Digital vulnerability: the unequal risk of e-contact with the criminal justice system
R Vargas, K Preito-Hodge… - RSF: The Russell Sage …, 2019 -
Increased citizen interaction with the criminal justice system on digital platforms renders
citizens more vulnerable to breaches of information to third parties. We introduce the
concept of digital vulnerability to measure the extent to which technology produces unequal
exposure to risk of data breaches. Using police-dispatcher radio communication, we
examine the extent to which dispatchers reveal identifiable information about callers
reporting crime. Data come from sixty audio-recorded hours of police-dispatcher radio …
citizens more vulnerable to breaches of information to third parties. We introduce the
concept of digital vulnerability to measure the extent to which technology produces unequal
exposure to risk of data breaches. Using police-dispatcher radio communication, we
examine the extent to which dispatchers reveal identifiable information about callers
reporting crime. Data come from sixty audio-recorded hours of police-dispatcher radio …