License risks from ad hoc reuse of code from the internet

M Sojer, J Henkel - Communications of the ACM, 2011 -
M Sojer, J Henkel
Communications of the ACM,
License risks from ad hoc reuse of code from the internet Page 1 74 CommunICatIonS of tHe
aCm | DeceMBer 2011 | voL. 54 | No. 12 contributed articles License Risks from ad Hoc Reuse
of Code from the Internet doI:10.1145/2043174.2043193 Software developers’ reuse of code
from the Internet bears legal and economic risks for their employers. BY manueL SoJeR and
JoaCHIm HenKeL includes permission to be reused in commercial software development,14
making it highly attractive for firms.Therefore, some firms systematically reuse it by including …
Software developers' reuse of code from the Internet bears legal and economic risks for their employers.
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