How this document has been cited

Planned Parenthood could bring public nuisance action on behalf of patients who sustained special injury in nature of interference with right to obtain abortion
However, a private plaintiff will be allowed to maintain a public nuisance action where that plaintiff can "show that the public nuisance has caused some special injury of a direct and substantial character other than that which the general public shares."
In her report, the special master found that, by virtue of their organizational functions, plaintiffs CPCS and HCLJ have proper representative standing for persons (including criminal defendants) whose rights are implicated by the issues underlying the petition.
Nonetheless, a plaintiff may have standing to assert the rights of a third party under jus tertii standing.
- in Kligler v. Attorney General, 2022 and one similar citation
It is clear that the independent review standard applies where the lower court's decision upheld a limit on expressive activity.
- in T & D VIDEO, INC. v. City of Revere, 2006 and one similar citation
—the Supreme Judicial Court upheld an injunction against a woman who (in violation of prior injunctions to which she was subject) physically blocked and screamed at patients in the street and posed as a facility escort.

Cited by

493 Mass. 348 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 2024
490 Mass. 37 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 2022
491 Mass. 38 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 2022
848 NE 2d 1221 - Mass: Appeals Court 2006