How this document has been cited

"As a result of the acts of the Legislature our school system is not of mere local concern but it is statewide. While a school district is local in territorial limits, it is an integral part of the vast school system which is coextensive with the confines of the State of Texas."
VII, Sec. 1 "A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the icy of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools." a.
The courts have consistently given the legislature wide latitude to carry out the command of Section 1
As long as the entity is clearly able to repay its obligations within statutory and constitutional limitations, legislation reducing the entity's tax base does not impair the obligation of contracts.
- in Edgewood Independent Sch. Dist. v. Meno, 1995 and one similar citation
Op. not School district bondholder might complain of 22 Gammel's Laws, p. 435, reducing area of district as violating contract rights, where remaining area would raise sufficient tax to satisfy claims.
- in Vernon's Texas Statutes: 1972 Supplement... Including General and Permanent …
—article VII, section 3 powers given Legislature as means to accomplish mandate of article VII, section 1, including authority to provide " `for the management and control of the public school or schools of such districts,'"are" continuing, and in nature they are such as not to be delegable
Since at time of tax levy for bonded school indebtedness property had been taken out of district, old school district was not entitled to such taxes.
- in Vernon's Texas Statutes: 1972 Supplement... Including General and Permanent …