How this document has been cited

And that is because, as the Supreme Court recently related in its Alston decision, the "NCAA's Division I essentially is the relevant market for elite college football and basketball," and "student-athletes have nowhere else [other than NCAA member schools] to sell their labor."
- in Bowen v. ADIDAS AMERICA INC., 2023 and 65 similar citations
—holding that the district court did not err in finding that the NCAA violated the Sherman Act by limiting the education-related benefits schools could offer student-athletes
- in Samuel M. Roth and 66 similar citations
Determining whether a restraint is undue for purposes of the Sherman Act `presumptively'calls for what we have described as a `rule of reason analysis
The Supreme Court affirmed a judgment that evaluated the NCAA's limit on student-athlete compensation under the rule of reason.
- in United States v. MANAHE, 2022 and 31 similar citations
Collaboration between the defendants is not required in order to create a new product or market that could not otherwise exist.
The Supreme Court said such quick-look condemnations should be rare, explaining, "we take special care not to deploy these condemnatory tools until we have amassed `considerable experience with the type of restraint at issue'and `can predict with confidence that it would be invalidated in all or almost all instances.'"
- in DESLANDES v. McDONALD'S USA, LLC, 2022 and 36 similar citations
Though the Rule of Reason is not a "rote checklist," it also generally requires the parties to produce, and the court to evaluate, evidence regarding a restraint's anticompetitive effects, its procompetitive benefits, and whether there are less restrictive means of accomplishing those benefits.
- in Honey Bum, LLC v. Fashion Nova, Inc., 2023 and 33 similar citations
—college athletes brought suit against the NCAA, claiming its agreement with member schools to limit compensation to student athletes amounted to an unlawful restraint of trade in violation of the Sherman Act.
- in United States v. MANAHE, 2022 and 33 similar citations
Moreover, the "NCAA enjoys near complete dominance" of the labor market "for elite college football [.]"
- in HAW v. NCAA, 2024 and 32 similar citations
Under this rule, the plaintiff has the initial burden to show the challenged activity's "substantial anticompetitive effect."
- in MATTER OF MAUI ELEC. COMPANY, LTD., 2022 and 26 similar citations

Cited by

84 F. 4th 166 - Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit 2023
67 F. 4th 946 - Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit 2023
97 Cal. App. 5th 587 - Cal: Court of Appeal, 1st Appellate Dist., 2nd Div. 2023
Dist. Court, D. Maine 2022
559 F. Supp. 3d 898 - Dist. Court, ND California 2021
Dist. Court, ND Illinois 2021
309 A. 3d 64 - Md: Appellate Court 2024
Dist. Court, WD Tennessee 2022