Keith Cheverst, Nigel Davies, Keith Mitchell, Adrian Friday
Publication date
Proceedings of the 6th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking
The GUIDE system has been developed to provide city visitors with a hand-held context-aware tourist guide. The system has been successfully deployed in a major tourist destination and is currently at the stage where it is publicly available to visitors who wish to explore the city. Reaching this stage has been the culmination of a number of distinct research efforts. In more detail, the development of GUIDE has involved: capturing a real set of application requirements, investigating the properties of a cell-based wireless communications technology in a built-up environment and deploying a network based on this technology around the city, designing and populating an information model to represent attractions and key buildings within the city, prototyping the development of a distributed application running across portable GUIDE units and stationary cell-servers and finally, evaluating the entire system during an …
Total citations
Scholar articles
K Cheverst, N Davies, K Mitchell, A Friday - Proceedings of the 6th annual international conference …, 2000