Explanation through argumentation
… for explanation, whether the explanation was accepted, and whether the explanation had any
… of the efficacy of argumentation as a means to facilitate explanation in a Human/AI System. …
… of the efficacy of argumentation as a means to facilitate explanation in a Human/AI System. …
Making sense of argumentation and explanation
LK Berland, BJ Reiser - Science education, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
… by using it to explain the challenges that learners … of explanation and argumentation. We
begin by briefly reviewing the ways in which the two practices of explanation and argumentation …
begin by briefly reviewing the ways in which the two practices of explanation and argumentation …
Combining explanation and argumentation in dialogue
… Furthermore, confusion of argumentation and explanation … the use of either argumentative
or explanatory techniques may … In this paper, we discuss argumentation and explanation and …
or explanatory techniques may … In this paper, we discuss argumentation and explanation and …
Elementary students' views of explanation, argumentation, and evidence, and their abilities to construct arguments over the school year
KL McNeill - Journal of research in science teaching, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
… the practice is referred to as explanation or argument, and not on … explanation, argumentation,
and evidence as well as examining how students' abilities to construct scientific arguments …
and evidence as well as examining how students' abilities to construct scientific arguments …
[PDF][PDF] Can argumentation help AI to understand explanation?
D Walton - Künstliche Intell., 2008 - researchgate.net
… argumentation methodology works on the concept of explanation by transforming an example
of an explanation … of extending argumentation theory to the concept of explanation is still at …
of an explanation … of extending argumentation theory to the concept of explanation is still at …
Argumentation and explanation in the law
A Rotolo, G Sartor - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2023 - frontiersin.org
… some definitions of explanation in the context of formal legal argumentation, showing a …
and explanation. We also investigate the notion of stable normative explanation developed …
and explanation. We also investigate the notion of stable normative explanation developed …
The added value of argumentation
… There are two types of arguments; positive arguments are used to explain (or argue) why a
certain learning example is in the class as given, and negative arguments are used to explain …
certain learning example is in the class as given, and negative arguments are used to explain …
Abstract argumentation and explanation applied to scientific debates
… 2 by explicating the close relation between argumentation and explanation, on the basis of
which we will motivate the significance as well as the structure of our framework. In Sect. 3 we …
which we will motivate the significance as well as the structure of our framework. In Sect. 3 we …
Argumentation and reasoning
BB Schwarz, CSC Asterhan - International handbook of …, 2010 - books.google.com
… Both explanation and argumentation are considered valuable activities that are thought to …
The importance of distinguishing between argumentation and explanation is not only a matter …
The importance of distinguishing between argumentation and explanation is not only a matter …
Argumentation and explainable artificial intelligence: a survey
… We can see that any AI system that chooses Argumentation as its reasoning mechanism
for explaining its decision can gain great Explainability capabilities and provide explanations …
for explaining its decision can gain great Explainability capabilities and provide explanations …