Search for the rare decays and
A Aguilar-Arevalo, M Aoki, M Blecher, DI Britton… - Physical Review D, 2020 - APS
Physical Review D, 2020•APS
The rare pion decays π+→ μ+ ν μ ν ν¯ and π+→ e+ ν e ν ν¯ are allowed in the Standard
Model but highly suppressed. These decays were searched for using data from the PIENU
experiment. A first result for Γ (π+→ μ+ ν μ ν ν¯)/Γ (π+→ μ+ ν μ)< 8.6× 10-6 and an improved
measurement Γ (π+→ e+ ν e ν ν¯)/Γ (π+→ μ+ ν μ)< 1.6× 10-7 were obtained.
Model but highly suppressed. These decays were searched for using data from the PIENU
experiment. A first result for Γ (π+→ μ+ ν μ ν ν¯)/Γ (π+→ μ+ ν μ)< 8.6× 10-6 and an improved
measurement Γ (π+→ e+ ν e ν ν¯)/Γ (π+→ μ+ ν μ)< 1.6× 10-7 were obtained.
The rare pion decays and are allowed in the Standard Model but highly suppressed. These decays were searched for using data from the PIENU experiment. A first result for Γ(π+→μ+νμνν¯)/Γ(π+→μ+νμ)<8.6×10-6 and an improved measurement Γ(π+→e+νeνν¯)/Γ(π+→μ+νμ)<1.6×10-7 were obtained.