Persistently ε-optimal strategies

LE Dubins, WD Sudderth - Mathematics of Operations …, 1977 -
… Since it is already relatively rare for optimal strategies to exist. it is to be expected that for
only very special problems will persistently optimal strategies exist. On the other hand, for …

An optimal control approach to the multi-agent persistent monitoring problem in two-dimensional spaces

X Lin, CG Cassandras - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2014 -
… estimate ˆJ(Υ) of J(Υ) the error W(Υ)= ˆJ(Υ) − J(Υ) has a symmetric pdf, then the Markov
process {Υk} generated by the Stochastic Comparison algorithm will converge to an ϵ-optimal

Markov decision models with weighted discounted criteria

EA Feinberg, A Shwartz - Mathematics of Operations …, 1994 -
… We exhibit e-optimal Markov strategies which are stationary from some time onward. When
… for the computation of such strategies and give a description of the set of optimal strategies. …

Persistent monitoring of events with stochastic arrivals at multiple stations

J Yu, S Karaman, D Rus - IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2015 -
… First, we propose a novel persistent monitoring and data collection problem, with the unique
feature that the precise arrival times of events are unknown a priori, but their statistics are …

Existence of optimal strategies in zero-sum nonstationary stochastic games with lack of information on both sides

AS Nowak - SIAM journal on control and optimization, 1989 - SIAM
This paper studies a zero-sum discrete-time stochastic game model with Borel state and
action spaces. The law of motion of the system in the model is assumed to be nonstationary. …

Optimal learning with endogenous data

D Easley, NM Kiefer - International Economic Review, 1989 - JSTOR
… It is shown that there is always an ε-optimal policy that allows the decision maker to learn
any identified parameters, but that there are other ε-optimal policies with very different limit …

Impulsive control for continuous-time Markov decision processes

F Dufour, AB Piunovskiy - Advances in Applied Probability, 2015 -
… action correspondingly to obtain an optimal or ε-optimal strategy. An interesting consequence
of our previous results is as follows: the set of strategies that allow interventions at time t = …

Stochastic -Optimal Linear Quadratic Adaptation: An Alternating Controls Policy

PE Caines, D Levanony - SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2019 - SIAM
This paper presents a continuous time stochastic linear quadratic (LQ) adaptive control algorithm
for completely observed linear stochastic systems with unknown parameters. Based on …

Synthesis of discounted-reward optimal policies for Markov decision processes under linear temporal logic specifications

KC Kalagarla, R Jain, P Nuzzo - arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.00632, 2020 -
… It is, however, less effective for the specification of persistent tasks such as … ϵ-optimal policies
for discounted rewards and a subclass of LTL formulae, or provide Pareto efficient policies

Optimal market making with persistent order flow

P Jusselin - SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 2021 - SIAM
… the strategy δ0 globally generates spreads that are larger than the ones corresponding to
the strategies δ1 and δ2. We also see that δ2 generates smaller spreads than the strategy δ1. …