モジュールに isnan というそのものズバリな関数が用意されています)
>>> nan = float("nan") >>> nan == nan False >>> nan != nan True
最後の nan の判定方法は PythonでNaNやinfを調べる で知りました。
By id:knzm
virtualenv 下で が機能しない
virtualenv 下で が機能しないと思ったら、Hardy のせいでした。
Hardy では /usr/lib/python2.x/ が置かれているため、 virtualenv 側で lib/python2.x/site-packages/ を置いても読み込んでくれません。
posted by id:junya_hayashi
Jinja2 Buffet Plugin
Pylons から Jinja2 を利用するための Buffet Plugin を記述しました。
なお、最新の Pylons 0.9.7 はデフォルトで Jinja2 に対応しています。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from jinja2 import Environment from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, PackageLoader, FunctionLoader from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment class Jinja2TemplatePlugin(object): """ Implements the Jina2 buffet plugin This module is made referring to Jinja1's BuffetPlugin. .. seealso:: `Template plugins (for developers) - Pylons Cookbook <>`_ """ def __init__(self, extra_vars_func=None, options=None): """ Store the two arguments (normally dicts of strings), and do any other initialization required. .. Note:: Jinja2 uses URI notation for template name. If options['jinja2.extension'] is not provided, the module will take given tempate name as URI. """ if 'jinja2.environment' in options: self.env = options['jinja2.environment'] else: opt = {} for key, value in options.iteritems(): if key.startswith('jinja2.') and key != 'jinja2.extension': opt[key[7:]] = value loader_func = opt.pop('loader_func', None) if 'searchpath' in opt: opt['loader'] = FileSystemLoader(opt.pop('searchpath')) elif 'package' in opt: opt['loader'] = PackageLoader(opt.pop('package'), opt.pop('package_path', '')) elif loader_func is not None: opt['loader'] = FunctionLoader(loader_func) sandboxed = opt.pop('sandboxed', None) if sandboxed: self.env = SandboxedEnvironment(**opt) else: self.env = Environment(**opt) self.extra_vars_func = extra_vars_func self.extension = options.pop('jinja2.extension', None) def render(self, info, format="html", fragment=False, template=None): """ Return a rendered version of the template. 'info' is a dict of context variables (string : anything). 'format' is the desired output format. This is engine-specific. 'fragment' is true if the template should be rendered "standalone"; i.e., bypassing any inherited templates or wrapper templates that would normally be applied. The plugin may ignore this argument if the engine does not support this. 'template' is the template name (string). Buffet requires dotted notation (see below), while Pylons allows URI notation. The method should call the 'extra_vars_funcs' function given to the constructor, and merge those variables in with 'info'. """ if isinstance(template, basestring): template = self.load_template(template) if self.extra_vars_func: info.update(self.extra_vars_func()) return template.render(info) def load_template(self, templatename, template_string=None): """ Optional: not called by Pylons. Called by TurboGears in special circumstances; see Buffet interface for details. """ if template_string is not None: return self.env.from_string(template_string) # Translate TG dot notation to normal / template path if self.extension is not None: templatename = templatename.replace('.', '/') + '.' + self.extension return self.env.get_template(templatename) # def transform(self, info, template): # """ Optional: not called by Pylons. Called by TurboGears to render the # template as a tree of ElementTree nodes rather than as a string. Kid # is the only known engine that supports this. # """ # pass
posted by id:junya_hayashi