Integrating the Kennesaw database courseware and other database coursewares in database classes

M Guimaraes - Proceedings of the 43rd annual Southeast regional …, 2005 -
M Guimaraes
Proceedings of the 43rd annual Southeast regional conference-Volume 1,
This tutorial will focus on a database courseware tool developed at Kennesaw State
University (KDC) available at http://coffee. kennesaw. edu/. It will also introduce participants
to other database courseware tools (particularly WinRDBI and other tools developed at
Arizona State University) that are also freely available on the web. The workshop will focus
on how to best incorporate the softwares in a classroom setting. Animations to teach the
following topics will be presented: Database Design (Problem Specification to ER Diagrams …
This tutorial will focus on a database courseware tool developed at Kennesaw State University (KDC) available at It will also introduce participants to other database courseware tools (particularly WinRDBI and other tools developed at Arizona State University) that are also freely available on the web. The workshop will focus on how to best incorporate the softwares in a classroom setting. Animations to teach the following topics will be presented: Database Design (Problem Specification to E-R Diagrams, E-R Diagrams to Tables, Normalization), Query Languages (Relational Algebra and SQL), Transaction Processing (PL/SQL, JDBC, Embedded SQL with C, Recovery, Concurrency, Triggers, Stored Procedures and Functions), and Object-Oriented DBMS. Similar workshops has been successfully presented at a Regional Conference and at an International Conference.
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