Information streams sharing a finite buffer

EW Dijkstra - 1972 -
EW Dijkstra
The purpose of this letter is twofold: firstly to illustrate the usefulness of the notational
technique of the" conditional critical section" as dewvsloped by CAR Hoars and P. Brimch
Hansen, secondly to publish an algarithm% hat,= 2lthough trivial, is extremely us= ful when
you need it. We consider a number of producer/consumer fairs, where pair, is coupled via an
information stream containing n. oortions. We assume all oortions to be of equal length and
the finite buffer that should contain all portions af all streams to have a capacity of" tot" …
The purpose of this letter is twofold: firstly to illustrate the usefulness of the notational technique of the" conditional critical section" as dewvsloped by CAR Hoars and P. Brimch Hansen, secondly to publish an algarithm% hat,= 2lthough trivial, is extremely us= ful when you need it.
We consider a number of producer/consumer fairs, where pair, is coupled via an information stream containing n. oortions. We assume all oortions to be of equal length and the finite buffer that should contain all portions af all streams to have a capacity of" tot" portions.