How this document has been cited

—was a prosecution for perjury, it was said that it must be alleged in the indictment that the matter sworn to was material, or the facts set forth as falsely and corruptly sworn to should be sufficient in themselves to show such materiality.
- in United States v. Edmondson, 1969 and 4 similar citations
And when a party is indicted for perjury in giving testimony on the trial of an issue in Court, proof that his testimony was admitted on that trial is not sufficient to warrant a Jury, on the trial of the indictment, to infer that such testimony was material to the issue.
- in A Treatise on the Law of Evidence and 3 similar citations
To sustain a conviction for perjury, false testimony must be given "in a matter material to the issue or point in question." GLc 268, § 1.
- in Commonwealth v. Borans, 1979 and 3 similar citations
This court, in discussing an indictment for perjury in a judicial proceeding, said that a wilfully false answer "if it be of no importance and immaterial... is not perjury, because it does not affect the issue," although "[i] t is enough if...[the answer is] circumstantially material, though not in itself sufficient to establish the issue."
- in Commonwealth v. Giles, 1966 and 2 similar citations
To convict the defendant of perjury, there must be two witnesses to negative the truth of the matter upon which the crime is assigned
—but an indictment will not be defective for failure to include it as an element if sufficient facts are set forth in the indictment to establish materiality.

Cited by

481 NE 2d 523 - Mass: Appeals Court 1985
410 F. 2d 670 - Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit 1969
160 US 319 - Supreme Court 1895
S Greenleaf… - 2024
434 Mass. 670 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 2001
393 NE 2d 911 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 1979
252 NE 2d 220 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 1969
228 NE 2d 70 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 1967
213 NE 2d 476 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 1966
180 NE 2d 83 - Mass: Supreme Judicial Court 1962