Medical nanobots

KL Kroeker - Communications of the ACM, 2009 -
KL Kroeker
Communications of the ACM,
Medical nanobots Page 1 18 commuNicaTioNS of The acm | SePteMber 2009 | voL. 52 | No. 9
news IMA GE C o UR TE s yo F M ETI n sITTI , C AR n EGIE M ELL on Un IVER s IT y
Technology | DOI:10.1145/1562164.1562172 Kirk L. Kroeker medical Nanobots Researchers
working in medical nanorobotics are creating technologies that could lead to novel health-care
applications, such as new ways of accessing areas of the human body that would otherwise be
unreachable without invasive surgery. SinCE KarEL CapEK first used the word “robot” in print in …
Researchers working in medical nanorobotics are creating technologies that could lead to novel health-care applications, such as new ways of accessing areas of the human body that would otherwise be unreachable without invasive surgery.
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