Evidence for a Ru Kondo Lattice in LaCuRuO

S Riegg, S Widmann, B Meir, S Sterz… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2016 - arxiv.org
S Riegg, S Widmann, B Meir, S Sterz, A Guenther, N Buettgen, SG Ebbinghaus, A Reller…
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.01350, 2016arxiv.org
Rare $ d $-electron derived heavy-fermion properties of the solid-solution series LaCu $ _3
$ Ru $ _x $ Ti $ _ {4-x} $ O $ _ {12} $ were studied for $1\leq x\leq 4$ by resistivity,
susceptibility, specific-heat measurements, and magnetic-resonance techniques. The pure
ruthenate ($ x= 4$) is a heavy-fermion metal characterized by a resistivity proportional to $
T^ 2$ at low temperatures $ T $. The coherent Kondo lattice formed by the localized Ru 4$ d
$ electrons is screened by the conduction electrons leading to strongly enhanced effective …
Rare -electron derived heavy-fermion properties of the solid-solution series LaCuRuTiO were studied for by resistivity, susceptibility, specific-heat measurements, and magnetic-resonance techniques. The pure ruthenate () is a heavy-fermion metal characterized by a resistivity proportional to at low temperatures . The coherent Kondo lattice formed by the localized Ru 4 electrons is screened by the conduction electrons leading to strongly enhanced effective electron masses. By increasing titanium substitution the Kondo lattice becomes diluted resulting in single-ion Kondo properties like in the paradigm -based heavy-fermion compound CeLaCuSi [M. Ocko {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{64}, 195106 (2001)]. In LaCuRuTiO the heavy-fermion behavior finally breaks down on crossing the metal-to-insulator transition close to .