High-purity telecom-band entangled photon-pairs via four-wave mixing in dispersion-shifted fiber

KF Lee, J Chen, C Liang, X Li, PL Voss, P Kumar - Frontiers in Optics, 2005 - opg.optica.org
KF Lee, J Chen, C Liang, X Li, PL Voss, P Kumar
Frontiers in Optics, 2005opg.optica.org
High-Purity Telecom-Band Entangled Photon-Pairs via Four-Wave Mixing in Dispersion-Shifted
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We have studied the purity of entangled photon-pairs generated in a dispersion-shifted fiber at various temperatures. Two-photon interference with visibility> 98% is observed at 77K, without subtraction of the background Raman photons.