Wooden parts, from the simplest utensils to furniture, and the basic components of house construc... more Wooden parts, from the simplest utensils to furniture, and the basic components of house construction, have been present since ancient times. It should be noted that almost any householder could provide the minimum number of parts needed in a household. The basic craftsmen in making the furniture were carpenters and joiners, who, in addition to work performed in their own household, were also employed in guilds, workshops and later in factories. Initially, the carpenters, who were involved in the construction of the houses, also made the necessary furniture. Starting with the 19th century, and in the peasant household with the end of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century, in addition to the carpenter's furniture the joiner's (city) furniture appears. This delimitation of craftsmen in the carpenters and joiners is based on the tools used, the joining techniques, as well as the characteristic ornamentation; however this division is a conventional one without prec...
This article will follow the evolution of dowry boxes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova... more This article will follow the evolution of dowry boxes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (late nineteenth century – mid-twentieth century), the role of external influence, the Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian, which left its mark on the type of decoration to these boxes. It will also be followed, the place and the way of their execution. The peasant’s economic factor and the social condition led to a different number and different quality of the dowry boxes, made by local craftsmen or purchased in fairs and cities. Models of dowry boxes made of joiners or carpentries, differed according to the way of joining and decoration techniques (notching, painting, carving, etc.), each in its own way presenting special artistry. The field research on the Republic of Moldova’s entire territory (2.3 localities from each district of the Republic), related to historical data and literature, has allowed classification of crates and their dating in its historical evolution. This classificati...
Mobilierul țărănesc este parte componentă a artei populare, care<br> își merită pe deplin d... more Mobilierul țărănesc este parte componentă a artei populare, care<br> își merită pe deplin dreptul în cadrul istoriei artei. Stilul popular pentru<br> fiecare popor are unele particularități artistice ce îl caracterizează.<br> Desigur unele elemente şi motive ornamentale au fost influențate de<br> popoarele vecine şi de popoarele cotropitoare care şi-au lăsat amprenta.<br> În unele cazuri stilul popular s-a dezvoltat independent, dar<br> în care se regăsesc şi unele caracteristici comune prezente şi la alte<br> popoare, unica ce îl diferențiază este compoziția de ansamblu. Urmărirea<br> mobilierului țărănesc, identificat pe întregul areal basarabean,<br> cât şi analiza comparativă în literatura de specialitate a permis evidențierea<br> particularităților artistice a mobilierului ţărănesc, în particular<br> cel basarabean de la sfârșitul sec. al XIX-lea – începutul sec. XX.<br> Simțul artistic al țăranului sau a m...
Elemente inspirate din arhitectură și reflectate în mobilierul țărănesc de pe teritoriul Republic... more Elemente inspirate din arhitectură și reflectate în mobilierul țărănesc de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova
In this article, our attention is focused on the BED as an element of peasant furniture, on the t... more In this article, our attention is focused on the BED as an element of peasant furniture, on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (late nineteenth century - mid-twentieth century). The bed derives in most cases from the bench. As furniture with a special shape, the bed appears in the rural house in the 19th century, first in wealthy families. It is more widespread in the interwar period and after the Second World War. According to the system of joining the parts, the classification of beds can be divided into two categories: beds joined in «feather and gutter»; beds joined with «plug and hollow». The tables present the largest decoration of the bed through various wavy profiles, through variations of planes, turned parts, in rare cases decorated with simple paintings or by imitation veneer. The detailed analysis of the peasant furniture, and of the beds, in particular, starting from the craftsman, who made this furniture, the execution and decoration technique used, tell us about...
Wooden parts, from the simplest utensils to furniture, and the basic components of house construc... more Wooden parts, from the simplest utensils to furniture, and the basic components of house construction, have been present since ancient times. It should be noted that almost any householder could provide the minimum number of parts needed in a household. The basic craftsmen in making the furniture were carpenters and joiners, who, in addition to work performed in their own household, were also employed in guilds, workshops and later in factories. Initially, the carpenters, who were involved in the construction of the houses, also made the necessary furniture. Starting with the 19th century, and in the peasant household with the end of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century, in addition to the carpenter's furniture the joiner's (city) furniture appears. This delimitation of craftsmen in the carpenters and joiners is based on the tools used, the joining techniques, as well as the characteristic ornamentation; however this division is a conventional one without prec...
This article will follow the evolution of dowry boxes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova... more This article will follow the evolution of dowry boxes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (late nineteenth century – mid-twentieth century), the role of external influence, the Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian, which left its mark on the type of decoration to these boxes. It will also be followed, the place and the way of their execution. The peasant’s economic factor and the social condition led to a different number and different quality of the dowry boxes, made by local craftsmen or purchased in fairs and cities. Models of dowry boxes made of joiners or carpentries, differed according to the way of joining and decoration techniques (notching, painting, carving, etc.), each in its own way presenting special artistry. The field research on the Republic of Moldova’s entire territory (2.3 localities from each district of the Republic), related to historical data and literature, has allowed classification of crates and their dating in its historical evolution. This classificati...
Mobilierul țărănesc este parte componentă a artei populare, care<br> își merită pe deplin d... more Mobilierul țărănesc este parte componentă a artei populare, care<br> își merită pe deplin dreptul în cadrul istoriei artei. Stilul popular pentru<br> fiecare popor are unele particularități artistice ce îl caracterizează.<br> Desigur unele elemente şi motive ornamentale au fost influențate de<br> popoarele vecine şi de popoarele cotropitoare care şi-au lăsat amprenta.<br> În unele cazuri stilul popular s-a dezvoltat independent, dar<br> în care se regăsesc şi unele caracteristici comune prezente şi la alte<br> popoare, unica ce îl diferențiază este compoziția de ansamblu. Urmărirea<br> mobilierului țărănesc, identificat pe întregul areal basarabean,<br> cât şi analiza comparativă în literatura de specialitate a permis evidențierea<br> particularităților artistice a mobilierului ţărănesc, în particular<br> cel basarabean de la sfârșitul sec. al XIX-lea – începutul sec. XX.<br> Simțul artistic al țăranului sau a m...
Elemente inspirate din arhitectură și reflectate în mobilierul țărănesc de pe teritoriul Republic... more Elemente inspirate din arhitectură și reflectate în mobilierul țărănesc de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova
In this article, our attention is focused on the BED as an element of peasant furniture, on the t... more In this article, our attention is focused on the BED as an element of peasant furniture, on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (late nineteenth century - mid-twentieth century). The bed derives in most cases from the bench. As furniture with a special shape, the bed appears in the rural house in the 19th century, first in wealthy families. It is more widespread in the interwar period and after the Second World War. According to the system of joining the parts, the classification of beds can be divided into two categories: beds joined in «feather and gutter»; beds joined with «plug and hollow». The tables present the largest decoration of the bed through various wavy profiles, through variations of planes, turned parts, in rare cases decorated with simple paintings or by imitation veneer. The detailed analysis of the peasant furniture, and of the beds, in particular, starting from the craftsman, who made this furniture, the execution and decoration technique used, tell us about...
Papers by elena Madan