The national action "minus 25%" whose objective is to decrease the number of traffic ac... more The national action "minus 25%" whose objective is to decrease the number of traffic accident victims by 25% in the year 2000, has been a stimulus for local authorities to create a traffic safety plan. In such a plan attention should not only be paid to the traffic infrastructure, but also to regulation and enforcement, education, publicity and organization. The regional organization of traffic safety in the province of drenthe has developed an easy, step by step approach in which use is made of forms, to make it easier for local authorities to set up such a local traffic safety plan. In this paper the manual for such an approach is presented and discussed. (TRRL)
Shared Space ist eine EU-weite Gestaltungsphilosophie fuer innerstaedtische Geschaefts- und Haupt... more Shared Space ist eine EU-weite Gestaltungsphilosophie fuer innerstaedtische Geschaefts- und Hauptverkehrsstrassen, die allerdings nicht neu und im deutschen Regelwerk durchaus schon lange verankert ist. Bereits umgesetzte Shared Space-Projekte haben ihren Erfolg in der staedtebaulichen Aufwertung sensibler Strassenraeume und Platzbereiche. Sie setzen auf gegenseitige Verstaendigung der Verkehrsteilnehmer bei moeglichst weitgehendem Verzicht auf Verkehrsregeln, Lichtsignalanlagen und Beschilderung. In untersuchten Fallbeispielraeumen konnte generell eine verbesserte Verkehrssicherheit erreicht werden. Andererseits sind Konflikte zu verzeichnen, die auf Einsatzgrenzen und Voraussetzungen hindeuten. Diese werden in dem Beitrag umfassend eroertert. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Shared Space is an EU wide philosophy of urban road design. However it is not a new concept and implemented in German guidelines for a long time. The main return from the projects is a substantial improvement of spatial q...
Traditionally pedestrians, bicyclists and motorised two wheelers are considered vulnerable road u... more Traditionally pedestrians, bicyclists and motorised two wheelers are considered vulnerable road users. In some instances special attention is given to children, the elderly and handicapped persons. AVV Transport Research Centre was asked to develop acceptable, effective and cost-effective measures regarding all categories of vulnerable road users. In The Netherlands vulnerable road users stand high on the political agenda. However, in many cases it is not clear what is meant by vulnerability. Furthermore in practice not much money is allocated to tackling the problems and very little research is done on the issue. When funds and resources are budgeted and allocated, other proposals generally tend to be more important and are better motivated with supporting facts and figures and not merely with emotional or sentimental arguments. The probability of projects related to vulnerable road users to be rejected on the basis of inadequate motivation is high. This is why the AVV research tea...
Um die Verkehrspolitik zu steuern braucht man unter anderem adaequates Wissen ueber die Verkehrss... more Um die Verkehrspolitik zu steuern braucht man unter anderem adaequates Wissen ueber die Verkehrssicherheitssituation. Zu diesem Zweck hat das Zentrum fuer Transport und Navigation (Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart) des Niederlaendischen Verkehrsministeriums (Rijskwaterstaat) in den Jahren 2004 und 2005 eine Pilotstudie durchgefuehrt, um einen Ueberblick ueber die Entwicklung von Unfallmengen unterschiedlichen Typs zu erhalten. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass Alleinunfaelle von Fussgaengern und Radfahrern zahlenmaessig besonders stark zugenommen hatten. Das Niederlaendische Institut fuer Verkehrssicherheitsforschung (Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid - SWOV) hat schon 1989 gezeigt, dass hohe Anteile von Fussgaenger- und Radfahrerunfaellen und von Verletzten im Rahmen solcher Unfaelle in der Statistik nicht aufscheinen. Stuerze von Fussgaengern, die man ja als Fussgaengeralleinunfaelle bezeichnen koennte, erscheinen in der Unfallstatistik ueberhaupt nicht, offenbar ...
Walking is an essential form of human mobility. In policy making, however, pedestrians are largel... more Walking is an essential form of human mobility. In policy making, however, pedestrians are largely neglected. This dissertation explores how the system for pedestrians works and what steps authorities can take to improve conditions for pedestrians, walking and sojourning in public space. It outlines an effective and fair approach by redefining the domain. Methorst combines, triangulates and advances available information, data and statistics.
Many studies have found bicycle-motor vehicle crashes to be more likely on bidirectional cycle pa... more Many studies have found bicycle-motor vehicle crashes to be more likely on bidirectional cycle paths than on unidirectional cycle paths because drivers do not expect cyclists riding at the right side of the road. In this paper we discuss the hypothesis that opening all unidirectional cycle paths for cycle traffic in both directions prevent this lack of expectancy and accordingly improves cycling safety. A new national standard requires careful consideration because a reversal is difficult once cyclists are used to their new freedom of route choice. We therefore explored the hypothesis using available data, research, and theories. The results show that of the length of cycle paths along distributor roads in the Netherlands, 72% is bidirectional. If drivers would become used to cyclists riding at the left side of the road, this result raises the question of why bidirectional cycle paths in the Netherlands still have a poor safety record compared to unidirectional cycle paths. Moreover...
At present policy development regarding pedestrian needs is generally problem oriented, ad hoc an... more At present policy development regarding pedestrian needs is generally problem oriented, ad hoc and rather fragmented. Following transport, urban planning and safety management, where a quality oriented systems approach is now State-of-the-Art, it is expected that In most countries- The Netherlands is no exception- policy regarding walking is fo... more In most countries- The Netherlands is no exception- policy regarding walking is focussed on solving urgent problems. A problem becomes urgent when it affects citizens in such a way that they ask the authorities to take action. Serious accidents have the same effect. In most cases these problems are very specific and localised. Consequently, apart from implicit policy and development planning activities, policy measures regarding pedestrian issues are predominantly demand driven and concentrated on safety issues. Citizens generally do not ask for a holistic or systems approach. In the 90-s the pro-active Sustainable Road Safety vision was introduced (Koornstra e.a., 1992). Current Policy makers realise that a systems approach has the best potentials for lasting results. As a first step the road system was re-classified and more than half of the urban area is now ‘traffic calmed’. Pedestrians and cyclists benefit from these structural interventions. Up till now the pro-...
Car use has affected life styles and land use patterns. There has been a decentralization of acti... more Car use has affected life styles and land use patterns. There has been a decentralization of activities like living, working, services and recreation. People nowadays want to grow old in place. National, regional and local policies are directed at this wish. However, the future elderly need to be mobile to function properly in society. Over the next 30 years the proportion of the elderly in the population will increase. The elderly will gain political power, be better educated, healthier, richer, more mobile and more demanding than the present elderly. Consequently land use demands will change. We need to forecast in what way and to what extent. With respect to land use, traffic safety is an important issue. From accident analysis we know that the elderly are not risky, but at risk. We also know that for the elderly the car is the safest transport mode and that at some point in time driving skills of the elderly decline and may become a problem. In order to provide for safe mobility...
The government of the Netherlands is looking for methods to structurally reduce the numbers of ro... more The government of the Netherlands is looking for methods to structurally reduce the numbers of road accidents and casualties. The policy with respect to vulnerable road users has not as yet been developed to any significant extent, even though there seems to be considerable potential here for reducing the total number of road accident casualties. After all, in terms of both numbers and
For some time now, a European Union-wide design philosophy for inner city shopping and high stree... more For some time now, a European Union-wide design philosophy for inner city shopping and high streets known as Shared Space has been fully incorporated in German and Dutch regulations. Shared Space project implementation already has affected city planning of sensitive streets and open spaces. Mutual agreement among motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians concerning the widest possible elimination of traffic controls, light signals, and signing forms the basis of the measures. Case study investigation reveals that improved traffic safety might generally be achieved. Conflicts have also arisen at the same time, revealing the requirements and limits on the range of applications. The authors examine views on Shared Space, provide case studies, define and classify Shared Space, and discuss the effects and evaluations of Shared Space.
Het voetgangerslicht kan beter aan het begin van de oversteekplaats worden gezet en niet meer aan... more Het voetgangerslicht kan beter aan het begin van de oversteekplaats worden gezet en niet meer aan de overkant. Sensoren signaleren de overstekers, zetten het rijverkeer stop en geven dat weer groen zodra de voetganger aan de overkant is. Dit is de lijn waarlangs experimenten moeten worden gehouden en die vooral de positie verbeteren van ouderen en slechtzienden. Zij hebben dan geen zorg meer wanneer ze mogen oversteken en of ze genoeg tijd hebben om over te komen.
This paper takes a look at the role of the pedestrian in the Netherlands, and how improvements ca... more This paper takes a look at the role of the pedestrian in the Netherlands, and how improvements can be made in the areas of safety, city planning, and living conditions. It also examines demographic trends, educational levels, employment trends in the Netherlands.
In 2006 the French, Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch ministries of Transport joint forces in the so c... more In 2006 the French, Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch ministries of Transport joint forces in the so called ERANET ENT 15 Sleepiness behind the Wheel project. The object of the project was to understand sleepiness behind the wheel – prevalence, risk mechanisms and to identify effective countermeasures to tackle sleepiness behind the wheel. National consortia were formed to do the research. Studies were carried out regarding: crash studies (case-control design, including 408 crashes and 2,308 interviews from controls at the same locations in Sweden)\ studies on the effectiveness of existing countermeasures taken by drivers (open window, radio, physical exercise, coffee, blue light) study on prediction and/or detection methods for assessing the risk of sleepiness accidents study on risk factors behind sleepiness that can be tackled on the short, mid and/or long term elaboration of most promising prevention and correction strategies for easing off the risk of sleepiness-related driving iden...
In research, policy making and implementation concerning the safe mobility and the quality of lif... more In research, policy making and implementation concerning the safe mobility and the quality of life of pedestrians is a rather neglected issue. The difficulties arising from long neglect are so substantial that new research activities and innovative approaches are needed to build on the available knowledge and to further develop the insights gained from earlier projects in order to make a difference to pedestrian conditions in towns and villages in Europe and elsewhere.
The national action "minus 25%" whose objective is to decrease the number of traffic ac... more The national action "minus 25%" whose objective is to decrease the number of traffic accident victims by 25% in the year 2000, has been a stimulus for local authorities to create a traffic safety plan. In such a plan attention should not only be paid to the traffic infrastructure, but also to regulation and enforcement, education, publicity and organization. The regional organization of traffic safety in the province of drenthe has developed an easy, step by step approach in which use is made of forms, to make it easier for local authorities to set up such a local traffic safety plan. In this paper the manual for such an approach is presented and discussed. (TRRL)
Shared Space ist eine EU-weite Gestaltungsphilosophie fuer innerstaedtische Geschaefts- und Haupt... more Shared Space ist eine EU-weite Gestaltungsphilosophie fuer innerstaedtische Geschaefts- und Hauptverkehrsstrassen, die allerdings nicht neu und im deutschen Regelwerk durchaus schon lange verankert ist. Bereits umgesetzte Shared Space-Projekte haben ihren Erfolg in der staedtebaulichen Aufwertung sensibler Strassenraeume und Platzbereiche. Sie setzen auf gegenseitige Verstaendigung der Verkehrsteilnehmer bei moeglichst weitgehendem Verzicht auf Verkehrsregeln, Lichtsignalanlagen und Beschilderung. In untersuchten Fallbeispielraeumen konnte generell eine verbesserte Verkehrssicherheit erreicht werden. Andererseits sind Konflikte zu verzeichnen, die auf Einsatzgrenzen und Voraussetzungen hindeuten. Diese werden in dem Beitrag umfassend eroertert. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Shared Space is an EU wide philosophy of urban road design. However it is not a new concept and implemented in German guidelines for a long time. The main return from the projects is a substantial improvement of spatial q...
Traditionally pedestrians, bicyclists and motorised two wheelers are considered vulnerable road u... more Traditionally pedestrians, bicyclists and motorised two wheelers are considered vulnerable road users. In some instances special attention is given to children, the elderly and handicapped persons. AVV Transport Research Centre was asked to develop acceptable, effective and cost-effective measures regarding all categories of vulnerable road users. In The Netherlands vulnerable road users stand high on the political agenda. However, in many cases it is not clear what is meant by vulnerability. Furthermore in practice not much money is allocated to tackling the problems and very little research is done on the issue. When funds and resources are budgeted and allocated, other proposals generally tend to be more important and are better motivated with supporting facts and figures and not merely with emotional or sentimental arguments. The probability of projects related to vulnerable road users to be rejected on the basis of inadequate motivation is high. This is why the AVV research tea...
Um die Verkehrspolitik zu steuern braucht man unter anderem adaequates Wissen ueber die Verkehrss... more Um die Verkehrspolitik zu steuern braucht man unter anderem adaequates Wissen ueber die Verkehrssicherheitssituation. Zu diesem Zweck hat das Zentrum fuer Transport und Navigation (Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart) des Niederlaendischen Verkehrsministeriums (Rijskwaterstaat) in den Jahren 2004 und 2005 eine Pilotstudie durchgefuehrt, um einen Ueberblick ueber die Entwicklung von Unfallmengen unterschiedlichen Typs zu erhalten. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass Alleinunfaelle von Fussgaengern und Radfahrern zahlenmaessig besonders stark zugenommen hatten. Das Niederlaendische Institut fuer Verkehrssicherheitsforschung (Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid - SWOV) hat schon 1989 gezeigt, dass hohe Anteile von Fussgaenger- und Radfahrerunfaellen und von Verletzten im Rahmen solcher Unfaelle in der Statistik nicht aufscheinen. Stuerze von Fussgaengern, die man ja als Fussgaengeralleinunfaelle bezeichnen koennte, erscheinen in der Unfallstatistik ueberhaupt nicht, offenbar ...
Walking is an essential form of human mobility. In policy making, however, pedestrians are largel... more Walking is an essential form of human mobility. In policy making, however, pedestrians are largely neglected. This dissertation explores how the system for pedestrians works and what steps authorities can take to improve conditions for pedestrians, walking and sojourning in public space. It outlines an effective and fair approach by redefining the domain. Methorst combines, triangulates and advances available information, data and statistics.
Many studies have found bicycle-motor vehicle crashes to be more likely on bidirectional cycle pa... more Many studies have found bicycle-motor vehicle crashes to be more likely on bidirectional cycle paths than on unidirectional cycle paths because drivers do not expect cyclists riding at the right side of the road. In this paper we discuss the hypothesis that opening all unidirectional cycle paths for cycle traffic in both directions prevent this lack of expectancy and accordingly improves cycling safety. A new national standard requires careful consideration because a reversal is difficult once cyclists are used to their new freedom of route choice. We therefore explored the hypothesis using available data, research, and theories. The results show that of the length of cycle paths along distributor roads in the Netherlands, 72% is bidirectional. If drivers would become used to cyclists riding at the left side of the road, this result raises the question of why bidirectional cycle paths in the Netherlands still have a poor safety record compared to unidirectional cycle paths. Moreover...
At present policy development regarding pedestrian needs is generally problem oriented, ad hoc an... more At present policy development regarding pedestrian needs is generally problem oriented, ad hoc and rather fragmented. Following transport, urban planning and safety management, where a quality oriented systems approach is now State-of-the-Art, it is expected that In most countries- The Netherlands is no exception- policy regarding walking is fo... more In most countries- The Netherlands is no exception- policy regarding walking is focussed on solving urgent problems. A problem becomes urgent when it affects citizens in such a way that they ask the authorities to take action. Serious accidents have the same effect. In most cases these problems are very specific and localised. Consequently, apart from implicit policy and development planning activities, policy measures regarding pedestrian issues are predominantly demand driven and concentrated on safety issues. Citizens generally do not ask for a holistic or systems approach. In the 90-s the pro-active Sustainable Road Safety vision was introduced (Koornstra e.a., 1992). Current Policy makers realise that a systems approach has the best potentials for lasting results. As a first step the road system was re-classified and more than half of the urban area is now ‘traffic calmed’. Pedestrians and cyclists benefit from these structural interventions. Up till now the pro-...
Car use has affected life styles and land use patterns. There has been a decentralization of acti... more Car use has affected life styles and land use patterns. There has been a decentralization of activities like living, working, services and recreation. People nowadays want to grow old in place. National, regional and local policies are directed at this wish. However, the future elderly need to be mobile to function properly in society. Over the next 30 years the proportion of the elderly in the population will increase. The elderly will gain political power, be better educated, healthier, richer, more mobile and more demanding than the present elderly. Consequently land use demands will change. We need to forecast in what way and to what extent. With respect to land use, traffic safety is an important issue. From accident analysis we know that the elderly are not risky, but at risk. We also know that for the elderly the car is the safest transport mode and that at some point in time driving skills of the elderly decline and may become a problem. In order to provide for safe mobility...
The government of the Netherlands is looking for methods to structurally reduce the numbers of ro... more The government of the Netherlands is looking for methods to structurally reduce the numbers of road accidents and casualties. The policy with respect to vulnerable road users has not as yet been developed to any significant extent, even though there seems to be considerable potential here for reducing the total number of road accident casualties. After all, in terms of both numbers and
For some time now, a European Union-wide design philosophy for inner city shopping and high stree... more For some time now, a European Union-wide design philosophy for inner city shopping and high streets known as Shared Space has been fully incorporated in German and Dutch regulations. Shared Space project implementation already has affected city planning of sensitive streets and open spaces. Mutual agreement among motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians concerning the widest possible elimination of traffic controls, light signals, and signing forms the basis of the measures. Case study investigation reveals that improved traffic safety might generally be achieved. Conflicts have also arisen at the same time, revealing the requirements and limits on the range of applications. The authors examine views on Shared Space, provide case studies, define and classify Shared Space, and discuss the effects and evaluations of Shared Space.
Het voetgangerslicht kan beter aan het begin van de oversteekplaats worden gezet en niet meer aan... more Het voetgangerslicht kan beter aan het begin van de oversteekplaats worden gezet en niet meer aan de overkant. Sensoren signaleren de overstekers, zetten het rijverkeer stop en geven dat weer groen zodra de voetganger aan de overkant is. Dit is de lijn waarlangs experimenten moeten worden gehouden en die vooral de positie verbeteren van ouderen en slechtzienden. Zij hebben dan geen zorg meer wanneer ze mogen oversteken en of ze genoeg tijd hebben om over te komen.
This paper takes a look at the role of the pedestrian in the Netherlands, and how improvements ca... more This paper takes a look at the role of the pedestrian in the Netherlands, and how improvements can be made in the areas of safety, city planning, and living conditions. It also examines demographic trends, educational levels, employment trends in the Netherlands.
In 2006 the French, Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch ministries of Transport joint forces in the so c... more In 2006 the French, Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch ministries of Transport joint forces in the so called ERANET ENT 15 Sleepiness behind the Wheel project. The object of the project was to understand sleepiness behind the wheel – prevalence, risk mechanisms and to identify effective countermeasures to tackle sleepiness behind the wheel. National consortia were formed to do the research. Studies were carried out regarding: crash studies (case-control design, including 408 crashes and 2,308 interviews from controls at the same locations in Sweden)\ studies on the effectiveness of existing countermeasures taken by drivers (open window, radio, physical exercise, coffee, blue light) study on prediction and/or detection methods for assessing the risk of sleepiness accidents study on risk factors behind sleepiness that can be tackled on the short, mid and/or long term elaboration of most promising prevention and correction strategies for easing off the risk of sleepiness-related driving iden...
In research, policy making and implementation concerning the safe mobility and the quality of lif... more In research, policy making and implementation concerning the safe mobility and the quality of life of pedestrians is a rather neglected issue. The difficulties arising from long neglect are so substantial that new research activities and innovative approaches are needed to build on the available knowledge and to further develop the insights gained from earlier projects in order to make a difference to pedestrian conditions in towns and villages in Europe and elsewhere.
The PhD study concerns research into the current and desired state of affairs regarding the freed... more The PhD study concerns research into the current and desired state of affairs regarding the freedom of movement, mobility and safety of pedestrians. In order to better facilitate walking and staying, the public space must be redistributed and innovatively redesigned. In future cities walking will become increasingly important. Until now, pedestrians have not been sufficiently visible on the street, and in statistics, research and policy. The study shows how important it is to pay attention to the pedestrian, walking and staying in public space. The aim of the study to describe, combine and build on what is known about pedestrians, walking and staying in public spaces, and about effective and fair policies to perpetuate and improve the conditions in this regard. To this end, the system (process, context and content) was modelled, it was determined which system requirements should be set, to what extent the current situation complies with them and what can be done (in a general sense) to better enable walking and staying. In order to be able to comprehensively describe what is known about pedestrians, walking and staying in public space, key concepts are (re)defined to better align with the interests of the pedestrian. The domain is conceptually sketched. These insights were used to explore available scientific and (grey) practice literature and (statistical) databases through basic scoping review principles. Where necessary, the best possible estimates were made to quantitatively and qualitatively describe relevant phenomena. The result of the study is a comprehensive overview of needs, problems and targeted policy advice to better support walking and staying. The most important controls that policymakers can turn are fact-finding, professionalism, management and distribution of resources and manpower, communication and the operational implementation organisation. Additional Information (Optional): The presentation concerns a dissertation on pedestrian policy developmnent presented and accepted at Delft Technical University on the 3rd of February 2021. Due to the COVID-19 crisis the desertation work has not yet been presented internatiuonally. The dissertation is a follow-up of the COST358 Pedestrians Quality Needs project, which was a major theme at the WALK21 2010 in The Hague. The titel of the dissertation is 'Exploring the Pedestrians Realm - an overview of insights needed for developing a generative systems approacht to walkability'. The dissertation is published at Delft university and downloadable from the Delft University Repository.
Papers by Rob Methorst
In future cities walking will become increasingly important. Until now, pedestrians have not been sufficiently visible on the street, and in statistics, research and policy. The study shows how important it is to pay attention to the pedestrian, walking and staying in public space.
The aim of the study to describe, combine and build on what is known about pedestrians, walking and staying in public spaces, and about effective and fair policies to perpetuate and improve the conditions in this regard. To this end, the system (process, context and content) was modelled, it was determined which system requirements should be set, to what extent the current situation complies with them and what can be done (in a general sense) to better enable walking and staying.
In order to be able to comprehensively describe what is known about pedestrians, walking and staying in public space, key concepts are (re)defined to better align with the interests of the pedestrian. The domain is conceptually sketched. These insights were used to explore available scientific and (grey) practice literature and (statistical) databases through basic scoping review principles. Where necessary, the best possible estimates were made to quantitatively and qualitatively describe relevant phenomena.
The result of the study is a comprehensive overview of needs, problems and targeted policy advice to better support walking and staying. The most important controls that policymakers can turn are fact-finding, professionalism, management and distribution of resources and manpower, communication and the operational implementation organisation.
Additional Information (Optional):
The presentation concerns a dissertation on pedestrian policy developmnent presented and accepted at Delft Technical University on the 3rd of February 2021. Due to the COVID-19 crisis the desertation work has not yet been presented internatiuonally. The dissertation is a follow-up of the COST358 Pedestrians Quality Needs project, which was a major theme at the WALK21 2010 in The Hague. The titel of the dissertation is 'Exploring the Pedestrians Realm - an overview of insights needed for developing a generative systems approacht to walkability'. The dissertation is published at Delft university and downloadable from the Delft University Repository.