Toward Pareto efficient fairness-utility trade-off in recommendation through reinforcement learning

Y Ge, X Zhao, L Yu, S Paul, D Hu, CC Hsieh… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
Y Ge, X Zhao, L Yu, S Paul, D Hu, CC Hsieh, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM international conference on web search and …,
The issue of fairness in recommendation is becoming increasingly essential as
Recommender Systems (RS) touch and influence more and more people in their daily lives.
In fairness-aware recommendation, most of the existing algorithmic approaches mainly aim
at solving a constrained optimization problem by imposing a constraint on the level of
fairness while optimizing the main recommendation objective, eg, click through rate (CTR).
While this alleviates the impact of unfair recommendations, the expected return of an …
The issue of fairness in recommendation is becoming increasingly essential as Recommender Systems (RS) touch and influence more and more people in their daily lives. In fairness-aware recommendation, most of the existing algorithmic approaches mainly aim at solving a constrained optimization problem by imposing a constraint on the level of fairness while optimizing the main recommendation objective, e.g., click through rate (CTR). While this alleviates the impact of unfair recommendations, the expected return of an approach may significantly compromise the recommendation accuracy due to the inherent trade-off between fairness and utility. This motivates us to deal with these conflicting objectives and explore the optimal trade-off between them in recommendation. One conspicuous approach is to seek aPareto efficient/optimal solution to guarantee optimal compromises between utility and fairness. Moreover, considering the needs of real-world e-commerce platforms, it would be more desirable if we can generalize the wholePareto Frontier, so that the decision-makers can specify any preference of one objective over another based on their current business needs. Therefore, in this work, we propose a fairness-aware recommendation framework usingmulti-objective reinforcement learning (MORL), called MoFIR (pronounced "more fair ''), which is able to learn a single parametric representation for optimal recommendation policies over the space of all possible preferences. Specially, we modify traditional Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) by introducingconditioned network (CN) into it, which conditions the networks directly on these preferences and outputs Q-value-vectors. Experiments on several real-world recommendation datasets verify the superiority of our framework on both fairness metrics and recommendation measures when compared with all other baselines. We also extract the approximate Pareto Frontier on real-world datasets generated by MoFIR and compare to state-of-the-art fairness methods.
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