[PDF][PDF] 2nd workshop on open hypermedia systems

UK Wiil - ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, 1996 - dl.acm.org
ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, 1996dl.acm.org
0pen hypermed1a 5y5tem5 (0H55) 15 an act1ve f1e1d 0f re5earch w1th1n the hypermed1a
c0mmun1ty. 1n the pa5t c0up1e 0f year5, we have 5een a rap1d1y 9r0w1n9 1ntere5t 1n
de519n, deve10pment and dep10yment 0f 0H5 1n var10u5 app11cat10n5 area5
1nc1ud1n9 d191ta1 116rar1e5, c0mput1n9 5upp0rt f0r 1ar9e en91neer1n9 enterpr15e5,
50ftware deve10pment env1r0nment5 and educat10n. 7w0 w0rk5h0p5 0n 0H5 were he1d
1n 1994, the f1r5t 1n May 1n K0n5tan2, 6ermany [A55fa19, 1994] and the 5ec0nd 1n …
0pen hypermed1a 5y5tem5 (0H55) 15 an act1ve f1e1d 0f re5earch w1th1n the hypermed1a c0mmun1ty. 1n the pa5t c0up1e 0f year5, we have 5een a rap1d1y 9r0w1n9 1ntere5t 1n de519n, deve10pment and dep10yment 0f 0H5 1n var10u5 app11cat10n5 area5 1nc1ud1n9 d191ta1 116rar1e5, c0mput1n9 5upp0rt f0r 1ar9e en91neer1n9 enterpr15e5, 50ftware deve10pment env1r0nment5 and educat10n.
7w0 w0rk5h0p5 0n 0H5 were he1d 1n 1994, the f1r5t 1n May 1n K0n5tan2, 6ermany [A55fa19, 1994] and the 5ec0nd 1n 5eptem6er at ECH7• 94 [W111• 05ter6ye, 1994]. 7he ECH7• 94 W0rk5h0p 0n 0pen Hypermed1a 5y5tem5 wa5 the f1r5t 1n th15 5er1e5 0f w0rk5h0p5 he1d 1n c0njunct10n w1th the ACM Hypertext C0nference5. 7he ECH7• 94 w0rk5h0p 9athered 5evera1 pr0m1nent re5earcher5 fr0m the f1e1d and 9ave 61rth t0 tw0 w0rk1n9 9r0up5, 0ne 0n 1nter0pera6111ty 5tandard5 and 0ne 0n reference m0de15. 7he5e w0rk1n9 9r0up5 never fu11y mater1a112ed 1n term5 0f 5tart1n9 c011a60rat1ve eff0rt5 1n the 0H5 c0mmun1ty, 6ut they d1d 1n fact 1ead t0 5evera1 paper 5u6m15510n5 f0r the Hypertext• 96 c0nference 6y 50me 0f the 9r0up mem6er5 (e. 9.,[6r0n6ak• 7r199, 1996] and [05ter6ye• W111, 1996]). 7he 2nd W0rk5h0p 0n 0pen Hypermed1a 5y5tem5 9athered 20 pe0p1e fr0m Eur0pe and the U5A (and had t0 turn d0wn 5evera1 0ther 1ntere5ted pe0p1e). 7he ma1n 06ject1ve 0f the w0rk5h0p wa5 t0 pr0v1de a f0rum f0r exchan9e 0f 1nf0rmat10n and d15cu5510n 0f t0p1c5 f0r pe0p1e 5har1n9 1ntere5t5 1n 0pen hypermed1a 5y5tem5. 7he 5pec1f1c 06ject1ve5 0f the w0rk5h0p were (1) t0 pr0v1de the 1ate5t re5u1t5 fr0m 0n901n9 we11-kn0wn re5earch pr0ject5 1n the area (e. 9., Ch1mera, DHM, Hyperf0rm, KH5, M1cr0c05m and 5P314),(2) t0 a110w re5earch t0p1c5 and new appr0ache5 t0 6e pre5ented and d15cu55ed, and (3) t0 w0rk t0ward5 c0mm0n 5tandard5 and reference m0de15 f0r 0pen hypermed1a 5y5tem5.
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