User profiles for Paul S. Babyn

Paul Babyn

University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine
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Cited by 23002

US or CT for Diagnosis of Appendicitis in Children and Adults? A Meta-Analysis1

…, M Epelman, J Beyene, S Schuh, PS Babyn… - Radiology, 2006 -
Purpose: To perform a meta-analysis to evaluate the diagnostic performance of ultrasonography
(US) and computed tomography (CT) for the diagnosis of appendicitis in pediatric and …

Principles, techniques, and applications of T2*-based MR imaging and its special applications

GB Chavhan, PS Babyn, B Thomas, MM Shroff… - Radiographics, 2009 -
T2* relaxation refers to decay of transverse magnetization caused by a combination of spin-spin
relaxation and magnetic field inhomogeneity. T2* relaxation is seen only with gradient-…

Steady-state MR imaging sequences: physics, classification, and clinical applications

GB Chavhan, PS Babyn, BG Jankharia, HLM Cheng… - Radiographics, 2008 -
Steady-state sequences are a class of rapid magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques
based on fast gradient-echo acquisitions in which both longitudinal magnetization (LM) and …

Necrotizing enterocolitis: assessment of bowel viability with color Doppler US

R Faingold, A Daneman, G Tomlinson, PS Babyn… - Radiology, 2005 -
PURPOSE: To determine whether absence of bowel wall perfusion at color Doppler
ultrasonography (US) is indicative of bowel necrosis in neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)…

Wilms tumour: prognostic factors, staging, therapy and late effects

SC Kaste, JS Dome, PS Babyn, NM Graf, P Grundy… - Pediatric …, 2008 - Springer
Wilms tumour is the most common malignant renal tumour in children. Dramatic
improvements in survival have occurred as the result of advances in anaesthetic and surgical …

Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts

CP Murray, SJ Yoo, PS Babyn - Pediatric radiology, 2003 - Springer
Background A congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt (CEPS) is uncommon. A type 1
CEPS exists where there is absence of intrahepatic portal venous supply and a type 2 CEPS …

Pulmonary thromboembolism in children

PS Babyn, HK Gahunia, P Massicotte - Pediatric radiology, 2005 - Springer
Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) is uncommonly diagnosed in the pediatric patient, and
indeed often only discovered on autopsy. The incidence of pediatric PTE depends upon the …

Effect of anesthesia and sedation on pediatric MR imaging patient flow

SA Vanderby, PS Babyn, MW Carter, SM Jewell… - Radiology, 2010 -
Purpose To determine the effect of sedative and anesthetic administration on the duration
and costs of pediatric magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Materials and Methods This …

EOS low-dose radiography: a reliable and accurate upright assessment of lower-limb lengths

…, AC Weathermon, J Acharya, CL Gordon, PS Babyn… - JBJS, 2013 -
Background: Children with lower-limb-length discrepancy require repeated radiographic
assessment for monitoring and as a guide for management. The need for accurate assessment …

Müllerian duct anomalies and mimics in children and adolescents: correlative intraoperative assessment with clinical imaging

…, LM Allen, RF Spitzer, KL Lucco, PS Babyn… - Radiographics, 2009 -
Müllerian duct anomalies (MDAs) are congenital entities that result from nondevelopment,
defective vertical or lateral fusion, or resorption failure of the müllerian (paramesonephric) …