[PDF][PDF] Synchronous and asynchronous text-based CMC in educational contexts: A review of recent research.

G Johnson - TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve …, 2006 - jan.ucc.nau.edu
TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 2006jan.ucc.nau.edu
Volume 50, Number 4 TechTrends 4 of online learning”(National Center for Accessible
Media, 2005). Synchronous communication tools allow multiple users to communicate using
text messages and are a common instructional application of technology, although most
typically an optional course feature (Burnett, 2003). In a survey of educators, synchronous
chat was reportedly useful for “holding virtual office hours, team decision-making,
brainstorming, community building, and dealing with technical issues”(Branon & Essex …
Volume 50, Number 4 TechTrends 4 of online learning”(National Center for Accessible Media, 2005). Synchronous communication tools allow multiple users to communicate using text messages and are a common instructional application of technology, although most typically an optional course feature (Burnett, 2003). In a survey of educators, synchronous chat was reportedly useful for “holding virtual office hours, team decision-making, brainstorming, community building, and dealing with technical issues”(Branon & Essex, 2001, p. 36). Identified limitations associated with synchronous discussion included;“getting students online at the same time, difficulty in moderating largerscale conversations, lack of reflection time for students, and intimidation of poor typists”(p. 36). While synchronous discussions are more difficult to implement than asynchronous discussions,“they have the advantages of providing a greater sense of presence and generating spontaneity”(Hines & Pearl, 2004, p. 34).