[PDF][PDF] Google's hybrid approach to research

A Spector, P Norvig, S Petrov - Communications of the ACM, 2012 - dl.acm.org
Communications of the ACM, 2012dl.acm.org
Google's hybrid approach to research Page 1 34 CommuniCations oF the aCm | juLy
2012 | voL. 55 | no. 7 viewpoints Pho t ogra P hb yn iall Kenned y Viewpoint google’s hybrid
Approach to research By closely connecting research and development Google is able to
conduct experiments on an unprecedented scale, often resulting in new capabilities for the
company. DOI:10.1145/2209249.2209262 Alfred Spector, Peter Norvig, and Slav Petrov In
This ViewPoinT, we describe how we organize computer sci- ence research at Google. We …
By closely connecting research and development Google is able to conduct experiments on an unprecedented scale, often resulting in new capabilities for the company.
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