Survey: The evolution of the usage of augmented reality in industry 4.0
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019•
Abstract The usage of Augmented Reality (AR) in industrial and modern manufacturing is
more and more growing since the fourth industrial revolution. Using AR boost the digitization
of the industrial production lines, gain time and money and improve maintenance tasks as
well as the human-machine interaction. This paper is a literature review of the use of AR in
industries including the use cases in different type of application such as design, simulation,
maintenance, remote assistance, human-robot interaction and robot programming.
more and more growing since the fourth industrial revolution. Using AR boost the digitization
of the industrial production lines, gain time and money and improve maintenance tasks as
well as the human-machine interaction. This paper is a literature review of the use of AR in
industries including the use cases in different type of application such as design, simulation,
maintenance, remote assistance, human-robot interaction and robot programming.
The usage of Augmented Reality (AR) in industrial and modern manufacturing is more and more growing since the fourth industrial revolution. Using AR boost the digitization of the industrial production lines, gain time and money and improve maintenance tasks as well as the human-machine interaction. This paper is a literature review of the use of AR in industries including the use cases in different type of application such as design, simulation, maintenance, remote assistance, human-robot interaction and robot programming.