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arXiv:2004.12348v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 26 Apr 2020
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Spin Current Generation by a Surface Plasmon Polariton
Theodorus Jonathan Wijaya,1 Daigo Oue,2, 3 Mamoru Matsuo,3, 4 Yasutoshi Ito,5
Kelvin Elphick,6 Hironaga Uchida,5 Mitsuteru Inoue,5 and Atsufumi Hirohata6
1Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
2Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BW, United Kingdom
3Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China
4CAS Center for Excellence in Topological Quantum Computation,
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China
5Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering,
Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi 441-8580, Japan
6Department of Electronic Engineering, University of York, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
Surface plasmon polariton (SPP) is an electromagnetic wave which is tightly localised beyond
the diffraction limit at metallic surfaces. Recently, it is theoretically proposed that the angular
momentum conversion between the SPP and electrons. In this work, we have successfully measured
SPP induced spin currents, which proves the fact that the angular momenta are interconverted.
Such conversion from light to a spin current can be used as a coupler in a next generation spintronic
computing with optical data transfer or storage.
Introduction.— Spin electronics is at the verge of
becoming a mainstream technology in microelectronics.
The launch of magnetic memory production in 2018 at
major microelectronic foundries marks the adoption of
spintronics by microelectronics industry. This decisive
step has now been passed and lot of further developments
should yield to new applications of spintronic phenomena
and devices [1]. For further improvements or new direc-
tions in spintronic device applications, coupling of pho-
tonics and spintronics/nanomagnetism needs to be de-
veloped as an interdisciplinary research field in relation
with the development of optical interconnects in electron-
ics and all optical writing in storage technology.
Conventionally, photoexcitation using circularly po-
larised light has been commonly used to generate a spin
polarised electrical current mainly in a semiconductor [2].
In this method, the frequency of light needs to be compa-
rable to the semiconductor band-gap. Thus, the method
works in the limited frequency range. To exploit a wider
range of frequency of light, an alternative mechanism of
angular momentum conversion from optical transverse
spin in surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) to conduction
electron spin has been proposed very recently [3, 4].
Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are electromagnetic
waves localised at a metal/insulator interface and have
been known to be excited optically with the Otto and
Kretschman-Raether arrangements (or their mixture),
consisting of a prism placed on a metal/insulator bilayer
with and without a gap [5]. SPP can generate a trans-
versely spinning electric field at the frequency of a few
PHz according to the Drude-Lorentz model. Conduction
electrons in the metal can follow the SPP field [6–13],
creating their orbital motion and the corresponding in-
homogeneous magnetic moments in the metal [12, 13].
An earlier experimental attempt to link spintronics and
photonics has been made to utilise SPP resonance to gen-
erate a spin-polarised electrical current in Au nanoparti-
cles and films [14]. The spin current is induced by a lo-
calised SPP, which does not have an angular momentum.
Recently, by solving the diffusion equation under the in-
homogeneous moments, Oue and Matsuo have recently
predicted the generation of a spin-polarised electrical cur-
rent, proposing that angular momenta are interconverted
between the propagating SPP and the electronic system
[3, 4]. They estimated a spin current of 105 A · m−2 can
be generated in Au by SPP at 1.25 PHz. For a 20 nm
thick Au film with a laser spot size of 1mmφ the resis-
tance can be estimated as 6.1 × 10−12 Ω (resistivity of
Au: 2.44 × 10−8 Ω · m), which can be measured using an
inverse spin Hall effect.
In this study, we have experimentally demonstrated
the propagating SPP induced spin current by measuring
the inverse spin Hall effect to prove the interconvertibil-
ity between the propagating SPP and a spin current for
the first time. In order to confirm the presence of the
SPP induced spin current, the other parasitic effects in-
duced by the local heating of the laser introduction need
to be removed, such as the spin current generation from
spin caloritronics. This has been achieved by three mea-
surements; (i) reverse alignment of the inverse spin Hall
effect, (ii) s- and p-polarisation introduction and (iii) in-
cident angular dependence of the inverse spin Hall effect.
The demonstrated results can be useful for the develop-
ment of a SPP based opto-spintronic coupler as an inter-
face between a spintronic device and optical data transfer
or storage.
Experimental setup.— A high vacuum sputtering sys-
tem (PlasmaQuest, HiTUS) was used to deposit 20 nm
thick films of non-magnets, Ag, Pt and W. Both a ther-
mally oxidised Si substrate and single crystal MgO(001)
substrates were used to induce SPP at the interfaces
with the above metallic films. The base pressure was
arXiv:2004.12348v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 26 Apr 2020

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5.0 × 10−7 Pa, while the Ar pressure for sputtering was
11 Pa. The films were also patterned into a Hall bar with
the width of 1.2 mm and the length of 11 mm, which was
designed to fit the laser spot as estimated below.
By placing a prism (ThorLabs, N-BK7) on the sur-
face of the Hall bar, the Kretschmann arrangement was
achieved for SPP introduction by a semiconductor laser
(Thorlabs, LDM635 with the wavelength of 635 nm and
the power of 0.4mW). As shown in FIG. 1, a linear po-
lariser and a half-wave plate (Thorlabs, SM05 mounted
zero-order 633 nm) were used to generate both s- and
p-polarisations. The spot size of the incident beam was
then controlled using a pair of an objective lens (Mitu-
toyo, 2 × /0.055/f = 200 mm M Plan) and a convex
lens (Comar, Doublet 50DQ25/f=50 mm). The mea-
sured laser spot size was 1.73 mmφ. The incident angle
θ of the beam to the prism was controlled by the sample
The generated spin current was detected using an in-
verse spin Hall effect as schematically shown in FIG. 1.
The source meter (Keithley, 2400) was used to detect the
spin Hall voltage by connecting electrical contacts at the
diagonal corners of the continuous film and the ends of
the Hall bars. The incident angle θ was adjusted to show
the largest Hall voltage. The measurements were carried
out with 1, 000 repetitions with 0.1 ms interval, provid-
ing an average value with a standard deviation. A source
current was set to be 0.0 and 0.1 mA for the Hall voltage
and resistance measurements, respectively.
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the spin current generation
by SPP. Angle α indicates sample rotation with respect to its
The continuous films were measured to demonstrate
the spin current generation by SPP as shown in FIG. 1.
Ag, Pt and W films were used for the inverse spin Hall
measurement with and without a prism. In order to sub-
tract any parasitic effects, e.g., spin caloritronic and pho-
tovoltaic effects induced by the laser introduction a spin
current generated by the electro-motive force Iemf was
first estimated as
Iemf = Iemf
with prism − Iemf
without prism
where Iemf
with prism and Iemf
without prism represent the
current generated by the electro-motive force with and
without the prism, respectively. To offset loss caused by
the prism, the transmittivity of 0.920 [15] and the at-
tenuation factor κ = 1.2164 × 10−8 [16] were taken into
account in estimating jemf
with prism.
Experimental results.— The spin current generated
by the electro-motive force (EMF) Iemf was measured via
a series of measurements as shown in FIGs. 2a and 2b,
the average of which was calculated as listed in TABLE I.
As clearly seen Iemf is found to be almost proportional
to ω as expected. By reversing the propagating direction
of SPP, only the magnetic field gradient can be reversed
with maintaining the thermal gradient, i.e., topological
SPP effect by spin-momentum locking [9]. This is con-
firmed by reversing the measurement configuration of the
Hall voltage. Note that the amplitude of Iemf before and
after the 180rotation is different but in the same order,
which is due to the minor misalignment in the optics.
FIG. 2. Measured emf signals of chopper-like laser profile
introduction to the Ag samples: (a) the continuous film and
(b) the Hall bar. The values indicate averaged signals and
standard deviations of each block of voltages under laser in-
troduction, which is much larger than the background signals
shown as dips.
Additionally, by introducing both s- and p-
polarisations using a linear polariser and a half
wave plate, the Hall voltage was measured on the Ag
film by the spin caloritronics (i.e., spin Nernst effect by
local Joule heating) and the SPP, respectively. The spin
current generated by SPP ISPP was then estimated by
taking the difference between those generated by s- and
p-polarisations since only the p-polarised light generates
ISPP = Iemf
p − Iemf
By subtracting the measured inverse spin Hall signals
under the introduction of the s- and p- polarisations, the

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TABLE I. List of estimated Iemf in the Ag, Pt and W continuous films. Individual histograms can be found in Supplemental
Samples Plasma frequency [PHz] Damping constant [THz]
Iemf [µA]
Iemf with 180rotation [µA]
2.18 [17]
4.353 [17]
1.77 ± 0.0453
−2.65 ± 0.0601
1.244 [17]
16.73 [17]
0.619 ± 0.00783
0.0798 ∼ 0.967 [18]
0.0511 ± 0.00476
magnitude of the SPP induced signals were estimated as
listed in TABLE II.
TABLE II. List of estimated Iemf and ISPP in the Ag contin-
uous film and Hall bar. Individual histograms can be found
in Supplemental Information.
Ag samples
p [µA]
s [µA]
Continuous film 22.7 ± 0.201 20.6 ± 0.197 2.13 ± 0.281
Hall bar
19.2 ± 0.0496 12.6 ± 0.162 6.65 ± 0.169
As a further proof of the SPP induced signals, incident
angle dependence of these voltages was also be measured
as shown in Figs. 3(a) and (b). The optimum incident
angle to maximise emf is measured to be approximately
32.5o. On the other hand, by solving the wave-number
matching condition between the laser and SPP, the op-
timum incident angle is calculated to be as follows using
the reflective indices of the prism: ˜n = n + iκ (n : 1.515
and κ = 1.2164 × 10−8) [16] and SiO2 : 1.457 [19], and
the plasma frequency of Ag: 2.18 PHz [17, 20],
θ = arcsin
( kSPPlaser)
≈ 42.6,
where kSPP
denotes the satisfying wave-number-
matching condition between the wave-number of laser at
the frequency ωlaser and that of SPP as elaborated in
Refs. [21]. The departure may be due to several rea-
sons in our experimental setup. The additional changes
in the spot size of the laser at varied incident angles can
change the area to generate SPP and the resulting in-
verse spin Hall voltages. The fact that the rotation axis
of the mirror is not on the mirror plane can also induce
non-negligible errors.
For the MgO(001)/Ag sample, n of MgO is 1.7345
[22], which is larger than that of the prism, 1.515, re-
sulting in no SPP induced spin current to be generated.
The measured values are 0.0612 ± 0.0247 µA, which is
almost comparable with the offset of 0.0665±0.0269 µA.
These figures are almost fifty times smaller than those
of Ag samples grown on SiO2. This fact also confirms
the validity of our setup to measure SPP induced spin
currents. As listed in TABLE II, ISPP is estimated to be
2.128±0.281 and 6.650±0.169 µA for the Ag continuous
film and Hall bar, respectively. According to the theo-
retical calculation, where the SPP induced spin current
FIG. 3. Angular dependence of the EMF signals for the Ag
samples: (a) the continuous film and (b) the Hall bar.
( js) can be obtained as
js = σ0∇δµ,
where σ0 and δµ are the conductivity of the metal and
the induced spin accumulation, respectively [3]. Here δµ
under an equilibrium state can be written as
δµ =
(2κ2λs)2 − 1
Here, M0 = (|E0|2e)/2mc, f(ω) = {2g(1 − ϵ)√(−ϵ)}/ϵ2
(g: Gaussian unit factor and ϵ: permittivity), and κ2: de-
cay coefficient in the metal and λs: spin diffusion length
in the metal. The upper bound of ISPP is theoretically
estimated to be 100 µA. Due to the unperfect coupling
from the laser beam to the SPP mode and the deviation
from the surface plasmon resonance, the experimentally
measured value can be lower than this upper bound.
In our experiment, the coupling rate from the laser
beam to the SPP is indeed anticipated to be lower than
100%, and the frequency of the laser is below the surface
plasmon resonance frequency. By simply compare the
ratio between the above theoretically estimated current
and the measured one, we can estimate the conversion
ratio to be 2 ∼ 7%. To date the selection rule gov-
erns the optoelectrical conversion especially in a direct
bandgap semiconductor. On the other hand, the conver-
sion efficiency in the conventional semiconductor devices
governed by the selection rule is limited to the spin polar-
isation inducible in GaAs of ∼ 40% [23]. The conversion
ratio can further be controlled by changing the size of

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the Hall bar. A periodic array has been reported to form
a wave-guide theoretically [24] and experimentally [25],
which can be implemented in our devices to control the
spin generation to maximise the efficiency.
Summary.— In summary, we have successfully mea-
sured SPP induced spin currents unambiguously with the
conversion ratio of up to 7%, which can be further im-
proved by optimising the device dimensions. Our findings
prove the fact that angular momenta are interconverted
between the propagating SPP and the electronic system
in our setup. Such conversion from light to a spin current
can be used as a coupler in a next generation comput-
ing with optical data transfer or storage. In addition,
SPPs [21] can be tightly localised beyond the diffraction
limit at metallic surfaces and are compatible with device
miniaturisation. The band structures of SPPs, for ex-
ample, can be controlled by implementing an artificial
structure in a metal or insulator thanks to the recent de-
velopment in plasmonics [24–26]. Such phenomena can
hence revolutionise the field of optoelectronics, or rather
“opto-spintronics,” and can open a new pathway for the
spintronic devices to replace the current Si based com-
puting devices.
This work is financially supported by EPSRC-JSPS
Core-to-Core programme (EP/M02458X/1) and JST
CREST (JPMJCR17J5). T.J.W. acknowledges the Go
Global Scholarship from the University of Tokyo. D.O.
and M.M. are supported by the Priority Program of Chi-
nese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDB28000000.
Y.I. thanks the Toyohashi University of Technology for
their internship programme and the financial support of
the Toyoaki Scholarship Foundation.
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