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1 Introduction
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Title: A survey on knowledge-driven multi-agent computer simulations for disaster management
Keywords: Semantic Web Technologies, Multi-agent Simulation, Knowledge-Driven Architecture,
Disaster Management
Authors: Claire Prudhomme1, Christophe Cruz2, Ana Roxin2, Frank Boochs1
1. Institut i3mainz de l’Université des Sciences appliquées, Lucy-Hillebrand-Str. 2, 55128 Mainz,
Germany {claire.prudhomme, frank.boochs}
2. Laboratoire d’Informatique de Bourgogne (LIB) - EA 7534, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté,
Aile des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, 9 avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon CEDEX, France
{christophe.cruz, ana.roxin}
Abstract: Protecting humans from disasters has been an active mission of governments and experts
through the definition of disaster management plans. Defining disaster response strategies are crucial
to reduce the number of victims and the economic impact. An efficient preparedness depends on the
cycle which aims at planning and organizing disaster response, experimenting the plans through
training and exercise, and Assessment of the planning based on the experiments. Therefore, plan
assessment is an essential step in the preparedness to identify potential problems and planning errors.
However, the plan assessment requires a plan experiment step. There are two ways to experiment
plans: exercises and computer simulations. This survey focuses on preparedness phases for plan
experimentation and effectiveness assessment by providing details about last work on mulit-agent
simulation methods and knowledge engineering approaches. This survey answers the following
question : how do multi-agent simulations and semantic representations of disaster management
provide an effective way to assess disaster management plans? How to measure the quality of disaster
management plans? Indeed, the plan’s effectiveness must be measured to support its improvement.
1 Introduction
Disaster management is an infinite cycle that continuously improves the resilience and efficiency to
face disasters. There are some variations in the number and the disaster management steps' names
among the disaster management community. These variations are mainly due to diverse levels of
description. Our presentation follows the most widespread vision of this cycle presented in [Coppola,
2011], [BBK, 2015] and which consists of four steps: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
Figure 2.1 illustrates this cycle.
Figure 1. The cycle of disaster management
The Mitigation step consists of the identification of risks. According to [Coppola, 2011], the risk is
assessed according to the hazard likelihood and the hazard impact. The hazard corresponds to a
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potential disaster. Its likelihood is often calculated according to the historical events of this hazard.
The calculation also considers the changes, which could increase or reduce this hazard. The impact
depends mainly on the vulnerability of the population and the infrastructure. The risk assessment aims
at reducing the exposure of the population by prevention. The Mitigation also aims at lowering
infrastructure vulnerability. This vulnerability reduction comes from the creation of the norms (e.g.,
anti-seismic norms) and structural reinforcements. Its goal is to avoid disaster or at least reduce its
The Preparedness step precedes the disaster event. This step aims to elaborate on how to react and
act in front of disaster impacts. This step’s first activity is planning a response that implies using a risk
analysis system to create a plan adapted to potential disasters. Each disaster is decomposed into
different severity levels to identify the different needs according to its severity level. The second
activity corresponds to the preparation of equipment and resources which have been identified in the
action plan. The equipment and resources have a determining role in the disaster; if they are missing,
the consequences can severely impact human lives. The third activity is the actors’ response training
according to their role and actions required during a disaster — some examples of training concern the
evacuation, the management of volunteers, or injuries. This training aims to learn how to act, but the
learning is not enough, and practice is required. Consequently, the fourth activity is the exercise, which
aims to train the population and the responders and assess plans. The last activity is the monitoring of
the potential hazards to early warning. Training, exercises, resource preparation, and early warning
depend on the first activity, which is the conception of plans. It requires an overview of the risks and
available means for stakeholders, who have specific capacities, and resources.
The response step begins immediately when a disaster happens or is imminent and corresponds to
emergency or crisis management. Its goal is to limit the number of casualties, damages, and impacts
on the environment. The response step requires evaluating the situation: what areas are affected,
what type and number of people have been affected, what damages, what needs are present, and
what organizations, resources, and equipment are available to act. Besides, this step requires to use
of situation analysis techniques to identify solutions to be applied. The management between the
situation needs and capacities provided by the different actors of the response remains a difficult task.
This task consists of decision-making to manage resources and solve problems resulting from a
disaster. The collaboration between the different actors plays a crucial role in the response efficiency.
Without cooperation, actors would lose precious time.
Two phases compose the recovery step, short and long terms. The first one consists of providing the
necessary to live for each affected people. Humanitarian aid organizations that also consist of logistic
work to retrieve a minimum of communication networks manage the phase. The second phase consists
of returning to a normal situation. The achievement requires an evaluation of the loss and damages
caused by a disaster. This evaluation allows then cleaning, temporary sheltering of population, and
rebuilding. These three stages require an organization and planning to be as efficient as much as
possible. Moreover, rebuilding gathers many constraints like time, cost, and improvement according
to past weaknesses.
The response phase is the most critical in terms of time and challenge since human lives depend on
this phase's effectiveness. This effectiveness depends on the collaboration between the different
stakeholders. The collaboration has two aspects: coordination and cooperation [Gulati et al., 2012].
• Coordination is the act of managing interdependencies between activities performed to achieve a
goal [Malone and Crowston, 1990]. The coordination components are activities that correspond
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to the goal decomposition, actions selected and assigned to actors, and interdependency, which
must be managed [Malone and Crowston, 1990].
• The coordination aspect is typically the task carried out during the preparedness. It corresponds
to the planning task to organize actions between the different stakeholders. The cooperation is
defined as "joint pursuit of an agreed-on goal(s) in a manner corresponding to a shared
understanding about contributions and payoffs" [Gulati et al., 2012].
Preparedness is essential to provide a shared view during the preparedness and response phases.
Coordination and cooperation make use of information and knowledge sharing. However, the study of
the literature and field exercises made by [Bharosa et al., 2010] highlights the challenges and obstacles
in sharing and coordinating information that reduces disaster response effectiveness. During a
multiagency disaster response, collaboration obstacles appear at community, agency, and individual
levels. Although plans exist for each of these levels, some organizational silos, conflicting role structure,
a mismatch between goals, allocation of responsibility, or inability to determine what should be shared
show a lack in the preparation process. Indeed such problems appear during the response step and
impact its efficiency, but they must be carried out upstream during the preparedness step.
An efficient preparedness depends on the cycle which aims at (1) planning and organizing disaster
response, (2) experimenting the plans through training and exercise, and (3) Assessment of the
planning based on the experiments. Therefore, plan assessment is an essential step in the
preparedness to identify potential problems and planning errors. However, the plan assessment
requires a plan experiment step. There are two ways to experiment plans: exercises and computer
• Exercises aim at testing and improving the collaboration between the different stakeholders. It
aims at simulating the real condition of a disaster according to a scenario. The practices gather all
stakeholders which intervene in disaster response and have a high cost to organize them, which
makes them occasional. The high cost of exercises limits their number and the possibility to test
scenarios essential in the response plan's assessment process.
• Computer simulations aim at testing designed plans or different strategies of action. Compared to
exercises, computer simulation's main advantage is to allow a high number of experiments to
assess a model or a strategy. Computer simulation is a low-cost and effective method for testing
multiple inputs and assessing different outputs to observe a system [Brown and Robinson, 2005].
Computer simulations gather several types of techniques. It is essential to choose the simulation
technique according to the simulation goal and the system to model. The authors of [Mishra et al.,
2019] review the simulation techniques used in the literature for disaster management and examine
the issues they address. The more commonly used identified techniques are discrete-event simulation,
system dynamics, agent-based simulation, and Monte Carlo simulation. The examination of the issues
addressed by these techniques shows the agent-based simulation as the most used during the
preparedness to assess strategies and plans of disaster response [Mishra et al., 2019].
The usage of agent-based simulation during the real-time Response is minor compared to the use
during the preparedness. Multi-agent simulation is an appropriate technique to achieve the practical
application of plans in diverse situations. Such a method requires modeling and design steps to
produce simulation experiment results. These results are the basis for studying the achievement of the
plans’ goals and evaluate their effectiveness. However, simulating the diversity of plans and situations
implies a change of goals, stakeholders, actions, and interactions. These changes indicate an
adaptation of the practical application through simulation and an adaptation of effectiveness
assessment. The granularity of multi-agent simulations allows the representation of disaster
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management stakeholders, their organizational structure, their interactions, and their actions that
come from their preparation and knowledge according to the situation and population behavior
according to their specificities.
Among the usage during preparedness, most simulation approaches focus on determining optimal
solutions to a problem using an agent behavior based on reality rather than focusing on the elaboration
of agent behaviors using new algorithms. The agent behavior based on reality corresponds to the
assessment of existing strategies to identify the best one when there are several possibilities or the
best parameter for applying an approach.
This survey focuses on preparedness phases for plan experimentation and effectiveness assessment
by providing details about last work on mulit-agent simulation methods and knowledge engineering
approaches. This survey answers the following question : how do multi-agent simulations and semantic
representations of disaster management provide an effective way to assess disaster management
plans? How to measure the quality of disaster management plans? Indeed, the plan’s effectiveness
must be measured to support its improvement.
The second section presents the application domain which is the disaster management, to firstly
highlight the business problem of plan assessment and secondly, highlight the limits of existing
approaches related to the plan assessment. The third section reviews engineering techniques,
components, and platforms for multi-agent simulations, which are the most suitable approaches to
experiment and assess disaster management plans. These reviews aim to search suitable approaches
and identify lacks of existing approaches to reach the objectives defined in the first section. The fourth
section presents the knowledge engineering domain to allow the representation of the disaster
management knowledge, whose plans’ description. It firstly reviews the existing ontologies of this
domain and secondly reviews approaches to integrate knowledge extracted from data. Finally, the
chapter concludes this article.
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2 Preparedness
The preparedness step aims at preparing the collaboration between the different stakeholders of
disaster management. This collaboration must be anticipated through activities and responsibilities
planning to coordinate stakeholders. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)1 [Federal
Emergency Management Agency, 2010] presents the preparedness step as a cycle of five sub-steps:
Plan, Organize/Equip, Train, Exercise, Evaluate/Improve. Figure 2 illustrates the cycle of preparedness.
The heart of the preparedness is the planning sub-step that guides the other sub-steps.
Figure 2. Cycle of preparedness according to [Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2010]
Planning aims at managing risks by considering all hazards and threats. It must take into account the
whole population and its needs to provide an adapted solution. It should also be flexible enough to
address both traditional and catastrophic incidents. Planning must be a collaborative process between
all community stakeholders to identify the missions and support goals. Planning identifies tasks,
allocates resources to accomplish those tasks, and establishes accountability, according to a
description of the anticipated environment for action.
Such collaborative preparation makes Preparedness crucial for disaster management. The entire
structure of this phase stands on the development of plans. Preparedness aims at ensuring a
preparation adapted to needs. In disaster management, there are several needs: a need for an
organizational structure, a need for risk management, and a need for situation management.
Addressing such needs results in different levels of plans. These levels of plans allow providing a
common and homogeneous structure between different administrative areas. They aim to facilitate
their collaboration and define a specific preparation adapted to both the needs of each of them and
the disaster severity. These different levels of plans are detailed in the following subsection.
2.1 Plan preparation
The phase of planning consists firstly of determining the general needs of disaster management in
terms of organizational structure (e.g., command post, responsibilities), tasks (e.g., informing the
population, closing roads, build walls against water), and roles (e.g., communication management,
security management, flood protection management). Secondly, it is necessary to plan the disaster
management operations and their coordination according to levels of risk (e.g., orange and red risk
levels, which are the higher risk levels of the four French risk levels) specific to an administrative area.
The last step is to plan the implementation of operations adapted to the current disaster situation.
These three steps correspond to planning at three levels of detail: strategic, operational, and tactical.
1 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):, visited on 2020-09-22
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Strategic plans are guidelines and general plans defining a standard process and a standard
structure for a jurisdiction. This standard process and structure aims to facilitate the
collaboration between different administrative areas through a standard model of disaster
management while allowing a plan design specific to each of them and the severity of a
disaster. This type of plan is defined by [Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2010] as
following: "Strategic plans describe how a jurisdiction wants to meet its emergency
management or homeland security responsibilities over the long-term. These plans are driven
by policy from senior officials and establish planning priorities." A strategic plan defines the
general tasks to prepare and achieve in case of disaster, the roles, and the responsibilities
associated with these tasks. Besides, it provides an organizational structure by defining
command centers and a hierarchy of managers. A commander's role is generally at the charge
of an administrative responsible or an executive officer of an organization playing a crucial role
in disaster management. For example, a mayor can be defined as the director of rescue
operations. The chief of fire brigade can be defined as the rescue commander for a disaster at
a municipality level.
Operational plans are plans prepared by each administrative area to address specific needs.
This planning depends on the means of the administrative area and must respect the strategic
plans of its jurisdiction. This plan aims at organizing the collaborative work between the
different stakeholders of disaster management. This type of plan defines people and
organizations associated with a role, details tasks, and actions to perform by a function to
address risks of the locality. They also contain an estimation of the resources required for their
achievement. The locality inventory of resources that are available in case of disaster
accompanies the operational plans. An operational plan is defined by [Federal Emergency
Management Agency, 2010] as following: "Operational plans provide a description of roles and
responsibilities, tasks, integration, and actions required of jurisdiction or its departments and
agencies during emergencies. Jurisdictions use plans to provide the goals, roles, and
responsibilities that a jurisdiction’s departments and agencies are assigned and focus on
coordinating and integrating the many responses and support organizations within a domain.
They also consider private sector planning efforts as an integral part of community-based
planning, and to ensure efficient allocation of resources. Department and agency plans do the
same thing for the internal elements of those organizations. Operational plans tend to focus
more on the broader physical, spatial, and time-related dimensions of operation; thus, they
tend to be more complex and comprehensive, yet less defined, than tactical plans." The
operational plans depend on risk estimation. They coordinate actions and tasks according to
specific events (e.g., a certain water level during a flood) or a particular warning risk level.
These tasks can be described by other plans designed by an organization in charge of the task.
Moreover, stakeholders (people and organizations), resources, tasks, and actions are located.
Tactical plans are the planning done during the response, corresponding to the resources
management and detailed planning based on operational plans activation to respond
accurately to the situation. A tactical plan corresponds to the decisions made to manage a
disaster scenario based on the preparation. These plans aim at defining precisely who
intervene, what, where, and how to respond to the disaster situation. Their goal is to respond
accurately to the situation needs according to the responsibilities of the stakeholders. They
define a protocol of actions and manage resources (e.g., humans, vehicles, equipment) to
achieve a task according to the situation conditions (e.g., events, weather, location, available
resources). A tactical plan is defined by [Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2010] as
following: "Tactical plans focus on managing personnel, equipment, and resources that play a
direct role in incident response. Preincident tactical planning, based upon existing operational
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plans, provides the opportunity to pre-identify personnel, equipment, exercise, and training
requirements. These gaps can then be filled through various means (e.g., mutual aid, technical
assistance, updates to the policy, procurement, contingency leasing)."
These three levels of plans are defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the
United States in [Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2010]. Still, they are not specific to the
United States. Indeed, the authors of [Labba et al., 2017] study the organizational structure of disaster
management in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. They observe these three levels
in common to each of these countries. The European project EPISECC also highlights these three levels
of management in [Information, 2014]. However, in Europe, there are variations in the definition of
operational and tactical levels. For example, in France, definitions of operational and tactical levels are
inverted compared to the previously presented description.
• In France, they use the term tactical level to describe administrative staff and commander that
make decisions, but who are not on the ground. They use the term operational level for the
management on the ground. This difference is due to the meaning of operations, which are actions
directly performed on the ground.
• In Germany, operational and tactical levels work together to manage operations through
command and control management thanks to the proximity between the command center and
people on the ground.
• In the United States, the tactical level is nearest to the ground view because it means technically
achieving an operation.
Despite the variations of the definition and the structural organization, the three aspects are present
with a first standard level that provides organizational structure and guidelines to plan disaster
management (corresponding to strategic aspect); and a second level with operational and tactical
elements, generally leads by a responsible of jurisdiction.
2.1.1 Plan Experiment
The real exercises require reproducing disaster scenarios and gather all stakeholders to simulate and
test the plans’ implementation according to real situations. It involves the setup of a lot of means and
money to reproduce disaster scenarios. More exercises need to be realistic, and more costs are high.
The exercises have the advantage of allowing both the assessment of the plan’s effectiveness and
stakeholders’ training simultaneously. Although there are a few biases during an exercise due to the
responder’s mindset that fake situation, but real exercises are quite precise. Its primary disadvantage
is a high organizing cost to gather all stakeholders and set up the most real disaster situations.
Computer simulation permit to assess a system through experiments. For the goal of plan assessment,
experiments can simulate the plan-based disaster management system in a broad diversity of
scenarios. Such simulation requires a system model expressed through informatics paradigms.
"A model is a representation of a system that can be defined and studied
indirectly by helping to provide answers about it". [Rodrigues Da Silva, 2015]
Three design steps constitute the simulation modeling process:
• the design of a conceptual model (i.e., model conceptualization);
• the design of the communicative model (i.e., representation of the conceptualization independent
of a platform);
• the design of the programmed model (i.e., programming of the model);
• the design of the experiment model (i.e., experiment set up).
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According to [Nance, 1994], the conceptual model is "that model which exists in the mind of the
modeler." In contrast, the communicative model is a model representation that can be communicated
to others. In the literature [Benjamin et al., 2006], the distinction between the conceptual model and
its expression (i.e., the communicative model) is not always clear. Therefore, the term conceptual
model is more often used to describe its expression than its abstraction in the designer’s mind.
The programmed model also called the computational model, "is a model representation that admits
execution by a computer to produce simulation results" [Nance, 1994]. Finally, the experimental model
is formed by adding executable descriptions of the test environment to the programmed model that
allows the simulation execution. It makes use of different parameter configurations allowing the
simulation of the system model in different scenarios. Computer simulation has the advantage of being
a low-cost approach for testing a plan in a broad diversity of scenarios. Although good realism,
simulations can be less precise than real exercise.
A proper evaluation of plans needs to be based on several exercises to provide extensive feedback to
test strategies addressing the situation and evaluate them. Nevertheless, the high cost of real exercises
limits the number of iterations, the complexity, and the realism of scenarios. Although simulations
have less precision than real exercises, but the simulation precision can reach enough high precision
to assess the plan’s effectiveness. Therefore computer simulations are the most suited for practical
plan applications to evaluate their effectiveness. Thus, computer simulations provide plan testing
capability in a large and complex variety of scenarios for a low cost.
2.1.2 Plan Effectiveness Assessment
The evaluation of a plan’s effectiveness should allow determining the conditions under which a plan
can be applied, and its success rate under these conditions. To this end, it is necessary to define the
effectiveness of a plan quantitatively using metrics. However, the effectiveness of a plan depends on
its objective’s success, which can affect various areas. The "Sphere project" [The Sphere Project, 2011]
has identified the following areas: health, shelter, food and nutrition, water, and sanitation. It is,
therefore, necessary to define metrics to evaluate plans in these different areas. These metrics help to
group situations for which a plan has similar effectiveness to extract the common characteristics of
these situations. These characteristics allow the identification of the applicability conditions of a plan.
Thus, plan assessment requires clustering on simulation data to group simulations for which the plan
has similar effectiveness. This is a data clustering problem.
Several metrics have been developed to support plan assessment. In [Larsson, 2008], the authors
identify three main criteria for assessing plans, including the effectiveness criterion. The authors
propose to evaluate the effectiveness of a plan according to the following parameters:
1. Victims found
2. Victims whose condition worsens
3. Identified property domage
4. Property sustained further domage
5. Infrastructure operating
These parameters allow the evaluation of the plans’ effectiveness in the field of health and shelter. In
[Bayram et al., 2012], the authors identify 12 quantitative parameters to make an assessment based
on health, shelter, food and nutrition, water, and sanitation. These 12 quantitative parameters are a
basis for assessing the plans in terms of the areas they address:
1. Number of Excess Deaths
2. Number of Under-5 Excess Deaths
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3. Number of Cases with Acute Communicable Diseases
4. Number of Cases with Traumatic/Chemical/Radiological Injuries
5. Level of Health Care Services
6. Number of Young Children (6-59 months) with Acute Malnutrition
7. Number of Displaced Persons (internally displaced or refugees)
8. Number of Persons with Inadequate Living Space
9. Water Quantity
10. Water Quality
11. Level of Sanitation Facilities
12. Gender-based violence
The metric used to compute the effectiveness of a plan must be adapted to its goal. The plan’s goal is
linked to one or several of the presented quantitative parameters. Therefore, the effectiveness metric
must be computed with the parameters related to the plan’s goal. These parameters are observed
variables during a simulation. In addition to computing the effectiveness metric, it is essential to define
its associated applicability context. Such a definition requires gathering simulation with similar
effectiveness and identifying the criteria that characterize the effectiveness’ applicability context.
When assessing plans, clustering is carried out on various dimensions, where each dimension
represents a criterion. However, criteria impact a plan’s effectiveness differently, and some criteria
may not impact the plan’s effectiveness. Unsupervised clustering by considering criteria that do not
impact the plan’s effectiveness leads to oversegmentation of groups. Therefore, it is necessary to
identify the criteria that do not have a significant impact on the plans.
The review [Saxena et al., 2017] presents most relevant approaches for Unsupervised Data Clustering.
This review splits the different approaches in clustering approaches in two families: Hierarchical
clustering and Partitional clustering. Hierarchical clustering can be agglomerative or divisive and use
single, complete, or average-linkage. The studied approaches of this family are the approaches BIRCH
[Zhang et al., 1996], CURE [Guha et al., 2001], ROCK [Guha et al., 2000], and CHAMELEON [Karypis et
al., 1999]. Partitional clustering is divided between distance-based, Model-based, and density-based
approaches. Distance-based approaches use Error Square, whereas model-based and density-based
approaches use probabilistic. The studied approaches for the Partitional clustering family are the
approaches K-means [MacQueen et al., 1967], CLARANS [Ng and Han, 2002], FCM [Dunn, 1973].
Among the different approaches, the hierarchical clustering CURE is the most relevant approach for its
low complexity (i.e., O(n2log(n)) as worst-case time complexity), its high scalability, and its suitability
for large data and low sensibility to outliers. Although BIRCH approach has a better time complexity
than CURE approach, CURE approach has better quality than BIRCH approach. Moreover, BIRCH is not
suitable for high-dimensional data. Therefore, the CURE approach appears as the best compromise
between time complexity and clustering quality.
2.1.3 Discussion
Preparedness is the essential step of disaster management to guaranty an effective response. It aims
at preparing plans, assessing them, preparing resources and stakeholders by training. The assessment
of plans plays a crucial role in guarantee good preparedness and effective response. Indeed, being
prepared and trained to apply an ineffective plan is useless; that is why the assessment of plans is
essential to know its effectiveness. Therefore, the plan’s effectiveness must be measured to support
its improvement. Although some metrics are proposed in the literature and presented previously,
there is no standardized system of measurement necessary for comparison [Guha-Sapir and Below,
2002]. A method to measure the plan’s effectiveness must identify objectively, deficiencies in the
application of plans. It thus requires to experiment plans to assess their global and their case-specific
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applicability through low-cost simulation. The assessment requires thus clustering approach to gather
plans according to their common specificities that make them effective. Low-cost simulations must
experiment plans to allow such an analysis. Therefore, computer simulations are the most suited to
provide a vast diversity of experiments with the lowest cost. The next section presents the simulation
approaches for disaster management.
2.2 Simulation approaches supporting preparedness
Simulation techniques are often used in the disaster community to support them in decision-making.
They are mainly used to assess risk through disaster simulation or to assess response strategies during
the preparation or in real-time during the Response. The review of [Mishra et al., 2019] on disaster
management simulation modeling highlights the use of four main techniques: System dynamics,
Monte Carlo simulation, discrete-event simulation, and agent-based simulation. They analyze the
repartition of the different methods according to disaster management topics and disaster
management steps. The system dynamics are the most present (42%), followed by Monte Carlo
simulation (25%), followed by agent-based simulation (22%), and finally, discrete-event simulations
(11%). System dynamics are mainly used during Mitigation for risk assessment/identification (21%) and
vulnerability assessment (4%). It is also used during preparedness for prevention and recovery
schemes (15%). Monte Carlo simulations are used during Mitigation for risk modeling (16%). Also, they
are sometimes used during Response for solving disaster relief (2%). Agent-based simulations are
mainly used during Preparedness and Response for simulating rescue and evacuation strategies (13%),
disaster management (4%), and modeling healthcare (2%). Finally, discrete-event simulations are
mainly used during preparedness and response to model large-scale (8%). Among the different
simulation techniques used for disaster management, the agent-based simulation, also called multi-
agent simulation, is the most used during the preparedness to assess strategies and plans of disaster
response [Mishra et al., 2019]. The granularity of multi-agent simulations allows the representation of
disaster management stakeholders, their organizational structure, their interactions, and their actions
that come from their preparation and knowledge according to the situation, but also population
behavior according to their specificities. This technique allows the simulation of complex systems
without modeling it directly but by obtaining it by the emergence of its model components and their
interactions. That is why the simulation technique based on a multi-agent system is the most suited
simulation technique to address the plan experiments.
According to four different usages, the survey [Hawe et al., 2012] presents a classification of agent-
based simulation for large-scale emergency response. The first category of usage (called U4 in [Hawe
et al., 2012]) corresponds to real-time Response simulations. The three other categories belong to
simulations for preparedness. The second category (called U3 in [Hawe et al., 2012]) corresponds to
preparedness simulation with agent behavior using new algorithms. The two last categories of
preparedness simulations use agent behavior based on reality. The third category (called U2 in [Hawe
et al., 2012]) corresponds to preparedness simulation that searches for a specific optimal response.
The fourth category (called U1 in [Hawe et al., 2012]) corresponds to preparedness simulation that
searches for a generalized optimal response. The usage of agent-based simulation during the real-time
Response is minor compared to the usage during the preparedness. Among the usage during
preparedness, most simulation approaches focus on determining optimal solutions to a problem using
an agent behavior based on reality rather than focusing on the elaboration of agent behaviors using
new algorithms. The agent behavior based on reality corresponds to the assessment of existing
strategies to identify the best one when there are several possibilities or the best parameter for
applying an approach.
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The majority of simulation approaches searching for optimized solutions are designed for a specific
problem [Hawe et al., 2012]. The most addressed specific issue is the allocation of resources both in
terms of human rescuers [Praiwattana and El Rhalibi, 2016] or robotic rescuers [Blatt et al., 2016], and
of resource means [Hawe et al., 2015], [Marecki et al., 2005]. For the optimization of allocated
resources and the planning of response action, the simulation results are assessed in terms of time
and success quantity (e.g., ratio rescued people) according to the purpose of the strategy assessed by
the simulation or the use case addressed by the simulation. This type of simulation addresses mainly
the rescue strategies. Another set of simulation focuses on evacuation simulations [Christensen and
Sasaki, 2008], [D’Orazio et al., 2014], [Zhou et al., 2012], [Mas et al., 2015], [Nagarajan et al., 2012] by
taking into account some aspects as the behavior of the population, the traffic, communications, and
prepared plans. Other approaches that focus on the generalized optimal solution as [Saoud et al., 2006]
experiments and compare results obtained by different strategies. The combination of varying action
strategies corresponds to different plans. Therefore, such general optimization approaches assess
according to specific criteria a plan to define the optimal one according to some situation’s
However, all of these simulation approaches for optimal solutions are specialized for a problem, which
is more or less specific. The specificity of their design ranges from identifying the optimal parameters
of a plan (meaning configuring a plan optimally) for a specific situation corresponding to an optimal
solution. The specificity of the simulation model, according to a problem, is essential to simulate and
assess a plan accordingly. However, the limit of the existing simulation approaches is their design and
experiment process. The simulation models and their implementations are limited to use case and a
predefined set in plan variations. This case-dependent design process limits the adaptation and the
extension of these approaches to the diversity of disaster situations and the variety of response plans.
For example, the approach of [Saoud et al., 2006], which is "generic per accident and location, "
assesses the impact of some variations in the NOVI plan, which aims to rescue a large number of
victims. This approach could be extended to allow the study of further variations of this plan based on
a specific organizational structure. However, the assessment of another rescue plan based on another
organizational structure would require a new design process of simulation to define a new model and
new implementation. Through simulations, plan assessment requires modeling and implementing
several types of agents and several organizations corresponding to groups of agents to represent all
stakeholders, their different behaviors, and their different organizational structures. Therefore, the
first limit of existing approaches for evaluating disaster management is the adaptability of simulation
models and experiments to the diversity of disaster management plans. The process of modeling
simulation and experiments is subjective. Thus, the first limit implies a risk of including different biases
during the modeling of simulations and experiments for different plans. These different biases can
compromise their evaluation and comparison.
Approaches of multi-agent simulation engineering presented propose metamodels and ontologies
combined with specific system architecture allowing generative programming. They aim to solve the
lack of flexibility and reusability of simulation models and their implementation in the same application
domain. The study of these approaches shows the benefits of using ontologies to represent a
simulation metamodel and a system architecture based on an extendable and adaptable agent’s
behavior to provide flexibility and reusability in simulation modeling and experiments. The
combination of modeling with a set of implemented multi-agent system components as made in
[Poveda et al., 2015], [Boufedji et al., 2018] allows the extension and reusing components of the
implementation model to simulate a variety of contexts.
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The implemented components of multi-agent systems depend on the used simulation platform (e.g.
AGLOBE, Repast, Gama, etc.). Such engineering approaches provide flexibility and reusability of multi-
agent components for model variations. This study shows that the adaptation of simulation modeling
and experiments requires a flexible implementation based on the combination of a set of multi-agent
system components. However, existing approaches lack to be reused for disaster management plans
assessment through simulation experiments. Therefore, the second limit is the adaptation and
reusability of implemented multi-agent simulation components to allow a diversity of implementing a
simulation model for plan assessment. This thesis's objective to face this second limit is to provide and
use a set of implemented components that can be extended and reused to allow processing the
diversity of plans. Such an objective requires reviewing the components of existing multi-agent
simulations for disaster management, presented in the next section to identify generic and specific
components of the different approaches. It also requires identifying a suitable simulation platform
allowing such implementation and extensibility. The study of the suitable platform is presented in the
next section.
Moreover, these approaches highlight the third limit of existing approaches for plan assessment,
limiting expressivity. Indeed, multi-agent approaches for modeling disaster management simulation
gathers knowledge about plans and disaster scenarios from experts ad hoc to model them in the multi-
agent paradigm. Thus, existing approaches are addressed for the computer expert community to
model disaster management simulation in a multi-agent paradigm in cooperation with the domain
experts. However, they are not addressed to a disaster management community that searches at
assessing different plans to prepare them to face disaster. Therefore, the third limit concerns the
expressivity and interoperability of plan representation for disaster management communities to
gather their knowledge and assess plans according to their definition of plans and knowledge. Such
objective relates to the domain of knowledge engineering, whose related work is presented in Section
4. Table 1 summarizes the identified limits of plan assessment approaches and objectives to face them
linked to the next sections.
(1) Adaptability of simulation
models and experiments to the
diversity of plans
Increase Flexibility to allow the
assessment of the diverse
plans of disaster management
through their simulation
The domain of multi-agent
simulation engineering section
(2) Adaptability and Reusability
of MAS components for
disaster management
Increase Extensibility by
allowing to process the
diversity of plans
Features of existing multi-
agent simulations in section
3.2 and simulation platform
allowing such extensibility in
section 3.3
(3) Expressivity of system for
plans and scenarios
Increase Expressivity and
Interoperability to gather DM
knowledge and allow DM
community to assess plans
according to their plan
Domain of knowledge
engineering in section 4
Table 1. Limits of existing multi-agent simulations for plan assessment
3 Multi-agent Simulation
The previous section has presented the benefits of simulation to experiment plans and assess them. It
has shown that the multi-agent-based technique is the most suited for plan experiments through
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simulation. It has finally highlighted the limits of existing work in the adaptability and reusability of
both simulation models and components. Therefore, this section reviews in the first subsection, the
existing work to adapt the simulation model and facilitate the simulation development to the diversity
of disaster management plans. This review identifies some common points to facilitate the
development of simulation from a variety of models. However, existing approaches are not flexible
enough to be used for the plan assessment. Thus, the second subsection presents a review of
components used in the multi-agent simulation for preparedness to identify the most suited
components of a simulation model for Preparedness. Finally, it reviews simulation platforms in the
third subsection to determine the most adapted one to fit the simulation components' requirements
and flexibility.
3.1 Multi-agent Simulation engineering
As part of disaster management preparedness, computer simulations are often used to optimize
various response plans and determine the tasks, actions, or resources best suited to a situation. Among
existing approaches, those based on multi-agent systems are the most widely used in this context to
simulate stakeholders' behaviors and interactions [Mishra et al., 2019]. It has to be noted that disaster
management stakeholders and their behavior varies from one locality to another. They also vary within
the same locality depending on the disaster situation and needs. A simulation model's definition
adapted to different organizations and plans implies variability in entities, behaviors, and interactions.
However, multi-agent simulation approaches are usually created with a specific objective in mind,
limiting their reuse and explaining the large number of models in this field. As pointed out by the
authors of [Poveda et al., 2015], the lack of interest in sharing or connecting the work done condemns
researchers in this field to reinvent the wheel by creating new simulation models and new
implementations of these models to run the simulations. However, there is some work dealing with
the adaptation of multi-agent simulations for disaster management.
• Among these approaches, the approach presented by the authors of [Poveda et al., 2015] presents
a general model for the design of emergency management services in indoor environments. This
model comprises three layers: a semantic layer, a simulation layer, and a layer containing the
components of the emergency service. The latter layer is based on the simulation layer and has to
be adapted to the context. To solve the problem of reusing and adapting various contexts, the
authors of [Poveda et al., 2015] used a semantic layer composed of the Einsim ontology that links
external data and guides agent-based simulation. The simulation process is realized through a
simulation control system that includes semantic representations in a model repository of
emergency service components and an adaptation model that maps the agent code's semantic
emergency metadata. Representing the simulation process of emergencies through an ontology
allows simulations to be modeled independently of their programmed model. This advantage
provides flexibility in extending and reusing the programmed model to simulate a variety of
contexts. However, being specialized for social simulation in an indoor environment, this ontology
is not general enough to simulate disaster management plans that are not limited to an indoor
environment. Compared to emergency planning in an indoor environment, the simulation of
disaster management plans requires a more complex representation with the organizational
structure of actors, resource management, and a wide variety of plans.
• Another interesting modeling approach for disaster emergency preparedness is presented in
[Kruchten et al., 2007]. The authors present a conceptual model (formalized by an ontology) of
disasters affecting critical infrastructure (energy, transport, communication, etc.). A conceptual
model is an abstraction of the essential characteristics of the studied system. This conceptual
model describes four main components and their interactions, disaster events, infrastructures,
agents involved in disaster management, and the impacts of the events on the population.
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Disasters affect the well-being of the population and the condition of infrastructure elements. The
latter is the object of observation by the agents and is the target of their actions. This conceptual
model has the advantage of representing at a high level of abstraction and the main components
of disaster management plans using concepts of the agent paradigm. This model provides a
common language for communicating, analyzing, and simulating the interdependencies of critical
infrastructures. The simulation of these interdependencies is intended to detect potential
problems in the plans. This objective explains the simulation model's lack of description because
it does not allow the definition of the simulation model’s variables and goals. Indeed, this model
limits the use of simulation to the study of potential problems in plans.
• Among the non-specific approaches to disaster management, the work of [Boufedji et al., 2018]
presents the adoption of variability models to describe the generic and specific aspects of a multi-
agent system model. The generic aspects of the model are represented according to the agent
paradigm's concepts such as agent, environment, interaction, and organization. In contrast, the
specific aspects are represented according to the specific application domain. These models are
respectively related to the implementation of reusable, generic, and specific multi-agent system
components. Although this work does not address specific aspects of simulation modeling (e.g.
model variables, experimentation), it provides a method for reusing multi-agent system
components for various applications represented by various models.
• Another interesting approach not specific to the disaster management field but specific to the field
of multi-agent simulation is presented in [Christley et al., 2004]. This work presents an ontology
for automating agent-based modeling and simulation tasks. This ontology describes the different
models involved in simulation design (e.g., conceptual, experimental, programmed models), the
basic concepts of the agent paradigm (e.g., agent, environment), as well as concepts linking with
simulation experiments (e.g., simulation data), and the programming of the simulation required
for its execution (e.g., software programming). This ontology is suitable for any multi-agent
simulation modeling and design, whatever the field of application. It offers an ideal set of concepts
for representing various simulation models, experiments, and their development as executable
[Christley et al., 2004]
[Kruchten et al., 2007]
[Poveda et al., 2015]
[Poveda et al., 2015]
Table 2. Overview of existing ontologies concerning the main multi-agent simulation concepts
The study of multi-agent simulation approaches for model adaptation has shown the advantages of
ontologies for simulation modeling. Indeed, modeling through an ontology promotes the reusability of
the simulation model as well as its interoperability. In most of the approaches presented, model
elements are linked to simulation platform components to produce the model's simulations. Among
the ontologies studied, the ontology of [Christley et al., 2004] offers the highest and most appropriate
level of multi-agent simulation model abstraction for our approach. Although these approaches
facilitate the development of simulations through an ontology that accommodates a diversity of
simulation models, they do not address the problem of adapting the simulation model to disaster
management knowledge. However, the work of [Kruchten et al., 2007] provides some clues on the
relationships between disaster management knowledge and simulation modeling. Indeed,
infrastructures and the population, generally considered the elements at risk in case of disaster, are
the main targets of the agents' actions. The next section presents the components of a multi-agent
simulation model for disaster management.
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3.2 Multi-agent Simulation model components
A multi-agent simulation is based on a multi-agent system. An environment, objects located in the
environment, agents that are active objects, and interactions between these different components
characterize such a system [Ferber, 1997]. Objects are passive components in the environment, and
their modeling is generally a part of the environment modeling. Therefore, there are two main
components to model in the multi-agent system: the environment (including objects inside) and
agents. Moreover, simulation aims at experimenting. That is why its modeling is composed of
parameters to configure it and observed variables to assess the experiments. This section presents,
thus, an overview of (1) Agent modeling, (2) Observed variables and assessed criteria, and finally, (3)
Environment modeling.
3.2.1 Agent modeling for disaster management simulation
Agent's concept represents active entities that can interact between them, with objects, and with their
environment. In disaster management, the Agent concept represents mainly three categories: the
affected population, disaster manager who make-decision, and responders who respond to a disaster
on the ground. Among the responders, both responders (e.g., doctors, nurses, Firefighters) and
responder engines (e.g., ambulance) can be represented by an agent as in [Saoud et al., 2006].
According to Wooldridge [Wooldridge, 2002], two main types of Agents exist: reactive and cognitive.
The reactive agents have been presented by [Brooks, 1991] as an alternative to artificial intelligence.
Inspired by the biological systems, he has defined an intelligent behavior for an agent without explicit
representation of the world and without explicit abstract reasoning. An intelligent system has been
defined as an emergent property of a complex system. It means that the Agent’s behavior results from
its interaction with the environment. Reactive Agents are generally used to represent the victims
during a simulation of disaster. The stochastic behavior is the most used approach to represent the
affected populations as in Plan-C [Narzisi et al., 2007], or as in Simgenis [Saoud et al., 2006] which uses
a Markov chain. The cellular automaton is also a technique for a reactive agent. Still, it is more used to
represent the affected population's behavior in the context of evacuation [Arai et al., 2011], [Guo and
Huang, 2008]. The reactive Agent is a simple agent that allows complex systems based on simple
entities’ interaction. Reactive agents are advantageous for large-scale simulations, but the behavior
simplicity without world representation and reasoning is also a disadvantage to represent more
complex behavior as human decision-making.
Cognitive Agents are the most classical agent type, which has a goal-directed behavior. The
approaches used to create a cognitive agent are close to artificial intelligence approaches. The most
basic cognitive Agent is the deduction reasoning agent. This Agent has a knowledge base
corresponding to its view and beliefs about the environment, a function to see the environment,
bringing new information, and updating the knowledge base [Wooldridge, 2002]. Its decision-process
is based on deduction rules to infer the actions to do from the knowledge base. This action selection
is reduced to a proof problem. This logic-based approach has the advantage of having precise and
logical semantics, which promotes its long-lived. However, the method of proof problems can have a
high complexity according to the problem's type. This high complexity implies an important time-
consuming, which is a problem in a simulation with time-constrained. A long time of computation for
the decision-process is also a rational problem if the environment has significantly changed between
the time of information-making and the action execution.
Another cognitive agent is the procedural reasoning agent. This Agent has a set of plans with a goal
corresponding to a postcondition and a context corresponding to a plan's precondition. These plans
correspond to a sequence of actions. According to its environment representation and its goal, the
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Agent selects a set of plans, whose preconditions are satisfied and allows the accomplishment of its
purpose. It determines then one of these plans to execute it. An example of this process is presented
by [Poveda et al., 2015], where the main goal is the evacuation in indoor environments: a set of
"egress" strategies has been implemented, and their selection depends on the situation context. A
famous agent model belonging to this procedural reasoning approach is the Belief-Desire-Intention
(BDI) model, developed by [Bratman, 1987]. According to its beliefs (its beliefs and view of the
environment) and its desires (what it would like to accomplish), the BDI agent chooses a top-level goal
to pursue, which determines the agent's intentions corresponding to an action plan has decided to do.
An extended version of this model has been implemented in D-AESOP [Buford et al., 2006] for
considering the situation awareness in disaster situation management. The principal limitation of this
approach resides in this finite set of plans, which does not allow flexibility in the combination of
actions. Some multi-agent systems require agents to solve problems according to their capacities of
For this requirement, a practical reasoning agent is suitable rather than a procedural reasoning agent.
Practical reasoning is composed of two main steps: (i) determining a goal to achieve according to the
environment’s state, (ii) determining how to accomplish the goal in detail in a simple manner, in the
sense of a goal is a simple action and not a plan. The ambulance agent in the AROUND project [Chu et
al., 2009] uses a decision tree to decide the action to perform, and then it uses a utility function to
determine the details of this action. For example, if the selected action is "go to the hospital," the
utility function will decide which hospital the Agent must go. However, this approach is mainly used
for more complex behavior design. The general operation of this approach corresponds to (i) observe
the environment and update its beliefs, (ii) determine the available options and filter them to choose
a goal to achieve, (iii) use means-end reasoning corresponding to artificial intelligence approaches of
planning [Wooldridge, 2002] to determine how to achieve the goal, (iv) and finally execute it.
In [Praiwattana and El Rhalibi, 2016], information about the environment (agent beliefs) and the
available actions are stored in a knowledge base. The plan design process takes this knowledge base
and the agent goal as inputs of a planner using forward chaining state-space search with heuristic
function. [Wickler et al., 2006] presents an artificial intelligence planning approach to coordinate
activities in an Emergency scenario. This approach uses an ontology called INCA to build a constraint
model. A hierarchical task network planner uses this model to determine the courses of action
resolving a problem. These authors explain the BDI model, and more precisely, the process of
intentions can be extended by using their planning approach to give more flexibility in the action
combination. The main difficulty resides in the deliberative step (ii), which manages the Agent goal.
The two extremes situations for this step are (i) to do not modify the target until it is achieved that can
create a blocked situation if the goal cannot be achieved, and (ii) change this goal anytime, leading to
a no achievement of purposes due to their abandonment. It is necessary to find a good trade-off
between these two extreme situations for the strategy of deliberation.
In disaster simulations, stakeholders can be numerous. More large is the simulation, the more there
are agents, the more simple agents must be. That is why, in evacuation simulation, the most used
agents are reactive agents. On the contrary, in strategy planning simulation, agents who decide actions
and design the planning are practical agents to allow more complex cognitive behavior. In the context
of simulating global plans application, the number of agents can become very large. That is why the
simulation model must have a maximum of reactive agents and a minimum of cognitive agents to limit
the simulation's complexity. The next paragraph presents models to represent responder agents to go
deeper in the agent modeling.
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According to the structural comparison of disaster management among different countries, the
authors of [Labba et al., 2017] have highlighted responders' hierarchical repartition in three levels:
strategic, tactical, and operational level. This is a vertical hierarchy (Top-down), with at the top the
strategic level, and at the bottom the operational level. Thus, these authors have proposed an agent-
based meta-model for response organization structures using three different types of agents: one for
each level of the hierarchy. Despite other denominations, the study of existing multi-agent systems for
disaster response highlights multi-agent models' recurrence based on three different agents
[Hooshangi and Asghar Alesheikh, 2017], [Praiwattana and El Rhalibi, 2016], [Siebra and Tate, 2003].
These three types of agents aim at organizing or planning the response at different levels of granularity.
Table 3 presents each type of agent's denomination for each level of granularity.
[Labba et al., 2017]
Strategic level
Tactical level Operational level
[Hooshangi and Asghar Alesheikh, 2017] Central agent
[Praiwattana and El Rhalibi, 2016]
Agent (DMA)
agent (CA)
Field agent (FA)
[Siebra and Tate, 2003]
Strategic agent
Tactical agent
Table 3. Platforms comparison according to application domains related to the disaster management domain
This structure of three different agents representing the reality and having proved its usability is
suitable to represent the different levels of responders. The techniques to represent them are
generally specific to a task and cannot be reused for other purposes. The agent model presented by
[Praiwattana and El Rhalibi, 2016] is composed of a knowledge base representing the possible actions
that an agent can do and their application condition. The decision about the sequence of actions to do
is made thanks to a planner. In the case of Preparedness, plans are sequences of actions, so a planner
is not required.
The models for responder agents shows three types of responders:
• Central agent, representing the highest level of coordination between the stakeholder managers,
• Manager agent, generally representing the coordinator of people on the ground, and
• Actor agent, representing responders on the ground.
These three agent types are mainly practical agents in strategy planning simulation to provide plans at
different detail levels. However, in the context of plan assessment, complex cognitive behavior is not
required since plans are existing. Among the different types of responders, the central and manager
agents decide to apply according to the situation. Therefore, these two agent types require a cognitive
behavior to choose the plan among a set, which is adapted to the situation. That is why procedural
agents are the most adapted to model central and manager agents in this context. Concerning actor
agents (responders on the ground), they learn and train to apply procedures and adapt them to the
situation. These agents must react according to orders coming from managers and environmental
situations. Therefore, reactive agents are adapted to model-actor agents and allow larger-scale
simulation than a representation through cognitive agents. Moreover, reactive agents are also the
most suitable to model the population, the victims, as the majority of the related works.
In a simulation model, other essential components are the observed variables and assessment criteria,
which express the simulation results and allow their assessment. The next subsection review these
components in works related to disaster management simulations.
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3.2.2 Assessment criteria and observed variables in disaster management simulation
The review of observed variables and criteria for disaster management simulation has been applied on
ten approaches having different application scenarios: emergency and crisis response [Hawe et al.,
2015], [Praiwattana and El Rhalibi, 2016], [Walter et al., 2016], rescue strategy [Saoud et al., 2006],
[Takahashi, 2003], [Siddhartha et al., 2009], [Blatt et al., 2016], [Marecki et al., 2005], and evacuation
[Christensen and Sasaki, 2008], [Balasubramanian et al., 2006].
These approaches also have different goals: resource allocation [Hawe et al., 2015], assessing or
comparing strategies [Saoud et al., 2006], [Blatt et al., 2016], [Balasubramanian et al., 2006], [Marecki
et al., 2005] or built-environment [Christensen and Sasaki, 2008], planning response [Praiwattana and
El Rhalibi, 2016], [Walter et al., 2016], optimizing response [Takahashi, 2003], [Siddhartha et al., 2009].
Protection of elements at risk
Goods Protection
[Saoud et al., 2006]
[Takahashi, 2003]
[Siddhartha et al., 2009]
[Hawe et al., 2015]
[Praiwattana and El Rhalibi, 2016]
[Walter et al., 2016]
[Blatt et al., 2016]
[Marecki et al., 2005]
[Balasubramanian et al., 2006]
[Christensen and Sasaki, 2008]
Table 4. Observed variables in disaster management simulation (IP: Impacted population, NbC: Number of Casualty, NbD:
Number of Dead, IB: Impacted building, IA: Impacted area, TP: Time performance, SQ: Success quantity, HM: Human means,
RM: Resource means)
Table 4 provides an overview of the variables observed by the previously stated approach. 70% of
these approaches observe the impact on the population (impacted population, number of casualties,
or dead), and 30% of them observe both the impact on the population and the impact on goods
(building or area). Population and goods are generally elements at risk, which are served by a plan or
a service in disaster management. Therefore, elements at risk served by the assessed plans can be
considered as observed variables during disaster management simulation.
The majority of these approaches (70%) assess the time performance of activities, 40% of approaches
assess the success of activities, and 20% assess both time and success of activities. This observation
shows that an activity's time performance is an essential criterion of efficiency in disaster
Observed variables are essential components of a simulation model to assess the results of simulation
experiments. The study of observed variables in different simulations for disaster management allows
the identification of their type and their correspondence into a disaster management model. This
study, summarized in Table 4, highlights three links between observed variables and the disaster
management model:
1. a link to elements at risk addressed by the disaster management plan;
2. a relation to actions and tasks performed to achieve a disaster management plan;
3. a link to resource quantity to achieve a disaster management plan.
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This information is essential to design the simulation model from the disaster management model. It
is used to elaborate on the transformation of the disaster management model into the simulation
model in this thesis's proposed solution. The elements at risk addressed by plans are observed
variables of the simulation, whose final quantity must be minimized. The duration and the success of
each action of a plan must be observed and recorded during the simulation to provide performance
metrics. Finally, resource quantity is generally a source of decision-making during disaster
management. Therefore, they are simulation input parameters for which the simulation aims at
optimizing them according to the minimization of elements at risk and the maximization of acting
3.2.3 Environment modeling for disaster management simulation
An environment is continuous through vector GIS files or discontinuous through a grid or as a network
through a graph. Grid representation is the most straightforward representation of an environment
[Hawe et al., 2015], where objects and agents are located through a grid coordinate. Moreover, it
facilitates the disaster situation representation, the agents’ interactions with their environment, and
environment effects on agents and objects by categorizing the grid cells. For example, in the simulation
model of [Saoud et al., 2006], there are three types of cells: obstacle, danger, and normal cells. These
different categories impact the evolution of victims’ health state and authorized agent actions
according to their location cell and the surrounding cells. However, it has the disadvantage of
restricting agent movement [Hawe et al., 2015]. Indeed, a continuous environment represented
through vector GIS files is much more precise. It allows using real maps with the real geometries of
environment components (e.g., polygon for buildings, points for agents, lines for roads). It has the
advantage of building a graph for a road network, allowing realistic movement of agents. In disaster
management simulation, realism and application to real use cases are essential. Therefore, creating an
environment based on vector GIS files is more suited to be more realistic for simulating real accidents
on real maps [Saoud et al., 2006]. That is why they are often used to create an environment for
evacuation simulation to create the graph of the road network.
Therefore, the simulation platform used for disaster management must allow using vector GIS files to
create a realistic environment. The next section presents a review of the multi-agent simulation
3.3 Multi-agent simulation platforms
According to their plans, agent-based simulation is the most suitable simulation model for representing
the different stakeholders acting and interacting to respond to disaster management. Therefore, the
chosen platform must be a multi-agent platform. The simulation’s goal in this system is to make a
scientific simulation based on experiments to conclude disaster management plans’ effectiveness. To
provide a scientific level of such simulation, the realism of the simulation plays a crucial role. Without
appropriate realism, the drawn conclusions cannot be used to support decision-making. Therefore, the
real-world aspect of geospatial data interpretation into the simulation is a primary requirement for
disaster management simulation.
The platform must have the capabilities to simulate the diversity of disaster management applications,
such as applying plans for city evacuation in the context of a flood. Such a type of application requires
two capabilities: large scale simulation and natural resources and environment. The large-scale ability
aims to allow the simulation of a vast number of agents, which is necessary for a city evacuation
scenario containing more than one million inhabitants. Natural resources and environment have
mainly a role in natural disaster management as floods or bushfires.
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In conclusion, the chosen platform must be a multi-agent platform, ideally designed for scientific
multiagent simulation. The platform must allow the use of geospatial data and large-scale simulations.
It must allow scheduling and planning applications through the implementation of Belief-desire-
intention agents. Finally, it must allow natural resources and the environment to be taken into account.
The simulation platform's choice depends on the requirements previously stated for multi-agent
simulation of disaster management and the platform’s reliability.
The authors of [Kravari and Bassiliades, 2015] have made an up-to-date comparative review of agent
simulation platforms to support readers in choosing a platform. This review presents and compares 24
platforms according to a set of 23 universal criteria gathered into five categories: Platform properties,
Usability, Operating ability, Pragmatics, Security management. They also collect platforms according
to the application domains.
As presented previously, the prime pre-requisite of a platform for disaster management simulation is
to allow real-world simulation from geospatial data. Among the 24 platforms presented, the first
selection of seven platforms has been made according to their specialization or common use in the
real-world and GIS aspects. These platforms are AGLOBE [Šišlák et al., 2006], Cougaar [Helsinger and
Wright, 2005], Repast [Kravari and Bassiliades, 2015], CybelePro, SeSAm [Klügl, 2009], AnyLogic
[Borshchev, 2013], and GAMA [Grignard et al., 2013]. The more platform is designed for an application,
the more efficient it is efficient for this application. Thus, these seven platforms have been compared
according to the other requirements and application domains of disaster management. Table 5 shows
the comparison of these seven platforms according to six application domains related to disaster
management made according to Table 9 in [Kravari and Bassiliades, 2015].
AGLOBE Cougaar Repast CybelePro
SeSAm AnyLogic GAMA
Real-world and GIS
Large scale simulations
Scientific simulations
General purpose agent-
Based simulations
Scheduling and planning
Natural resources
and environment
Table 5. Platforms comparison according to application domains related to the disaster management domain
This comparison shows the GAMA platform as the most suitable platform for application domains
related to disaster management. The platforms CybelePro, SeSAm, and AnyLogic also provide
capabilities for most application domains related to disaster management.
The main advantage of the GAMA platform compared to SeSAm and AnyLogic platforms are to allow
large-scale simulations. This capability plays a crucial role in simulating evacuation plans of a big city.
The main advantage of GAMA compared to CybelePro is specialized in agent-based simulations and
applications in natural resources and the environment.
These four platforms (SeSAm, CybelePro, AnyLogic, and GAMA) are further analyzed using the
universal criteria of [Kravari and Bassiliades, 2015]. Concerning the pragmatics category, they have
excellent user support and are still in active development. Concerning the categories of operating
ability, platform properties, and security management, the platforms can be gathered into two
categories: one category gathering AnyLogic and CybelePro, and another one gathering SeSAm and
GAMA. The first group has the advantage of having a high operating ability globally and at least a good
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platform security with fairness. In contrast, the second group has an excellent running ability and
average security without fairness. However, although the first group has better security management
and operating ability, it has a significant limit in the platform properties category. The first group is a
commercial, whereas the second group is free. Moreover, the level of operating ability is good enough
for prototyping. Finally, concerning the usability category, the first group has an average simplicity
whereas the second one is simple. In terms of usability, GAMA also has the advantage of being
compatible with ACL and FIPA standards, not the three other platforms.
Although the platforms as AnyLogic or CybelePro have higher security and operating ability, GAMA is
still the most suitable platform for plan experimentation for disaster management preparedness due
to its license and the capabilities that it provides. GAMA allows "complete modeling and simulation"
of large-scale simulations. It combines explicit multi-agent simulations with GIS data management,
multi-level modeling, and the capability to implement BDI and reactive agents. Thus it is powerful for
prototyping through its agent-oriented language GAML.
Besides, GAMA allows an efficient extension of the agents’ behavior using "skills" defined as additional
plugins. GAMA provides a library of "skills" assigned to an agent for diverse domains such as moving,
communication, graphics. Therefore, these skills need to be extended to the disaster management
domain to allow plan simulation.
3.4 Discussion
This section has highlighted approaches to provide flexibility in the simulation development by
proposing (1) a model or a meta-model most often specified through an ontology and (2) an
architecture based on a set of implemented components used by a simulation platform. Concerning
the simulation modeling, meta-models specified through an ontology have shown great flexibility to
represent a diversity of simulation models and facilitate their development. Indeed, the authors of
[Durak and Oren, 2016] claim that simulation engineering through the use of ontologies is the
evolution of the simulation domain. The use of ontologies for simulation modeling provides three main
1. They are facilitating the simulation development. Approaches as [Poveda et al., 2015], Kruchten et
al., 2007], [Christley et al., 2004] use ontologies to provide flexibility in the simulation modeling
and allow the reusability of implemented simulation components. Ontologies are also used to
facilitate simulation development for other application cases as distributed simulation applications
[Benjamin et al., 2006] or other simulation techniques as discrete-event simulation with the
ontology DEMO [Miller et al., 2004]. Another interesting approach for simulation development
based on ontology has been proposed by authors of [McGinnis et al., 2011]. These authors use an
ontology to create a specific conceptual model for a problem in a domain. The user can create the
ontology implementation referred to as a domain-specific language (DSL) for a class of simulation
applications through the use of OMG SysML. Once the conceptual model is created through DSL
ontology, a model transformation is used to automate the translation to a computational
simulation model.
2. They are promoting and facilitating the sharing and reusing of simulation data. Ontologies in the
Semantic Web domain aim to describe resources to facilitate the research of relevant information.
The simulations are composed of several models, are based on data, and produce data. The sharing
of these elements can facilitate their reusability. The authors of [Lacy and Gerber, 2004] explain
that XML has been long used to interchange simulation data thanks to its advantage of solving
interchange problems. However, they promote an upgrade from XML to OWL, which overcomes
XML-only approaches' weaknesses, provides an explicit semantic, and allows the inference. The
creation of an ontology is also one approach to facilitate sharing of knowledge in the domain of
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modeling and simulation as illustrated by the ontology of discrete-event simulation and modeling
called DEMO [Miller et al., 2004] and the ontology to describe the simulation systems engineering
process [Durak and Oren, 2016] according to the IEEE standard for Distributed Simulation
Engineering and Execution Process (DSEEP) [IEEE, 2011].
3. They are facilitating the integrated simulation with a real system into a unique system. The
common vocabulary facilitates the exchange of information between two systems: a real system
can base its operation on information representing through an ontology, which is enriched by the
integrated simulation. The authors of [Poveda et al., 2015] have designed an ontology-based
simulation that aims to be reused by other intelligent systems. The authors of [De La Asunción et
al., 2005a] present the SIADEX planning framework composed of an integrated simulation and a
real system. This SIADEX framework aims at planning firefighting according to the situation
representation. It uses an ontology called BACAREX to represent the information required for the
planning process. The integrated simulation aims to enrich the BACAREX ontology by representing
the fire situation's future state of the fire situation that constitutes an input parameter of the
planning system. The ontologies with the techniques from the Semantic Web also allow logical
reasoning operation called inference. Such a process based on ontology supports the operation of
a real system. In [Han et al., 2010], the authors use the integrated system to represent the fire
situation evolution through an ontology and use the inference process to determine hazards from
the situation representation.
From these advantages, the use of ontology for simulation modeling brings benefits both for the
sharing in the simulation community and for the flexibility of simulation modeling and development
required for plan assessment. Among existing ontologies studied in the next section, the ontology
proposed by [Christley et al., 2004] is the most suited for multi-agent simulation of disaster
management. However, it provides only high-level concepts that must be specified for the application
domain. Moreover, although approaches presented previously provides flexibility for the diversity of
simulation modeling, but they do not propose a method to design the conceptual simulation model
according to disaster management knowledge.
Although no studied approaches transform disaster management model into a multi-agent simulation
model, some simulation engineering approaches exist in other application domains that use ontology
in the process of model transformation from a domain ontology to an ontological simulation model.
The method presented by the authors of [Silver et al., 2007] uses the knowledge encoded in ontologies
to facilitate simulation modeling. The suggested technique establishes relationships between domain
ontologies and a modeling ontology. It then uses the relationships to instantiate a simulation model as
ontology instances. An application of this suggested technique has been presented by authors of [Silver
et al., 2009] for simulations based on discrete-event modeling techniques. These authors use
alignment and mapping information between the domain ontologies and the Discrete-event Modeling
Ontology (DeMO) to create DeMO instances. A code generator can then use these DeMO instances to
produce an executable simulation model. Such an approach based on alignment and mapping
information between a domain ontology and a simulation modeling ontology brings flexibility to adapt
simulation modeling according to a domain ontology. It is necessary to design a domain ontology of
disaster management to apply such a method adapted to disaster management model application and
multi-agent simulation modeling. Such research belongs to the domain of knowledge engineering
presented in the next section.
4 Knowledge engineering
Explicit knowledge in computer science generally relates to semantic knowledge representation often
used for intelligent systems (e.g., for object detection [Ponciano et al., 2019a], [Ponciano et al., 2019b],
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[Karmacharya et al., 2015], for simulation [Poveda et al., 2015], [Durif, 2014], [Miller et al., 2004]) or
for information systems supporting decision-making (e.g. for disaster management [Shafiq et al.,
2012], [Babitski et al., 2011], [Han et al., 2010], [GeoPii, Integrasys, 2014], [Fan and Zlatanova, 2010],
[Beneito-Montagut et al., 2013]). Knowledge defines what to do and how to act, decide, or solve a
problem. Knowledge engineering consists of representing knowledge explicitly. According to Guarino
in [Guarino, 1995], it exists different levels of knowledge representation. Among these different levels,
the ontological level is used to represent the knowledge explicitly through its semantic. It aims at
creating a knowledge base that defines concepts with meaning understandable both by humans and
machines. The ontological level is chosen for its right balance between the humans’ linguistic level and
computers' logical level. And the ontological representation of knowledge is done through an ontology.
4.1 Knowledge Representation for disaster management
This section presents the existing ontologies for disaster management. In 2013, the authors of [Liu et
al., 2013] reviewed ontologies used during crisis management. This section presents seven ontologies,
presented by [Liu et al., 2013], and eight ontologies, more recent. Among these ontologies, there are
two main goals for the design of these ontologies. They are either designed for information exchange
to facilitate collaboration or for planning the response to support decision-making. The next
subsections present the existing ontologies according to these two categories of goals. They present
their advantages and disadvantages in terms of reusability.
4.1.1 Ontologies for information exchange to facilitate collaboration
The Emergel ontology [Casado et al., 2015] has been created for a European project called Disaster,
which aims to provide an international common knowledge structure allowing exchange information
about performed tasks between the different European Union countries Emergency. It covers domains
of disaster (e.g., fire, transport accident), time (e.g.timeslice), Resource (e.g. Vehicle, Equipment,
Communication), Role (e.g. BrigadeLeader, Squad leader), Infrastructure (e.g. building, street),
Organisation (e.g. FireFighting, Police, AmbulanceService), damage (e.g. 25PercentOutage), Task (e.g.
Extinguish, Transport, FloodProtection), and Movement. It is linked to FOAF and WAI vocabulary to
describe responders and their roles, as well as NeoGeo vocabulary2 for spatial objects. Its main
advantage is the completeness of the vocabulary to describe actions and tasks made on the ground.
Its disadvantage is the lack of high-level concepts for preparedness as plans description.
The MOAC ontology has been created for the management of a crisis vocabulary. MOAC ontology3
aims at defining vocabulary for the management of crisis and is expressed through RDF. It is focused
on describing an event (such as natural hazard, emergency) and humanitarian activities through "Who,
What, Where". The prime advantage of this ontology is the richness for the description of the event of
a disaster, their material aftermath, and the hazards which can result from a disaster because many
classes compose it for the infrastructure damage, problem of health, menace, the operation for a vital
resource. The principal disadvantage of this ontology is the lack of concepts for describing different
responders in disaster management. Moreover, it focuses on humanitarian activities.
The European Union has initiated the INSPIRE directive [Seifert, 2008] to create spatial information
infrastructure. The aim is to support Community environmental policies and policies or activities that
may impact the environment. A natural or another disaster often affects the environment; that is why
it is possible to find a vocabulary for a specific domain of disaster management in the INSPIRE directive.
The INSPIRE directive is ordered in 34 themes, whose "Human health and Safety" and "Natural risk
2 NeoGeo Vocabulary Specification:, visited on 2020-09-22
3 Management of a Crisis (MOAC) Vocabulary Specification:,
visited on 2020-09-22
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zones". Initiatives exist to create an INSPIRE ontology4 such as the ontology5 created in the context of
heterogeneous geospatial data integration [Homburg et al., 2016]. INSPIRE covers damages (e.g.,
EventConsequence, environmental damage) and affected population (e.g., injured, evacuated,
isolated) from the theme safety; the domains of risk and hazard from the theme of natural risk zones;
operations and actors from the theme of utility and governmental services; the infrastructure domain
from themes as buildings, production, and industrial facilities, agricultural and aquacultural facilities,
and transport network; population repartition from the theme of population distribution and
demography; meteorology domain from the theme of meteorological geographical features. The
advantage of INSPIRE is that it offers a vocabulary for describing information related to disaster
preparedness such as infrastructure, governmental service, risk, population, and disaster description
such as damage and meteorology. However, INSPIRE has a lack of vocabulary to describe resources
and disaster management activities. INSPIRE is not specific to disaster management, but it is accurate
in the environment. That is why it allows gathering much information but not the representation of
disaster management.
In [Beneito-Montagut et al., 2013], the platform web “Disaster 2.0” allows actors to deposit or research
information, make requests of needs, and get answers for the application of requirements. The
information and requests added on this platform are stored in an ontology. This ontology is called Dires
and describes seven main domains: damage (an element which has been affected by a disaster),
disasters (e.g., technological, natural, conflict), geo-location (e.g., location of the incident command
post, heliport, stagging area), operations to respond to a disaster, organizations (e.g., police, fire
brigade, Business entity), responder roles (e.g., chief, commander, fireman, policeman, ambulance
man), and resources (e.g., food, clothes, vehicle, power generator). Dires is an ontology specific to the
disaster response. This ontology's advantage is the definition of the response domain through
Ressources, Operation, Casualty, Actor, Disaster, and Infrastructure. The lack of this ontology appears
at the level of risk, hazard, and plan description.
The DoRES ontology [Burel et al., 2017] aims to represent information sources, reports, and the events
and situations that occur in emergency crises. It covers domains such as events, situations,
geolocations, documents, reports, tasks, roles, organizations, and actors. This ontology gathers
concepts from ontologies SIOC, FOAF, Geoname, WGS84, and Dublin Core.
SIOC6 (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities) describes online community sites' information as
their structure and contents to find related information and new connections between content items
and other community objects.
FOAF7 (Friend of a friend) Core describes characteristics of people and social groups independent of
time and technology. In addition to FOAF Core terms, there are terms to describe Social Web as
internet accounts, addressbooks, and other Web-based activities.
GeoNames8 ontology allows the addition of geospatial semantic information to the Word Wide Web.
It provides URI to represent a large number of geographic names and locations.
4 INSPIRE ontology from European Commission:,
visited on 2020-09-22
5 INSPIRE ontology from SemGIS:, visited on 2020-09-22
6 SIOC Core Ontology Specification:, visited on 2020-09-22
7 FOAF Vocabulary Specification (0.99):, visited on 2020-09-22
8 GeoNames Ontology:, visited on 2020-09-22
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WGS849 is a vocabulary for representing latitude, longitude, and other information about spatially-
located things, using WGS84 as a reference datum.
Dublin Core10 is a vocabulary used to describe digital resources (e.g., video, images, web pages) and
physical resources (e.g., books, CD). This information is related to content (e.g., title, subject, source,
description, etc.), intellectual property (e.g., creator, contributor, editor, etc.), and instantiation (e.g.,
date, type, format, etc.).
Although the DoRES ontology describes some concepts of disaster management, there is a lack of
vocabulary to describe disaster preparedness due to their goal: the management of information
The EDXL-RESCUER ontology [Barros et al., 2015b, Barros et al., 2015a] has been developed to
coordinate and exchange information between rescuers and is based on EDXL (Emergency Data
Exchange Language), developed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards (OASIS11) [Jones, 2013]. EDXL provides a set of XML-based messaging standards to improve
information sharing during an emergency like a natural disaster, for example. EDXL is based on the
National Information Exchange Model (NIEM), which is an XML-based information exchange
framework from the United States. It exists different types of message for the diverse needs: EDXL-RM
(resource message), EDXL-DE (Distribution Element), EDXL-SitRep (Situation Reporting), EDXL-TEP
(Tracking of Emergency Patients), EDXL-CAP (Common Alerting Protocol). The ontology part
corresponding to EDXL-CAP covers two main descriptions: message description (e.g., Message type,
Alert, Info) and information about the incident (e.g., category of event, resource, response type). This
ontology is limited to the description of an incident.
The EPISECC ontology [Pan and Space, 2016] has been developed in OWL to improve information
sharing through a Common Information Space. It is a Spatio-temporal ontology for modeling a common
operational picture for the first responders. It addresses the interoperability during the response. It
covers five main domains: disaster (e.g., earthquake, urban flood, flash flood), process (e.g., resource
management, physical response as decontamination, search for people), resource (e.g., financial,
human, institutional), organization (e.g., Governmental, Non-governmental, Private), common
operational picture, whose static and dynamic data (e.g.situational data: weather forecast, affected
people; operational data: resource, process). It references to GeoSPARQL, W3C Time and DOLCE-Lite
GeoSPARQL12 is a Geographic Query Language for RDF Data. It is an extension of SPARQL for processing
geospatial data, which "supports representing and querying geospatial data on the semantic web. [It]
defines a vocabulary for representing geospatial data in RDF. Also, GeoSPARQL is designed to
accommodate systems based on qualitative spatial reasoning and systems based on quantitative
spatial computations." [Perry and Herring, 2012]. GeoSPARQL has the same use as SPARQL, but the
difference is when it recovers a triple in a database, its declaration, serialization has not done by
RDF/XML but rather than RDF/GML. GML is a Geo Markup Language, which allows describing
geospatial data.
9 WGS84 Vocabulary:, visited on 2020-09-22
10 Dublin Core Specification:, visited on 2020-09-22
11 OASIS:, visited on 2020-09-22
12 GeoSPARQL (OGC Standard):, visited on 2020-09-22
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W3C Time13 provides the vocabulary to describe topological temporal relations, temporal reference
system (e.g. clock, calendar) time position, and duration.
DOLCE (Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering) [Gangemi et al., 2002] is a
foundational ontology. This ontology has a clear cognitive bias because it aims to capture the
ontological categories underlying natural language and human common sense. It is an ontology of
particulars14, divided into two categories: the enduring and perduring entities. Endurance is
continuants, which are wholly present at any time at which they exist and can change in time (e.g.,
physical objects). Perdurants or occurrents are extended in time and only partially present at any time
they exist (e.g., events and processes). DOLCE-Lite15 is a lite version of DOLCE to simplify translations
of DOLCE into various logical language.
The Humanitarian eXchange Language (HXL) ontology [Keßler and Hendrix, 2015] covers the domains
of disaster (e.g., Incident), geography (e.g., Administrative Unit), damage (e.g., affected population),
organization, and humanitarian response (e.g., displaced population). HXL is linked to vocabularies
from FOAF and GeoSPARQL. It allows mainly for describing the population impacted by an incident
(e.g., death, injured, displaced). It is limited to humanitarian activities.
Discussion on ontologies for information exchange The ontologies for information exchange to
facilitate collaboration have the main advantage of providing an extensive vocabulary to describe a
situation of crisis and response activities. However, they are generally application ontology, which
limits them to: (i) a part of response activities as humanitarian (e.g., MOAC, HXL) activities; (ii) a
situation and activities description related to information content (e.g., EDXL-RESCUER, DoRES). The
ontologies covering larger the domain (e.g., Emergel, INSPIRE, Dires, and EPISECC) do not allow the
description of Preparedness’ elements related to stakeholders’ organizational structure and the plans
to gather a set of tasks. The next section presents ontologies for planning response and aims at
searching ontologies able to represent preparedness components.
4.1.2 Ontologies for planning response
AktiveSa [Smart et al., 2007a], [Smart et al., 2007b] aims at representing humanitarian and disaster
relief operations for military agencies. It has been used by the system UICDS [Shafiq et al., 2012] to
store information for planning and rule-based reasoning to organize planning elements according to
the constraints. Even though AktiveSA was designed for military agencies, it is based on humanitarian
and disaster relief operations. In this disaster context, military agencies need to exchange information
with humanitarian agencies about: the security situation in the operations area, the locations of
humanitarian staff and facilities, the activities planned by humanitarian actors, mine action activities,
significant movements of civilians, activities of relief planned by military agencies, strike locations and
explosive munitions used during military campaigns, communication infrastructure as the best location
for radio repeaters. This model's knowledge areas are Geography, Meteorology, Activity, Humanitarian
aid, Military, Equipment, Organizations, Weapons. This model is expressed through OWL. The
advantage of AktiveSA is a high level of vocabulary description by representing a vast diversity for each
knowledge area. However, it does not provide a transparent model with defined relationships between
the different concepts.
The E-response ontology aims at describing an emergency and the response to that emergency. This
ontology is derived from the AktiveSa ontology and contains some concepts derived from DOLCE
13 W3C Time Ontology specification:, visited on 2020-09-22
14 Particulars are entities which have no instances [Gangemi et al., 2002]
15 DOLCE-Lite Ontology:, visited
on 2020-09-22
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ontology (e.g.Endurant, Perdurant). E-Response being based on AktiveSa covers similar areas of
knowledge. Therefore, it has a similar advantage and limit. It is used to create and use a virtual
organization to respond to highly dynamic events, such as emergencies in the project Aktive
The The I-N-C-A (Issues – Nodes – Constraints –Annotations) ontology [Tate, 2003] is a constraint
model used as a shared representation of intentions for emergency response in rescue simulations
[Wickler et al., 2006] or to represent rescue actions with constrained in I-RESCUE simulation [Siebra
and Tate, 2003]. INCA provides a shared representation of the agent’s intention to coordinate activities
in an emergency response scenario. The I-N-C-A ontology is also used as a base for an intelligent
command and control system in the FIREGRID system presented in [Rein et al., 2007], to represent
tasks with constraints. This ontology is interesting to solve problems planning in emergency response
to support decision-making but is too limited to describe the preparedness components.
The IsyCri ontology [Benaben et al., 2008], [Lauras et al., 2015] is a meta-model for crisis management
represented through OWL-DL. It has been designed to gather information and knowledge about crisis
management into a crisis response coordination system. This ontology aims at characterizing a crisis
to coordinate the response process between the heterogeneous partners. It represents concepts
through three categories:
• Crisis characterization through concepts as Crisis, Factors, Effect, and Trigger;
• Studied system through concepts as Risk, Danger, Event, and Study System Components (i.e.,
Good, Civilian society, People, and Natural site);
• Treatment system through concepts as Actor, Procedure, Resource, Service, Task, Collaborative
The meta-model Isycri has the advantage of a high-level description to cover the whole set of required
concepts. However, a meta-model can only be a base for further development and specification of use
cases. Thus, a meta-model provides a base for describing a diversity of use cases and for generic
reasoning on high concepts to apply knowledge on a crisis situation.
The SIADEX framework is decision support in forest fire fighting [De La Asunción et al., 2005a]. It has a
monitoring algorithm, which (1) tracks in real-time changes according to the execution of the current
plan, (2) updates the ontology, and (3) checks if the execution is like the prediction. This check aims to
detect a problem as failure execution or unexpected delay to re-plan the solution according to the
problem’s circumstance. The ontology used by this algorithm is called BACAREX. The BACAREX
ontology is an ontology of planning objects and activities related to the forest fire fighting plan.
Objects are called resources and are represented in two main classes: Material and Human. Among
materials, there are facilities and vehicles. Facilities have a GIS point as a fixed position, whereas cars
and humans have a current position due to their dynamic of the move. Information stored for every
object is operational (usage of coordinates by reasoning process of planning) and informational
(information required for by the technical staff during an episode). The BACAREX ontology contains a
fire scenario concept that forecasts weather and has a physical deployment in GIS locations specific to
fire and a concept of shifts with duration and linked to Human. This ontology is also composed of
constraints to check the consistency dynamically and detect inconsistency early. These constraints are
temporal constraints, mainly related to actions and necessary for planning, or restrictions on operating
procedures to specify resource use conditions.
16 e.Response:, visited on 2020-09-22
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The EMPATHI ontology [Gaur et al., 2019] has been created for emergency management and planning
about hazard Crisis. Super-concepts of this ontology can be gathered into three categories of
• Data and information management through concepts as Modality of data, Report and Surveillance
• Situation description through concepts as Place, Event, Impact, Age Group, Hazard type and phase;
• Response Activity through concepts as Involved actors, Service, Status, Facility.
EMPATHI ontology integrates vocabulary from Friend Of A Friend (FOAF)17, GeoNames18, Linked Open
Descriptions of Events (LODE) [Shaw et al., 2009], Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)19,
Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC)20, Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA)21, Emergency Disasters Database (EM-DAT)22, MA-Ont23, iContact24.
The LODE is an ontology for publishing historical events as LinkedIn and mapping between other event-
related vocabularies and ontologies.
SKOS is a W3C recommendation to represent knowledge organization systems using the Resource
Description Framework (RDF). It provides a standard data model for sharing and linking knowledge
organization systems via the Web. It captures the similarity of structure and applications of knowledge
organization systems and makes it explicit to enable data and technology sharing across diverse
According to [Gaur et al., 2019], the FEMA provides a glossary of terms related to disaster preparation
and management [Anderson, 1999].
EM-DAT is a database gathering disaster events. According to [Gaur et al., 2019], it provides precise
definitions of concepts and categorizes disturbance-related events [Jonkman, 2005].
MA-Ont is a W3C Recommendation that describes a core vocabulary of properties and a set of
mappings between different metadata formats of media resources published on the Web. These
mappings aim to provide metadata representations that describe media resources' characteristics and
behavior in an interoperable manner and facilitate the sharing and reusing of metadata. iContact is an
ontology that provides basic classes and more specific properties for representing international street
addresses, phone numbers, and emails. Its benefit compared to other ontologies as FOAF is that it
considers details of international addresses, phone numbers, and emails. The EMPATHI ontology has
the advantage of providing a diversity of vocabulary to describe disaster situation and response
activities, but not to describe plans and organizational structure elaborated during the preparedness.
The Ontology-based Representation of Crisis Management Procedures for Climate Events presented
by [Kontopoulos et al., 2018] has been developed for decision support systems for crisis management.
17 FOAF Vocabulary Specification 0.99:, visited on 2020-09-22
18 GeoNames Ontology:, visited on 2020-09-
19 Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS):, visited on 2020-
20 SIOC Core Ontology Specification:, visited on 2020-09-22
21 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):, visited on 2020-09-22
22 Emergency Disasters Database (EM-DAT):, visited on 2020-09-22
23 Ontology for Media Resources 1.0:, visited on 2020-09-22
24 International Contact Ontology:, visited on 2020-
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It covers the representation of a crisis, climate parameters that may cause climate crises, sensor
analysis, first responder unit allocations, crisis incidents, and related impacts. This ontology is limited
to disasters related to climate.
The ontologies for planning address the response step, and it provides mainly a large vocabulary to
describe response activities. However, as their goal is to results in planning, they do not give vocabulary
to define plans related to response activities. Only IsyCri ontology has concepts related to plans as a
procedure and provides a global view of prepared response activities. The particularity of IsyCri is to
be a meta-model. A meta-model has the advantage of being composed of super-concepts linked
between them by super-properties. Super-concepts and super-properties allow them to gather a vast
diversity of specifications. Such a high level of description provides a base to define different disaster
management models. In addition to IsyCri ontology, it also exists some other meta-models for disaster
management as a global disaster management meta-model presented in [Othman and Beydoun, 2013]
and a meta-model for each phase of disaster management presented by [Othman et al., 2014] and
used by [Othman and Beydoun, 2016]. Among these different meta-models, the meta-model of
[Othman and Beydoun, 2013] provides the most adapted concepts related to preparedness
components and their application.
4.1.3 Discussion
Reusable ontologies have been identified from analyzing the main required terms and the study of
these ontologies. Table 6 and Table 7 summarizes the analysis of existing ontologies according to the
main terms required. On the one hand, the meta-model presented by [Othman and Beydoun, 2013]
has been identified as the most suitable for the main terms representation at a high level of
description. On the other hand, the Emergel, Dires and EPISECC ontologies are very complete in terms
of concepts for the description of the elements contained in a plan, such as the tasks and resources
that can intervene in applying a plan. Among these three ontologies, Emergel ontology is the most
interesting to complement the high-level concepts of [Othman and Beydoun, 2013] because of its
design related to tactical symbols. This advantage facilitates the extraction of knowledge from tactical
plans corresponding to maps containing tactical symbols. Thus, the use of the high-level concepts of
[Othman and Beydoun, 2013] allows the representation of a wide variety of plans based on a wide
variety of tasks, roles, resources whose concepts are described by the Emergel ontology. The
knowledge base using these ontologies can then be fulfilled by knowledge extracted from data.
Therefore, the next section presents the existing methods for knowledge extraction and integration.
Table 6. Existing ontologies according to required terms (1)
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Table 7. Existing ontologies according to required terms (2)
4.2 Knowledge extraction and integration
The conventional approach for integrating data into a system (e.g., data warehouse, information
system, knowledge base) is the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) approach. This approach has been
promoted in the 1970s for managing data warehouses. It is often used nowadays in the semantic
domain, as shown by works of [Bansal and Kagemann, 2015] in the context of big data integration. The
extract step consists of extracting the raw values of the data. The transformation consists of structuring
data into a targeted schema. The transformation step also cleans data by removing redundant or
useless information, groups information, and checks information. Finally, the load step consists in the
insertion of data into the targeted system.
In the context of heterogeneous data integration into an ontology, each data source is transformed
into a local ontology gathering the extracted raw values. The local ontologies can either be linked to a
global ontology and thus be directly loaded into the global ontology or require a new transformation
based on a mapping step with the global ontology to be then loaded [Cruz and Xiao, 2005], [Hacherouf
et al., 2015]. This step of transformation by ontology mapping is also a process used to integrate
knowledge and information represented into another ontology model.
Such a process is also used in the Semantic Web to enrich linked data, as shown by works of [Debruyne
et al., 2017]. This work presents a methodology of enriching linked data with a geospatial dimension
from CSV files [Repici, 2006]. The first process of this methodology that they call uplift transforms the
geospatial data into RDF triples. The second one enriches data and consists of link discovery and their
incorporation into RDF data. In addition to the ETL approach principle, this methodology proposes the
last step to produce new datasets. This last step is called downlift and transforms the newly enriched
RDF data into an enriched CSV file.
Many works in the integration of heterogeneous data concern geospatial data due to the diversity of
data formats and the heterogeneity of information that they can contain. Geospatial data are also the
primary data containing information related to disaster management preparedness. Thus, this section
presents mainly approaches related to geospatial data integration.
In the domain of semantic and geospatial integration, the GeoKnow project [Grange et al., 2014], which
aims at geographically enriching data with linked data web, gathers several tools to apply the
methodology presented by [Debruyne et al., 2017]. This project uses TripleGeo [Patroumpas et al.,
2014] and Sparqlify [Stadler et al., 2013] as tools to do the uplift process. The enrichment is done using
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LIMES [Ngomo and Auer, 2011] for link discovery and Geolift for enriching and data cleaning. The end-
user of GeoKnow aims at managing linked data on the web, so no downlift step is included. Instead,
the authors visualized the data in a user interface.
These examples from the Semantic Web illustrate the two main steps of integration. These steps are
the uplift process to transform data content into RDF triples and the ontology mapping process used
for link discovery in the Semantic Web, for transforming a local ontology into a global ontology in the
ETL process, and for knowledge integration from another ontology model.
4.2.1 Uplift process
The most common uplift processes are semi-automatic approaches based on schema matching to
transform data into RDF triples directly loadable into the global ontology. Such semi-automatic
approaches are used in projects as Karma [Knoblock et al., 2012], which can process heterogeneous
data and Silk [Volz et al., 2009] specialized for data reading of RDF, CSV, and XML files to convert data
into the RDF form. However, the schema matching approaches are generally specific to a data type.
Semi-automatic approaches for database Many techniques and standards are created for information
integration from a database to an ontology. The W3C has developed the R2RML standard, a language
to express relational databases into RDF triples [Das et al., 2012]. An RDF graph represents RDF
mapping. Thus, R2RML expresses a customized mapping from relational databases to RDF data sets.
R2RML can also be used to express a mapping from a CSV file as presented in the paper [Debruyne et
al., 2017]. Another similar approach is DB2OWL, which is presented in [Ghawi and Cullot, 2007], which
aims to generate an ontology mapping from a relational database. Some tools like BOOTOX [Jimènez-
Ruiz et al., 2015] have been developed to facilitate the mapping from given relational databases to
extract a corresponding ontology from the database schema. The tool Sparqlify included in the
GeoKnow project [Grange et al., 2014] provides an RDF view through a SPARQL query, using SPARQL
to SQL translation mechanisms. Similarly, [Rodríguez-Muro and Rezk, 2015] presents an approach to
access the data in a database. This approach uses R2RML, not to convert or translate the database's
content in an ontology but to translate a SPARQL request (used to request an ontology) into a SQL
request. Concerning approaches used in disaster management system, SOKNOS in [Paulheim et al.,
2009] presents a semi-automatic approach, which is a conversion of an interactive mapping by the
user between data from database and resource ontology into F-logic rules. The COBACORE data
framework [GeoPii, Integrasys, 2014] comprises a service provider that uses a domain ontology to
transform a relational database into RDF triples.
Semi-automatic approaches for geospatial data Several approaches have been developed to convert
the content of geospatial data into an RDF model. Some approaches are specialized for one type of
storage, like the approach GML2RDF presented in [Casado et al., 2015], which is specialized for
translating GML format. [Bizid et al., 2014] presents another approach for GML files. This approach
converts GML data sets to local ontologies using GML schemas and provides automated interlinking
strategies for similarly structured database resources.
Automatic approaches are also available for automatic uplift. Some approaches are specialized for
relational databases as the direct mapping presented by the W3C [Arenas et al., 2011]. Some others
are able to process heterogeneous formats (e.g. databases, CSV [Repici, 2006], GML [Burggraf, 2006],
shapefile [Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), 1998]) as the Datalift project [Scharffe et
al., 2012]. The uplift process of this project converts the input format into RDF triples (subject-
predicate-object). The subject corresponds to an element of a row. The predicate is based on the
column name. The object is the cell's content corresponding to the intersection between the row of
the subject and the predicate column. Then, it converts RDF triples into a "well-formed RDF" according
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to chosen vocabularies by using SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. [Pinkel et al., 2017] presents a schema
matching based on intermediate graphs obtained by transforming the two inputs corresponding to a
relational database and an ontology. These two intermediate graphs are then matched. Their approach
uses two matchers based on the graph structure and a lexical one. First, it creates a matching using a
pairwise connectivity graph to gather pair by pair of potential nodes. It then applies a Jaccard, similarity
matcher [Niwattanakul et al., 2013] and finally, applies a structure matcher using an adaptation of
similarity flooding algorithms [Melnik et al., 2002]. Other automatic schema matching approaches are
presented in the survey [Rahm and Bernstein, 2001] and [Rahm, 2011].
4.2.2 Ontology mapping process
The authors of [Choi et al., 2006] make the distinction between the three following ontology
• Ontology mapping between an integrated global ontology and local ontologies "is used to map a
concept found in one ontology into a view, or a query over other ontologies (e.g., over the global
ontology in the local-centric approach, or over the local ontologies in the global-centric
• Ontology mapping between local ontologies "is the process that transforms the source ontology
entities into the target ontology entities based on semantic relation. The source and target are
semantically related at a conceptual level."
• Ontology mapping in ontology merge and alignment "establishes correspondence among source
(local) ontologies to be merged or aligned, and determines the set of overlapping concepts,
synonyms, or unique concepts to those sources. This mapping identifies similarities and conflicts
between the various source (local) ontologies to be merged or aligned."
The first type of ontology mapping (between an integrated global ontology and local ontologies) can
be used to access local ontologies based on the knowledge base's vocabulary and resulting from the
uplift process. However, these local ontologies are generally directly integrated into the knowledge
base through, for example SPARQL Update query.
The second type of ontology mapping (between local ontologies) requires a semantic definition of
relationships between concepts of the source and target ontologies. This semantic definition can be
expressed in OWL or through semantic rules.
The third type of ontology mapping (in ontology merge and alignment) requires to establish
correspondences between ontologies. The process to establish correspondences between ontologies
is called ontology matching and aims at solving link discovery problems.
Different techniques of ontology matching are reviewed in [Otero-Cerdeira et al., 2015]. Their
classification is divided between the element-level and structure-level, but also between semantic and
syntactic techniques. Another method of classification is to use the kind of input rather than the
granularity interpretation. In this case, the classification of techniques is divided between context-
based techniques, semantic or syntactic, and content-based techniques, terminological, structural,
extensional, or semantic.
[Nentwig et al., 2017] surveyed current link discovery frameworks and discussed eleven frameworks
by highlighting their specificities. All of the presented frameworks support the relation owl:sameAs,
but only the Silk Framework [Volz et al., 2009] and LIMES [Hillner and Ngomo, 2011] allow the user to
specify other relations. The majority of them require manual configuration. However, four of them
have a semi-automatic and adaptive linking specification based on the data set analysis and the
identification of the most discriminative properties. Among the four learning-based frameworks, three
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use supervised learning, whereas only two utilize unsupervised learning. Concerning similarity
measures, the eleven frameworks all utilize them, but only five have a structure matcher. Two of them
are interesting when it comes to the geospatial domain: Zhishi.links [Niu et al., 2011] and LIMES
(GeoKnow project) because they use geographical coordinates as a similarity measure. These similarity
measures intervene in the primary step of link discovery, which is the ontology matching.
As shown by the study of the link discovery frameworks, the matching techniques are generally
combined to obtain better results. The work of [Do and Rahm, 2002] aims at comparing the efficiency
of the different types of matchers and assesses their combinations. Their benchmark highlights the
efficiency of a combination of matchers and matcher results' reusability to simplify future mapping.
This third type of ontology mapping aims at merging ontologies, as the merge of local ontologies into
a global ontology to constitute the knowledge base or at aligning ontologies to access various
ontologies as it is done in the architecture federated of [Farias et al., 2015] which uses SWRL-Rule
selection for ontology interoperability.
4.2.3 Discussion
A knowledge base can be fulfilled by the integration of knowledge extracted from data. An integration
process is composed of uplift and ontology mapping processes. An end-to-end plan assessment system
requires an automatic process of uplift to process heterogeneous data without requiring supervision.
This requirement aims to integrate knowledge extracted from all stakeholders’ data without requiring,
for example, a new mapping specific to the database of stakeholders. Among the automatic uplift
processes, most of them are specialized in one type of data [Arenas et al., 2011]. Only a few approaches
allow the processing of heterogeneous data. Datalift, an automatic approach for heterogeneous data,
has been tested to assess its usability for the proposed solution. However, the RDF graph resulting
from its uplift contains only annotation properties; it has not produced an RDF graph composed of
individuals linked by properties. This quality of uplift is not enough to extract disaster management
knowledge. Therefore, there is a lack of the automatic integration approaches of knowledge extracted
from heterogeneous data.
5 Conclusion
Disaster management consists of four steps: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Among
these steps, the response step is the most critical since human lives depend on this phase’s
effectiveness. The response effectiveness depends on plan effectiveness defined in upstream during
the preparedness step. Therefore, the preparedness step and the assessment of plan effectiveness
during the preparedness phase are important research areas to avoid problems during the response
step. The plan effectiveness assessment required (1) the identification of their application conditions,
(2) some metrics to quantify their effectiveness, and (3) their experimentation through exercises or
computer simulation.
The identification of plan application conditions required to cluster situations for which a plan has
similar effectiveness. The common features between such situations form the conditions impacting
the plan’s effectiveness. In the case of a large-scale plan application or extensive testing of such plans,
the clustering and analysis of characteristics should be unsupervised to avoid human analysis prone to
error when the number of situations and characteristics is significant.
[Bayram et al., 2012] and [Larsson, 2008] define different metrics to assess the plans’ effectiveness
according to the four main areas defined by the Sphere Project [The Sphere Project, 2011] (health,
housing, food and nutrition, water and sanitation). However, these metrics depend on the plan’s
purpose and should be defined within the plan’s scope. It means that they must be observed during
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the plan’s experimentation phase. The different situations characteristics of plan experimentation
must be put in correlation. A common characteristics analysis can achieve such correlation to
determine the characteristics that impact the plans. The plan’s experimentation phase is carried out
through exercises or computer simulations. Computer simulations have an advantage over exercises,
allowing a high number of experiments to assess plans. Multi-agent simulations are the most suitable
for plan experiments [Mishra et al., 2019]. However, most multi-agent simulation approaches for
disaster management [Christensen and Sasaki, 2008], [D’Orazio et al., 2014], [Zhou et al., 2012], [Mas
et al., 2015], [Nagarajan et al., 2012], [Mishra et al., 2019], [Hawe et al., 2012], [Saoud et al., 2006],
[Poveda et al., 2015] are limited. Indeed, their case-dependent simulation modeling produces a lack of
adaptability from one situation to another. Yet, the testing of disaster management plans requires the
adaptation of simulations to address disaster management scenarios' diversity and complexity.
Therefore some approaches [Poveda et al., 2015], [Kruchten et al., 2007], [Christley et al., 2004] allow
simulation adaptation to a diversity of action strategies. Such approaches use ontologies to model the
simulation. These ontologies represent the concepts of the simulation domain at a high level of
abstraction in order to allow the modeling of a wide variety of strategies. They are used to automate
simulation development and have the advantage of facilitating interoperability with other systems.
However, these approaches do not allow simulations to be modeled based on disaster management
knowledge. Nevertheless, ontologies' use to represent the simulation modeling and the disaster
management knowledge allows taking advantage of Semantic Web technologies and ontologies.
Indeed, the Semantic Web technologies can allow defining mapping and alignment between the two
ontologies to design simulation modeling instances according to disaster management instances.
The study of disaster management ontologies shows the benefits of using high-level concepts of the
meta-model presented by [Othman et al., 2014] to allow the definition of a wide variety of plans, but
also its need for specification. On the other hand, it shows the advantages of the ontology Emergel
[Casado et al., 2015] for its comprehensiveness in describing concepts at a low level. These ontologies
provide the terminology to describe disaster management knowledge. However, the knowledge is
represented through assertions. Some parts of knowledge are stored through data. The study of
existing knowledge extraction approaches from data has highlighted an interesting project, which is
Datalift [Scharffe et al., 2012]. However, Datalift creates annotation assertions, which is not the most
adapted RDF representation to integrate knowledge.
This simulation modeling process requires the explicit representation of disaster management
knowledge and a high-level representation of simulation modeling concepts capable of
accommodating a wide variety of simulation models. The study of approaches to facilitate simulation
adaptation has identified the ontology presented by [Christley et al., 2004] as the most relevant
ontology for simulation modeling. However, this ontology must be completed to specify the high-level
simulation modeling concepts according to the modeling needs for disaster management simulation.
Such simulations must be composed of at least three responder agents’ type (central, manager, and
actor), GIS environment with information such as the demography, the critical infrastructure, area of
risk. They should observe the 12 types of variables defined by [Bayram et al., 2012] for which plan is
assessed according to their purpose.
Among different multi-agent simulation platforms (AGLOBE, Cougaar, Repast, CybelePro, SeSAm, Any-
Logic, and GAMA) the GAMA platform allows real-word and GIS representation, large scale
simulations, scientific simulation, general-purpose agent-based simulation scheduling and planning,
natural resources and environment and thus, appears to be the most suitable platform for the
simulation of plans compared with the other studied approaches. The GAMA platform does not have
an agent’s behavior set specific to the disaster management domain. Therefore, it is necessary to
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extend the agent behaviors by various functionalities typical of the disaster management domain. Such
an extension can be carried out by the addition of an external plugin call "skills".
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