Gaining wisdom from crowds

N Savage - Communications of the ACM, 2012 -
Communications of the ACM,
Gaining wisdom from crowds Page 1 news mArCh 2012 | vol. 55 | No. 3 | coMMunicaTions of
The acM 13 sC reensho t C our te s yo F Fol D .I t ScienTisTs AT The Universi- ty of Washington
had strug- gled for more than a decade to discover the structure of a protein that helps the
human immunodeficiency virus multiply. Understanding its shape could aid them in developing
drugs to attack the virus, but the scientists had been unable to decipher it. So they turned to
colleagues who had developed Foldit, an online game that challenges players to rearrange …
Online games are harnessing humans' skills to solve scientific problems that are currently beyond the ability of computers.
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