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Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection via Scribble Annotations
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Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection via Scribble Annotations
Jing Zhang1,3,4
Xin Yu1,3,5
Aixuan Li
Peipei Song1,4
Bowen Liu2
Yuchao Dai2∗
1 Australian National University, Australia 2 Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
3 ACRV, Australia 4 Data61, Australia 5 ReLER, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Compared with laborious pixel-wise dense labeling, it
is much easier to label data by scribbles, which only costs
1∼2 seconds to label one image. However, using scrib-
ble labels to learn salient object detection has not been
explored. In this paper, we propose a weakly-supervised
salient object detection model to learn saliency from such
annotations. In doing so, we first relabel an existing large-
scale salient object detection dataset with scribbles, namely
S-DUTS dataset. Since object structure and detail infor-
mation is not identified by scribbles, directly training with
scribble labels will lead to saliency maps of poor boundary
localization. To mitigate this problem, we propose an aux-
iliary edge detection task to localize object edges explicitly,
and a gated structure-aware loss to place constraints on
the scope of structure to be recovered. Moreover, we de-
sign a scribble boosting scheme to iteratively consolidate
our scribble annotations, which are then employed as su-
pervision to learn high-quality saliency maps. As exist-
ing saliency evaluation metrics neglect to measure struc-
ture alignment of the predictions, the saliency map rank-
ing metric may not comply with human perception. We
present a new metric, termed saliency structure measure, as
a complementary metric to evaluate sharpness of the pre-
diction. Extensive experiments on six benchmark datasets
demonstrate that our method not only outperforms existing
weakly-supervised/unsupervised methods, but also is on par
with several fully-supervised state-of-the-art models1.
1. Introduction
Visual salient object detection (SOD) aims at locating in-
teresting regions that attract human attention most in an im-
age. Conventional salient object detection methods [57, 14]
based on hand-crafted features or human experience may
fail to obtain high-quality saliency maps in complicated
scenarios. The deep learning based salient object detec-
tion models [42, 50] have been widely studied, and sig-
*Corresponding author: Yuchao Dai (
1Our code and data is publicly available at: https://github.
(a) GT(scribble)
(b) GT(Bbx)
(c) GT(per-pixel)
(d) Baseline
(e) Bbx-CRF
(f) BASNet
(g) WSS
(h) Bbx-Pred
(i) Ours
Figure 1. (a) Our scribble annotations. (b) Ground-truth bounding
box. (c) Ground-truth pixel-wise annotations. (d) Baseline model:
trained directly on scribbles. (e) Refined bounding box annotation
by DenseCRF [1]. (f) Result of a fully-supervised SOD method
[26]. (g) Result of model trained on image-level annotations [34]
(h) Model trained on the annotation (e). (i) Our result.
nificantly boost the saliency detection performance. How-
ever, these methods highly rely on a large amount of labeled
data, which require time-consuming and laborious pixel-
wise annotations. To achieve a trade-off between labeling
efficiency and model performance, several weakly super-
vised or unsupervised methods [16, 47, 24, 52] have been
proposed to learn saliency from sparse labeled data [16, 47]
or infer the latent saliency from noisy annotations [24, 52].
In this paper, we propose a new weakly-supervised
salient object detection framework by learning from low-
cost labeled data, (i.e., scribbles, as seen in Fig. 1(a)). Here,
we opt to scribble annotations because of their flexibility
(although bounding box annotation is an option, it’s not
suitable for labeling winding objects, thus leading to in-
ferior saliency maps, as seen in Fig. 1 (h)). Since scrib-
ble annotations are usually very sparse, object structure and
details cannot be easily inferred. Directly training a deep

Page 2
Figure 2. Percentage of labeled pixels in the S-DUTS dataset.
model with sparse scribbles by partial cross-entropy loss
[30] may lead to saliency maps of poor boundary localiza-
tion, as illustrated in Fig. 1 (d).
To achieve high-quality saliency maps, we present an
auxiliary edge detection network and a gated structure-
aware loss to enforce boundaries of our predicted saliency
map to align with image edges in the salient region. The
edge detection network forces the network to produce fea-
ture highlight object structure, and the gated structure-
aware loss allows our network to focus on the salient re-
gion while ignoring the structure of the background. We
further develop a scribble boosting manner to update our
scribble annotations by propagating the labels to larger re-
ceptive fields of high confidence. In this way, we can obtain
denser annotations as shown in Fig. 7 (g).
Due to the lack of scribble based saliency datasets, we re-
label an existing saliency training dataset DUTS [34] with
scribbles, namely S-DUTS dataset, to verify our method.
DUTS is a widely used salient object detection dataset,
which contains 10,553 training images. Annotators are
asked to scribble the DUTS dataset according to their first
impressions without showing them the ground-truth salient
objects. Fig. 2 indicates the percentage of labeled pixels
across the whole S-DUTS dataset. On average, around 3%
of the pixels are labeled (either foreground or background)
and the others are left as unknown pixels, demonstrating
that the scribble annotations are very sparse. Note that, we
only use scribble annotation as supervision signal during
training, and we take RGB image as input to produce dense
saliency map during testing.
Moreover, the rankings of saliency maps based on tradi-
tional mean absolute error (MAE) may not comply with hu-
man visual perception. For instance, in the 1st row of Fig. 3,
the last saliency map is visually better than the fourth one
and the third one is better than the second one. We propose
saliency structure measure (Bµ) as a complementary metric
of existing evaluation metrics that takes the structure align-
ment of the saliency map into account. The measurements
based on Bµ are more consistent with human perception, as
shown in the 2nd row of Fig. 3.
We summarize our main contributions as: (1) we present
a new weakly-supervised salient object detection method
by learning saliency from scribbles, and introduce a new
scribble based saliency dataset S-DUTS; (2) we propose a
gated structure-aware loss to constrain a predicted saliency
map to share similar structure with the input image in the
M = 0
M = .054 M = .061 M = .104 M = .144
Bµ = 0
Bµ = .356 Bµ = .705 Bµ = .787 Bµ = .890
Figure 3. Saliency map ranking based on Mean Absolute Error (1st
row) and our proposed Saliency Structure Measure (2nd row).
salient region; (3) we design a scribble boosting scheme
to expand our scribble annotations, thus facilitating high-
quality saliency map acquisition; (4) we present a new eval-
uation metric to measure the structure alignment of pre-
dicted saliency maps, which is more consistent with human
visual perception; (5) experimental results on six salient ob-
ject detection benchmarks demonstrate that our method out-
performs state-of-the-art weakly-supervised algorithms.
2. Related Work
Deep fully supervised saliency detection models [26, 55,
42, 50, 51, 36, 49] have been widely studied. As our method
is weakly supervised, we mainly discuss related weakly-
supervised dense prediction models and approaches to re-
cover detail information from weak annotations.
2.1. Learning Saliency from Weak Annotations
To avoid requiring accurate pixel-wise labels, some SOD
methods attempt to learn saliency from low-cost anno-
tations, such as bounding boxes [29], image-level labels
[34, 16], and noisy labels [52, 48, 24], etc. This moti-
vates SOD to be formulated as a weakly-supervised or un-
supervised task. Wang et al. [34] introduced a foreground
inference network to produce saliency maps with image-
level labels. With the same weak labels, Hsu et al. [10]
presented a category-driven map generator to learn saliency
from class activation map. Li et al. [16] adopted an iterative
learning strategy to update an initial saliency map gener-
ated from unsupervised saliency methods by learning with
image-level supervision. A fully connected CRF [1] was
utilized in [34, 16] as post-processing to refine the produced
saliency map. Zeng et al. [47] proposed to train saliency
models with diverse weak supervision sources, including
category labels, captions, and unlabeled data. Zhang et
al. [48] fused saliency maps from unsupervised methods
with heuristics within a deep learning framework. In a sim-
ilar setting, Zhang et al. [52] proposed to collaboratively

Page 3
update a saliency prediction module and a noise module to
learn a saliency map from multiple noisy labels.
2.2. Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Dai et al. [3] and Khoreva [13] proposed to learn se-
mantic segmentation from bounding boxes in a weakly-
supervised way. Hung et al. [12] randomly interleaved la-
beled and unlabeled data, and trained a network with an
adversarial loss on the unlabeled data for semi-supervised
semantic segmentation. Shi et al. [39] tackled the weakly-
supervised semantic segmentation problem by using multi-
ple dilated convolutional blocks of different dilation rates
to encode dense object localization. Li et al. [37] presented
an iterative bottom-up and top-down semantic segmentation
framework to alternatingly expand object regions and op-
timize segmentation network with image tag supervision.
Huang et al. [11] introduced a seeded region growing tech-
nique to learn semantic segmentation with image-level la-
bels. Vernaza et al. [32] designed a random walk based
label propagation method to learn semantic segmentation
from sparse annotations.
2.3. Recovering Structure from Weak Labels
As weak annotations do not contain complete seman-
tic region of the specific object, the predicted object struc-
ture is often incomplete. To preserve rich and fine-detailed
semantic information, additional regularizations are often
employed. Two main solutions are widely studied, includ-
ing graph model based methods (e.g. CRF [1]) and bound-
ary based losses [15]. Tang et al. [30] introduced a nor-
malized cut loss as a regularizer with partial cross-entropy
loss for weakly-supervised image segmentation. Tang et al.
[31] modeled standard regularizers into a loss function over
partial observation for semantic segmentation. Obukhov et
al. [25] proposed a gated CRF loss for weakly-supervised
semantic segmentation. Lampert et al. [15] introduced a
constrain-to-boundary principle to recover detail informa-
tion for weakly-supervised image segmentation.
2.4. Comparison with Existing Scribble Models
Although scribble annotations have been used in weakly-
supervised semantic segmentation [19, 33], our proposed
scribble based salient object detection method is different
from them in the following aspects: (1) semantic segmenta-
tion methods target at class-specific objects. In this manner,
class-specific similarity can be explored. On the contrary,
salient object detection does not focus on class-specific ob-
jects, thus object category related information is not avail-
able. For instance, a leaf can be a salient object while the
class category is not available in the widely used image-
level label dataset [4, 20]. Therefore, we propose edge-
guided gated structure-aware loss to obtain structure infor-
mation from image instead of depending on image cate-
gory. (2) although boundary information has been used in
[33] to propagate labels, Wang et al. [33] regressed bound-
aries by an ℓ2 loss. Thus, the structure of the segmenta-
tion may not be well aligned with the image edges. In con-
trast, our method minimizes the differences between first
order derivatives of saliency maps and images, and leads to
saliency map better aligned with image structure. (3) bene-
fiting from our developed boosting method and the intrinsic
property of salient objects, our method requires only scrib-
ble on any salient region as shown in Fig. 9, while scrib-
bles are required to traverse all those semantic categories
for scribble based semantic segmentation [19, 33].
3. Learning Saliency from Scribbles
Let’s define our training dataset as: D = {xi,yi}N
where xi is an input image, yi is its corresponding an-
notation, N is the size of the training dataset. For fully-
supervised salient object detection, yi is a pixel-wise label
with 1 representing salient foreground and 0 denoting back-
ground. We define a new weakly-supervised saliency learn-
ing problem from scribble annotations, where yi in our case
is scribble annotation used during training, which includes
three categories of supervision signal: 1 as foreground, 2 as
background and 0 as unknown pixels. In Fig. 2, we show
the percentage of annotated pixels of the training dataset,
which indicates that around 3% of pixels are labeled as fore-
ground or background in our scribble annotation.
There are three main components in our network, as il-
lustrated in Fig. 4: (1) a saliency prediction network (SPN)
to generate a coarse saliency map sc, which is trained on
scribble annotations by a partial cross-entropy loss [30]; (2)
an edge detection network (EDN) is proposed to enhance
structure of sc, with a gated structure-aware loss employed
to force the boundaries of saliency maps to comply with im-
age edges; (3) an edge-enhanced saliency prediction mod-
ule (ESPM) is designed to further refine the saliency maps
generated from SPN.
3.1. Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection
Saliency prediction network (SPN): We build our
front-end saliency prediction network based on VGG16-Net
[28] by removing layers after the fifth pooling layer. Simi-
lar to [43], we group the convolutional layers that generate
feature maps of the same resolution as a stage of the net-
work (as shown in Fig. 4). Thus, we denote the front-end
model as f1(x, θ) = {s1, ..., s5}, where sm(m = 1, ..., 5)
represents features from the last convolutional layer in the
m-th stage (“relu1 2, relu2 2, relu3 3, relu4 3, relu5 3” in
this paper), θ is the front-end network parameters.
As discussed in [39], enlarging receptive fields by dif-
ferent dilation rates can propagate the discriminative infor-
mation to non-discriminative object regions. We employ a
dense atrous spatial pyramid pooling (DenseASPP) module

Page 4
Figure 4. Illustration of our network. For simplicity, we do not show the scribble boosting mechanism here. “I” is the intensity image of
input “x”. “C”: concatenation operation; “conv1x1”: 1×1 convolutional layer.
Figure 5. Our “DenseASPP” module. “conv1x1 d=3” represents a
1×1 convolutional layer with a dilation rate 3.
[46] on top of the front-end model to generate feature maps
5 with larger receptive fields from feature s5. In particular,
we use varying dilation rates in the convolutional layers of
DenseASPP. Then, two extra 1 × 1 convolutional layers are
used to map s
5 to a one channel coarse saliency map sc.
As we have unknown category pixels in the scribble an-
notations, partial cross-entropy loss [30] is adopted to train
our SPN:
Ls = ∑
where Jl represents the labeled pixel set, (u, v) is the pixel
coordinates, and Lu,v is the cross-entropy loss at (u, v).
Edge detection network (EDN): Edge detection net-
work encourages SPN to produce saliency features with rich
structure information. We use features from the interme-
diate layers of SPN to produce one channel edge map e.
Specifically, we map each si(i = 1, ..., 5) to a feature map
of channel size M with a 1 × 1 convolutional layer. Then
we concatenate these five feature maps and feed them to
a 1 × 1 convolutional layer to produce an edge map e. A
cross-entropy loss Le is used to train EDN:
Le = ∑
(E log e + (1 − E) log(1 − e)),
where E is pre-computed by an existing edge detector [22].
Edge-enhanced saliency prediction module (ESPM):
We introduce an edge-enhanced saliency prediction module
to refine the coarse saliency map sc from SPN and obtain
an edge-preserving refined saliency map sr. Specifically,
we concatenate sc and e and then feed them to a 1 × 1 con-
volutional layer to produce a saliency map sr. Note that, we
use the saliency map sr as the final output of our network.
Similar to training SPN, we employ a partial cross-entropy
loss with scribble annotations to supervise sr.
Gated structure-aware loss: Although ESPM encour-
ages the network to produce saliency map with rich struc-
ture, there exists no constraints on scope of structure to be
recovered. Following the “Constrain-to-boundary” princi-
ple [15], we propose a gated structure-aware loss, which
encourages the structure of a predicted saliency map to be
similar to the salient region of an image.
We expect the predicted saliency map having consistent
intensities inside the salient region and distinct boundaries
at the object edges. Inspired by the smoothness loss [9, 38],
we also impose such constraint inside the salient regions.
Recall that the smoothness loss is developed to enforce
smoothness while preserving image structure across the
whole image region. However, salient object detection
intends to suppress the structure information outside the
salient regions. Therefore, enforcing the smoothness loss
across the entire image regions will make the saliency pre-
diction ambiguous, as shown in Tabel 2 “M3”.
To mitigate this ambiguity, we employ a gate mechanism
to let our network focus on salient regions only to reduce
distraction caused by background structure. Specifically,
we define the gated structure-aware loss as:
Lb = ∑
d∈−→x ,−→y
Ψ(|∂dsu,v|e−α|∂d(G·Iu,v )|),
where Ψ is defined as Ψ(s) = √s2 + 1e−6 to avoid cal-

Page 5
Figure 6. Gated structure-aware constraint: (a) Initial predicted
saliency map. (b) Image edge map. (c) Dilated version of (a). (d)
Gated mask in Eq. 3. (e) Gated edge map.
culating the square root of zero, Iu,v is the image intensity
value at pixel (u, v), d indicates the partial derivatives on
the −→x and −→y directions, and G is the gate for the structure-
aware loss (see Fig .6 (d)). The gated structure-aware loss
applies L1 penalty on gradients of saliency map s to encour-
ages it to be locally smooth, with an edge-aware term ∂I as
weight to maintain saliency distinction along image edges.
Specifically, as shown in Fig. 6, with predicted saliency
map (a)) during training, we dilate it with a square kernel
of size k = 11 to obtain an enlarged foreground region
(c)). Then we define gate (d)) as binarized (c)) by adap-
tive thresholding. As seen in Fig. 6(e), our method is able
to focus on the saliency region and predict sharp boundaries
in a saliency map.
Objective Function: As shown in Fig. 4, we employ
both partial cross-entropy loss Ls and gated structure-aware
loss Lb to coarse saliency map sc and refined map sr, and
use cross-entropy loss Le for the edge detection network.
Our final loss function is then defined as:
L =Ls(sc,y) + Ls(sr,y)
+ β1 · Lb(sc,x) + β2 · Lb(sr,x) + β3 · Le,
where y indicates scribble annotations. The partial cross-
entropy loss Ls takes scribble annotation as supervision,
while gated structure-aware loss Lb leverages image bound-
ary information. These two losses do not contradict each
other since Ls focuses on propagating the annotated scrib-
ble pixels to the foreground regions (relying on SPN), while
Lb enforces sr to be well aligned to edges extracted by
EDN and prevents the foreground saliency pixels from be-
ing propagated to backgrounds.
3.2. Scribble Boosting
While we generate scribbles for a specific image, we
simply annotate a very small portion of the foreground and
background as shown in Fig. 1. Intra-class discontinuity,
such as complex shapes and appearances of objects, may
lead our model to be trapped in a local minima, with incom-
plete salient object segmented. Here, we attempt to propa-
gate the scribble annotations to a denser annotation based
on our initial estimation.
A straightforward solution to obtain denser annotations
is to expand scribble labels by using DenseCRF [1], as
shown in Fig. 7(c). However, as our scribble annotations
are very sparse, DenseCRF fails to generate denser annota-
tion from our scribbles (see Fig. 7(c)). As seen in Fig. 7(e),
Figure 7. Illustration of using different strategies to enrich scrib-
ble annotations. (a) Input RGB image and scribble annotations.
(b) Per-pixel wise ground-truth. (c) Result of applying DenseCRF
to scribbles. (d) Saliency detection, trained on scribbles of (a). (e)
Saliency detection, trained on scribbles of (c). (f) Applying Dense-
CRF to the result (d). (g) The confidence map between (d) and
(f) for scribble boosting. Orange indicates consistent foreground,
blue represents consistent background, and others are marked as
unknown. (h) Our final result trained on new scribble (g).
the predicted saliency map trained on (c) is still very similar
to the one supervised by original scribbles (see Fig. 7(d)).
Instead of expanding the scribble annotation directly, we
apply DenseCRF to our initial saliency prediction sinit, and
update sinit to scrf. Directly training a network with scrf
will introduce noise to the network as scrf is not the exact
ground-truth. We compute difference of sinit and scrf, and
define pixels with sinit = scrf = 1 as foreground pixels in
the new scribble annotation, sinit = scrf = 0 as background
pixels, and others as unknown pixels. In Fig. 7 (g) and
Fig. 7 (h), we illustrate the intermediate results of scribble
boosting. Note that, our method achieves better saliency
prediction results than the case of applying DenseCRF to
the initial prediction (see Fig. 7 (f)). This demonstrates
the effectiveness of our scribble boosting scheme. In our
experiments, after conducting one iteration of our scribble
boosting step, our performance is almost on par with fully-
supervised methods.
3.3. Saliency Structure Measure
Existing saliency evaluation metrics (Mean Abosolute
Error, Precision-recall curves, F-measure, E-measure [7]
and S-measure [6]) focus on measuring accuracy of the
prediction, while neglect whether a predicted saliency map
complies with human perception or not. In other words, the
estimated saliency map should be aligned with object struc-
ture of the input image. In [23], bIOU loss was proposed to
penalize on saliency boundary length. We adapt the bIOU
loss as an error metric Bµ to evaluate the structure align-
ment between saliency maps and their ground-truth.
Given a predicted saliency map s, and its pixel-wise
ground truth y, their binarized edge maps are defined as
gs and gy respectively. Then Bµ is expressed as: Bµ =
1 −
2·∑(gs·gy )
s +g2
y )
, where Bµ ∈ [0, 1]. Bµ = 0 represents per-

Page 6
Figure 8. The first two images show the original image edges. We
dilate the original edges (last two images) to avoid misalignments
due to the small scales of original edges.
fect prediction. As edges of prediction and ground-truth
saliency maps may not be aligned well due to the small
scales of edges, they will lead to unstable measurements
(see Fig. 8). We dilate both edge maps with square kernel
of size 3 before we compute the Bµ measure. As shown
in Fig. 3, Bµ reflects the sharpness of predictions which is
consistent with human perception.
3.4. Network Details
We use VGG16-Net [28] as our backbone network. In
the edge detection network, we encode sm to feature maps
of channel size 32 through 1×1 convolutional layers. In the
“DenseASPP” module (Fig. 5), the first three convolutional
layers produce saliency features of channel size 32, and the
last convolutional layer map the feature maps to s
5 of same
size as s5. Then we use two sequential convolutional lay-
ers to map s
5 to one channel coarse saliency map sc. The
hyper-parameters in Eq. 3 and Eq. (4) are set as: α = 10,
β1 = β2 = 0.3, β3 = 1.
We train our model for 50 epochs using Pytorch, with the
SPN initialized with parameters from VGG16-Net [28] pre-
trained on ImageNet [4]. The other newly added convolu-
tional layers are randomly initialized with N(0, 0.01). The
base learning rate is initialized as 1e-4. The whole training
takes 6 hours with a training batch size 15 on a PC with a
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 GPU.
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Scribble Dataset
In order to train our weakly-supervised salient object de-
tection method, we relabel an existing saliency dataset with
scribble annotations by three annotators (S-DUTS dataset).
In Fig. 9, we show two examples of scribble annotations
by different labelers. Due to the sparsity of scribbles, the
annotated scribbles do not have large overlaps. Thus, ma-
jority voting is not conducted. As aforementioned, labeling
one image with scribbles is very fast, which only takes 1∼2
seconds on average.
4.2. Setup
Datasets: We train our network on our newly labeled
scribble saliency dataset: S-DUTS. Then, we evaluate our
method on six widely-used benchmarks: (1) DUTS testing
dataset [34]; (2) ECSSD [44]; (3) DUT [45]; (4) PASCAL-S
[18]; (5) HKU-IS [17] and (6) THUR [2].
Figure 9. Illustration of scribble annotations by different labelers.
From left to right: input RGB images, pixel-wise ground-truth la-
bels, scribble annotations by three different labelers.
Competing methods: We compare our method with
five state-of-the-art weakly-supervised/unsupervised meth-
ods and eleven fully-supervised saliency detection methods.
Evaluation Metrics: Four evaluation metrics are used, in-
cluding Mean Absolute Error (MAE M), Mean F-measure
(Fβ), mean E-measure (Eξ [7]) and our proposed saliency
structure measure (Bµ).
4.3. Comparison with the State-of-the-Art
Quantitative Comparison: In Table 1 and Fig. 11, we
compare our results with other competing methods. As in-
dicated in Table 1, we achieves consistently the best per-
formance compared with other weakly-supervised or unsu-
pervised methods under these four saliency evaluation met-
rics. Since state-of-the-art weakly-supervised or unsuper-
vised models do not impose any constraints on the bound-
aries of predicted saliency maps, these methods cannot pre-
serve the structure in the prediction and produce high values
on Bµ measure. In contrast, our method explicitly enforces
a gated structure-aware loss to the edges of the prediction,
and achieves lower Bµ. Moreover, our performance is also
comparable or superior to some fully-supervised saliency
models, such as DGRL and PiCANet. Fig. 11 shows the E-
measure and F-measure curves of our method as well as the
other competing methods on HKU-IS and THUR datasets.
Due to limits of space, E-measure and F-measure curves
on the other four testing datasets are provided in the sup-
plementary material. As illustrated in Fig. 11, our method
significantly outperforms the other weakly-supervised and
unsupervised models with different thresholds, demonstrat-
ing the robustness of our method. Furthermore, the per-
formance of our method is also on par with some fully-
supervised methods as seen in Fig. 11.
Qualitative Comparison: We sample four images from
the ECSSD dataset [44] and the saliency maps predicted
by six competing methods and our method are illustrated in
Fig. 10. Our method, while achieving performance on par
with some fully-supervised methods, significantly outper-
forms other weakly-supervised and unsupervised models.
In Fig. 10, we further show that directly training with scrib-
bles produces saliency maps with poor localization (“M1”).
Benefiting from our EDN as well as gated structure-aware
loss, our network is able to produce sharper saliency maps

Page 7
Table 1. Evaluation results on six benchmark datasets. ↑ & ↓ denote larger and smaller is better, respectively.
Fully Sup. Models
Weakly Sup./Unsup. Models
Bµ ↓ .4997 .6990
.4718 .5942
.5421 .4338 .5100 .6601
.7587 .8007 .8079 .6806 .8510 .5500
Fβ ↑ .9027 .8446
.8856 .9076 .9008 .8592
.7823 .7621 .7672 .8098 .7606 .8650
Eξ ↑ .9371 .8870
.9218 .9321 .9294 .8636
.8354 .7921 .7963 .8357 .7876 .9077
M ↓ .0430 .0705
.0421 .0656
.0479 .0434 .0450 .0467
.0955 .0681 .1081 .0902 .0980 .0610
Bµ ↓ .6188 .8115
.6061 .7148
.6415 .5491 .6027 .6443
.8119 .8392 .8298 .7759 .8903 .6551
Fβ ↑ .7264 .6318
.7471 .6825
.7095 .7385 .7425 .7009
.6120 .6408 .5895 .5966 .5970 .7015
Eξ ↑ .8446 .7597
.8527 .7983
.8306 .8450 .8456 .7990
.7633 .7605 .7292 .7124 .7283 .8345
M ↓ .0632 .1204
.0625 .0796
.0636 .0567 .0574 .0615
.1076 .0999 .1102 .1028 .1087 .0684
Bµ ↓ .6479 .7832
.6623 .7313
.6708 .6162 .6586 .7097
.8146 .8550 .8309 .7762 .8703 .6648
Fβ ↑ .8289 .7873
.7974 .7933
.8129 .8220 .8241 .7544
.7351 .6532 .6975 .7476 .6850 .7884
Eξ ↑ .8353 .7953
.7806 .7828
.8219 .8197 .8269 .7464
.7459 .6474 .6904 .7408 .6932 .7975
M ↓ .1150 .1402
.1452 .1454
.1193 .1215 .1155 .1372
.1669 .2055 .1843 .1576 .1780 .1399
Bµ ↓ .4962 .6788
.4765 .5525
.4979 .4211 .4828 .5302
.7336 .7824 .7517 .6265 .8295 .5369
Fβ ↑ .8844 .8189
.8923 .8711
.8780 .8948 .8877 .8717
.7825 .7625 .7734 .8196 .7337 .8576
Eξ ↑ .9388 .8860
.9393 .9139
.9304 .9402 .9344 .8982
.8549 .7995 .8185 .8579 .7862 .9232
M ↓ .0374 .0620
.0357 .0477
.0387 .0333 .0358 .0424
.0753 .0885 .0787 .0650 .0843 .0470
Bµ ↓ .5781
.6196 .5244 .5740 .7426
.7880 .7173
Fβ ↑ .7271
.7177 .7498 .7327 .6833
.6526 .6911
Eξ ↑ .8378
.8288 .8514 .8398 .8038
.7747 .8073
M ↓ .0774
.0794 .0935 .0724 .0939
.0966 .0860
Bµ ↓ .5644 .7956
.5823 .4618 .5395 .6173
.8082 .8785 .7802 .7117 .8293 .6026
Fβ ↑ .7898 .6631
.7917 .8246 .8123 .7648
.6223 .5687 .6330 .7249 .6479 .7467
Eξ ↑ .8873 .7750
.8829 .9021 .8928 .8301
.7629 .6900 .8061 .8525 .7419 .8649
M ↓ .0512 .1122
.0490 .0428 .0457 .0609
.1069 .1156 .1000 .0749 .0912 .0622
Figure 10. Comparisons of saliency maps. “M1” represents the results of a baseline model marked as “M1” in Section 4.4.
Figure 11. E-measure (1st two figures) and F-measure (last two figures) curves on two benchmark datasets. Best Viewed on screen.
than other weakly-supervised and unsupervised ones.
4.4. Ablation Study
We carry out nine experiments (as shown in Table
2) to analyze our method, including our loss functions
(“M1”, “M2” and “M3”), network structure (“M4”), Dense-
CRF post-processing (“M5”), scribble boosting strategy
(“M6”), scribble enlargement (“M7”) and robustness anal-
ysis (“M8”, “M9”). Our final result is denoted as “M0”.
Direct training with scribble annotations: We employ the
partial cross-entropy loss to train our SPN in Fig. 4 with
scribble labels. The performance is marked as “M1”. As
expected, “M1” is much worse than our result “M0” and the
high Bµ measure also indicates that object structure is not
well preserved if only using the partial cross-entropy loss.
Impact of gated structure-aware loss: We add our gated
structure-aware loss to “M1”, and the performance is de-
noted by “M2”. The gated structure-aware loss improves
the performance in comparison with “M1”. However, with-
out using our EDN, “M2” is still inferior to “M0”.

Page 8
Table 2. Ablation study on six benchmark datasets.
Metric M0
Bµ ↓ .550 .896 .592 .616 .714 .582 .554 .771 .543
Fβ ↑ .865 .699 .823 .804 .778 .845 .835 .696 .868
Eξ ↑ .908 .814 .874 .859 .865 .898 .890 .730 .908
M ↓ .061 .117 .083 .094 .091 .068 .074 .136 .059 . 070
Bµ ↓ .655 .925 .696 .711 .777 .685 .665 .786 .656
Fβ ↑ .702 .518 .656 .626 .580 .679 .658 .556 .691
Eξ ↑ .835 .699 .807 .774 .743 .823 .805 .711 .823
M ↓ .068 .134 .083 .102 .116 .074 .081 .108 .069
Bµ ↓ .665 .921 .732 .760 .787 .693 .676 .792 .664
Fβ ↑ .788 .693 .748 .727 .741 .772 .768 .657 .792
Eξ ↑ .798 .761 .757 .731 .795 .791 .782 .664 .800
M ↓ .140 .171 .160 .173 .152 .145 .152 .204 .136
Bµ ↓ .537 .892 .567 .609 .670 .574 .559 .747 .535
Fβ ↑ .858 .651 .813 .789 .747 .835 .812 .646 .857
Eξ ↑ .923 .799 .904 .878 .867 .911 .900 .761 .920
M ↓ .047 .113 .060 .083 .080 .055 .062 .123 .047
Bµ ↓ .596 .927 .637 .677 .751 .635 .606 .780 .592
Fβ ↑ .718 .520 .660 .641 .596 .696 .683 .586 .718
Eξ ↑ .837 .687 .803 .773 .750 .824 .814 .718 .834
M ↓ .077 .150 .099 .118 .123 .085 .087 .125 .078
Bµ ↓ .603 .923 .681 .708 .763 .639 .634 .745 .604
Fβ ↑ .747 .517 .688 .652 .607 .728 .685 .578 .743
Eξ ↑ .865 .699 .833 .805 .776 .857 .828 .719 .856
M ↓ .062 .135 .079 .101 .106 .068 .080 .106 .061
Impact of gate: We propose gated structure-aware loss to
let the network focus on salient regions of images instead of
the entire image as in the traditional smoothness loss [38].
To verify the importance of the gate, we compare our loss
with the smoothness loss, marked as “M3”. As indicated,
“M2” achieves better performance than “M3”, demonstrat-
ing the gate reduces the ambiguity of structure recovery.
Impact of the edge detection task: We add edge detection
task to “M1”, and use cross-entropy loss to train the EDN.
Performance is indicated by “M4”. We observe that the Bµ
measure is significantly decreased compared to “M1”. This
indicates that our auxiliary edge-detection network provides
rich structure guidance for saliency prediction. Note that,
our gated structure-aware loss is not used in “M4”.
Impact of scribble boosting: We employ all the branches
as well as our proposed losses to train our network and the
performance is denoted by “M5”. The predicted saliency
map is also called our initial estimated saliency map.
We observe decreased performance compared with “M0”,
where one iteration of scribble boosting is employed, which
indicates effectiveness of the proposed boosting scheme.
Employing DenseCRF as post-processing: After obtain-
ing our initial predicted saliency map, we can also use
post-processing techniques to enhance the boundaries of
the saliency maps. Therefore, we refine “M5” with Dense-
CRF, and results are shown in “M6”, which is inferior to
“M5”. The reason lies in two parts: 1) the hyperparameters
for DenseCRF is not the best; 2) DenseCRF recover struc-
ture information without considering saliency of the struc-
ture, causing extra false positive region. Using our scribble
boosting mechanism, we can always achieve boosted or at
least comparable performance as indicated by “M0”.
Using Grabcut to generate pseudo label: Given scribble
annotation, one can enlarge the annotation by using Grab-
cut [27]. We carried out experiment with pseudo label y
obtained by applying Grabcut to our scribble annotations y,
and show performance in “M7”. During training, we em-
ploy the same loss function as in Eq. 4, except that we use
cross-entropy loss for Ls. Performance of “M7” is worse
than ours. The main reason is that pseudo label ycontains
noise due to limited accuracy of Grabcut. Training directly
with ywill overwhelm the network remembering the noisy
label instead of learning useful saliency information.
Robustness to different scribble annotations: We report
our performance “M0” by training the network with one
set of scribble dataset. We then train with another set of
the scribble dataset (“M8”) to test robustness of our model.
We observe staple performance compared with “M0”. This
implies that our method is robust to the scribble anno-
tations despite their sparsity and few overlaps annotated
by different labelers. We also conduct experiments with
merged scribbles of different labelers as supervision signal
and show performance of this experiment in the supplemen-
tary material.
Different edge detection methods: We obtain the edge
maps E in Eq. 2 from RCF edge detection network [22]
to train EDN. We also employ a hand-crafted edge map de-
tection method, “Sobel”, to train EDN, denoted by “M9”.
Since Sobel operator is more sensitive to image noise com-
pared to RCF, “M9” is a little inferior to “M0”. However,
“M9” still achieves better performance than the results with-
out using EDN, such as “M1”, “M2” and “M3”, which fur-
ther indicates effectiveness of the edge detection module.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed a weakly-supervised salient
object detection (SOD) network trained on our newly la-
beled scribble dataset (S-DUTS). Our method significantly
relaxes the requirement of labeled data for training a SOD
network. By introducing an auxiliary edge detection task
and a gated structure-aware loss, our method produces
saliency maps with rich structure, which is more consistent
with human perception measured by our proposed saliency
structure measure. Moreover, we develop a scribble boost-
ing mechanism to further enrich scribble labels. Exten-
sive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly
outperforms state-of-the-art weakly-supervised or unsuper-
vised methods and is on par with fully-supervised methods.
Acknowledgment. This research was supported in part
by Natural Science Foundation of China grants (61871325,
61420106007, 61671387), the Australia Research Council
Centre of Excellence for Robotics Vision (CE140100016),
and the National Key Research and Development Program
of China under Grant 2018AAA0102803. We thank all re-
viewers and Area Chairs for their constructive comments.

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