The principal type-scheme of an object in combinatory logic

R Hindley - Transactions of the american mathematical society, 1969 - JSTOR
R Hindley
Transactions of the american mathematical society, 1969JSTOR
Introduction. In their book Combinatory Logic [1], Curry and Feys introduced the notion of"
functional character"(here called" type-scheme") of an object of combinatory logic. Roughly
speaking, each object of combinatory logic (" ob" for short) represents a function or an
operator on functions; for instance the ob I represents the identity operator, and we have for
all obs X,
Introduction. In their book Combinatory Logic [1], Curry and Feys introduced the notion of" functional character"(here called" type-scheme") of an object of combinatory logic. Roughly speaking, each object of combinatory logic (" ob" for short) represents a function or an operator on functions; for instance the ob I represents the identity operator, and we have for all obs X,