Flux pinning properties of superconductors with an array of blind holes
S Raedts, AV Silhanek, MJ Van Bael… - arXiv preprint cond-mat …, 2004 - arxiv.org
S Raedts, AV Silhanek, MJ Van Bael, VV Moshchalkov
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0403550, 2004•arxiv.orgWe performed ac-susceptibility measurements to explore the vortex dynamics and the flux
pinning properties of superconducting Pb films with an array of micro-holes (antidots) and
non-fully perforated holes (blind holes). A lower ac-shielding together with a smaller
extension of the linear regime for the lattice of blind holes indicates that these centers
provide a weaker pinning potential than antidots. Moreover, we found that the maximum
number of flux quanta trapped by a pinning site, ie the saturation number ns, is lower for the …
pinning properties of superconducting Pb films with an array of micro-holes (antidots) and
non-fully perforated holes (blind holes). A lower ac-shielding together with a smaller
extension of the linear regime for the lattice of blind holes indicates that these centers
provide a weaker pinning potential than antidots. Moreover, we found that the maximum
number of flux quanta trapped by a pinning site, ie the saturation number ns, is lower for the …
We performed ac-susceptibility measurements to explore the vortex dynamics and the flux pinning properties of superconducting Pb films with an array of micro-holes (antidots) and non-fully perforated holes (blind holes). A lower ac-shielding together with a smaller extension of the linear regime for the lattice of blind holes indicates that these centers provide a weaker pinning potential than antidots. Moreover, we found that the maximum number of flux quanta trapped by a pinning site, i.e. the saturation number ns, is lower for the blind hole array.