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1.1.0 by Christoph Glur, a year ago
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Authors: Russ Hyde [ctb] (improve dependencies) , Chris Hammill [ctb] (improve getting) , Facundo Munoz [ctb] (improve list conversion) , Markus Wamser [ctb] (fixed some typos) , Pierre Formont [ctb] (additional features) , Kent Russel [ctb] (documentation) , Noam Ross [ctb] (fixes) , Duncan Garmonsway [ctb] (fixes) , Christoph Glur [aut, cre] (R interface)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports R6, stringi, methods
Suggests Formula, graphics, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, ape, yaml, networkD3, jsonlite, treemap, party, partykit, doParallel, foreach, htmlwidgets, DiagrammeR, mockery, rpart
Enhances igraph
Imported by AutoWMM, Cluster.OBeu, CondCopulas, GeRnika, HCD, JAGStree, Rgff, SDModels, TSLA, TT, UnalR, UniprotR, behaviorchange, changepoints, collapsibleTree, directotree, echarty, filterNHP, forestry, gimme, htetree, icesTAF, justifier, nmarank, nonlinearICP, pmxTools, qlcData, radiant.model, randomForestSRC, ranktreeEnsemble, rocTree, rock, scicomptools, starvz, supportR, tabnet, textAnnotatoR, voronoiTreemap, webchem.
Depended on by GE, GeoFIS, ODT, triversity.
Suggested by DataPackageR, STATcubeR, SoilTaxonomy, TKCat, covid19dbcand, echarts4r, momentuHMM, shinyTree, styler, tidygraph, wrMisc, wrTopDownFrag, yum.
See at CRAN