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Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Partially Observable Markov Decision Problems
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Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for
Partially Observable Markov Decision
Tommi Jaakkola
Satinder P. Singh
Michael I. Jordan
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, BId. E10
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
Increasing attention has been paid to reinforcement learning algo-
rithms in recent years, partly due to successes in the theoretical
analysis of their behavior in Markov environments. If the Markov
assumption is removed, however, neither generally the algorithms
nor the analyses continue to be usable. We propose and analyze
a new learning algorithm to solve a certain class of non-Markov
decision problems. Our algorithm applies to problems in which
the environment is Markov, but the learner has restricted access
to state information. The algorithm involves a Monte-Carlo pol-
icy evaluation combined with a policy improvement method that is
similar to that of Markov decision problems and is guaranteed to
converge to a local maximum. The algorithm operates in the space
of stochastic policies, a space which can yield a policy that per-
forms considerably better than any deterministic policy. Although
the space of stochastic policies is continuous-even for a discrete
action space-our algorithm is computationally tractable.

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Tommi Jaakkola, Satinder P. Singh, Michaell. Jordan
Reinforcement learning provides a sound framework for credit assignment in un-
known stochastic dynamic environments. For Markov environments a variety of
different reinforcement learning algorithms have been devised to predict and control
the environment (e.g., the TD(A) algorithm of Sutton, 1988, and the Q-Iearning
algorithm of Watkins, 1989). Ties to the theory of dynamic programming (DP) and
the theory of stochastic approximation have been exploited, providing tools that
have allowed these algorithms to be analyzed theoretically (Dayan, 1992; Tsitsiklis,
1994; Jaakkola, Jordan, & Singh, 1994; Watkins & Dayan, 1992).
Although current reinforcement learning algorithms are based on the assumption
that the learning problem can be cast as Markov decision problem (MDP), many
practical problems resist being treated as an MDP. Unfortunately, if the Markov
assumption is removed examples can be found where current algorithms cease to
perform well (Singh, Jaakkola, & Jordan, 1994). Moreover, the theoretical analyses
rely heavily on the Markov assumption.
The non-Markov nature of the environment can arise in many ways. The most direct
extension of MDP's is to deprive the learner of perfect information about the state
of the environment. Much as in the case of Hidden Markov Models (HMM's), the
underlying environment is assumed to be Markov, but the data do not appear to be
Markovian to the learner. This extension not only allows for a tractable theoretical
analysis, but is also appealing for practical purposes. The decision problems we
consider here are of this type.
The analog of the HMM for control problems is the partially observable Markov
decision process (POMDP; see e.g., Monahan, 1982). Unlike HMM's, however,
there is no known computationally tractable procedure for POMDP's. The problem
is that once the state estimates have been obtained, DP must be performed in
the continuous space of probabilities of state occupancies, and this DP process is
computationally infeasible except for small state spaces. In this paper we describe
an alternative approach for POMDP's that avoids the state estimation problem and
works directly in the space of (stochastic) control policies. (See Singh, et al., 1994,
for additional material on stochastic policies.)
A Markov decision problem can be generalized to a POMDP by restricting the state
information available to the learner. Accordingly, we define the learning problem as
follows. There is an underlying MDP with states S = {SI, S2, ... , SN} and transition
probability pO " the probability of jumping from state S to state s' when action a is
taken in state s. For every state and every action a (random) reward is provided to
the learner. In the POMDP setting, the learner is not allowed to observe the state
directly but only via messages containing information about the state. At each time
step t an observable message mt is drawn from a finite set of messages according to
an unknown probability distribution P(mlst) 1. We assume that the learner does
1 For simplicity we assume that this distribution depends only on the current state. The
analyses go through also with distributions dependent on the past states and actions

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Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Markov Decision Problems
not possess any prior information about the underlying MDP beyond the number
of messages and actions. The goal for the learner is to come up with a policy-a
mapping from messages to actions-that gives the highest expected reward.
As discussed in Singh et al. (1994), stochastic policies can yield considerably higher
expected rewards than deterministic policies in the case of POMDP's. To make this
statement precise requires an appropriate technical definition of "expected reward,"
because in general it is impossible to find a policy, stochastic or not, that maximizes
the expected reward for each observable message separately. We take the time-
average reward as a measure of performance, that is, the total accrued reward per
number of steps taken (Bertsekas, 1987; Schwartz, 1993). This approach requires the
assumption that every state of the underlying controllable Markov chain is reachable.
In this paper we focus on a direct approach to solving the learning problem. Direct
approaches are to be compared to indirect approaches, in which the learner first
identifies the parameters of the underlying MDP, and then utilizes DP to obtain the
policy. As we noted earlier, indirect approaches lead to computationally intractable
algorithms. Our approach can be viewed as providing a generalization of the direct
approach to MDP's to the case of POMDP's.
Advantages of Monte-Carlo methods for policy evaluation in MDP's have been re-
viewed recently (Barto and Duff, 1994). Here we present a method for calculating
the value of a stochastic policy that has the flavor of a Monte-Carlo algorithm. To
motivate such an approach let us first consider a simple case where the average re-
ward is known and generalize the well-defined MDP value function to the POMDP
setting. In the Markov case the value function can be written as (cf. Bertsekas,
V(s) = lim ~
E{R(st, Ut) - Risl = s}
where St and at refer to the state and the action taken at the tth step respectively.
This form generalizes easily to the level of messages by taking an additional expec-
V(m) = E {V(s)ls -+ m}
where s -+ m refers to all the instances where m is observed in sand E{·ls -+ m}
is a Monte-Carlo expectation. This generalization yields a POMDP value function
given by
V(m) = I: P(slm)V(s)
in which P(slm) define the limit occupancy probabilities over the underlying states
for each message m. As is seen in the next section value functions of this type can be
used to refine the currently followed control policy to yield a higher average reward.
Let us now consider how the generalized value functions can be computed based
on the observations. We propose a recursive Monte-Carlo algorithm to effectively
compute the averages involved in the definition of the value function. In the simple

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Tommi Jaakkola, Satinder P. Singh, Michael I. Jordan
case when the average payoff is known this algorithm is given by
(1 - Kt(m) htf3t-l(m) + Kt(m)
(1- Kt(m))lIt-l(m) + f3t(m)[R(st, at) - R]
where Xt(m) is the indicator function for message m, Kt(m) is the number of times
m has occurred, and 'Yt is a discount factor converging to one in the limit. This
algorithm can be viewed as recursive averaging of (discounted) sample sequences of
different lengths each of which has been started at a different occurrence of message
m. This can be seen by unfolding the recursion, yielding an explicit expression for
lit (m). To this end, let tk denote the time step corresponding to the ph occurrence
of message m and for clarity let Rt = R(st, Ut) - R for every t. Using these the
recursion yields:
lIt(m) = Kt(m) [ Rtl + rl,l Rt1 +1 + ... + r1,t-tl Rt
where we have for simplicity used rk ,T to indicate the discounting at the Tth step
in the kth sequence. Comparing the above expression to equation 1 indicates that
the discount factor has to converge to one in the limit since the averages in V(s) or
V(m) involve no discounting.
To address the question of convergence of this algorithm let us first assume a constant
discounting (that is, 'Yt = 'Y < 1). In this case, the algorithm produces at best an
approximation to the value function. For large K(m) the convergence rate by which
this approximate solution is found can be characterized in terms of the bias and
variance. This gives Bias{V(m)} Q( (1 - r)-l / K(m) and Var{V(m)} Q( (1 -
r)-2 / K(m) where r = Ehtk-tk-l} is the expected effective discounting between
observations. Now, in order to find the correct value function we need an appropriate
way of letting 'Yt - 1 in the limit. However, not all such schedules lead to convergent
algorithms; setting 'Yt = 1 for all t, for example, would not. By making use of the
above bounds a feasible schedule guaranteeing a vanishing bias and variance can be
found. For instance, since 'Y > 7 we can choose 'Yk(m) = 1 - K(m)I/4. Much faster
schedules are possible to obtain by estimating r.
Let us now revise the algorithm to take into account the fact that the learner in fact
has no prior knowledge of the average reward. In this case the true average reward
appearing in the above algorithm needs to be replaced with an incrementally updated
estimate Rt- l . To improve the effect this changing estimate has on the values we
transform the value function whenever the estimate is updated. This transformation
is given by
(1 - Kt(m) )Ct-1(m) + f3t(m)
lIt(m) - Ct(m)(Rt - Rt-l)
and, as a result, the new values are as if they had been computed using the current
estimate of the average reward.

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Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Markov Decision Problems
To carry these results to the control setting and assign a figure of merit to stochastic
policies we need a quantity related to the actions for each observed message. As
in the case of MDP's, this is readily achieved by replacing m in the algorithm
just described by (m, a). In terms of equation 6, for example, this means that the
sequences started from m are classified according to the actions taken when m is
observed. The above analysis goes through when m is replaced by (m, a), yielding
"Q-values" on the level of messages:
In the next section we show how these values can be used to search efficiently for a
better policy.
Here we present a policy improvement theorem that enables the learner to search
efficiently for a better policy in the continuous policy space using the "Q-values"
Q(m, a) described in the previous section. The theorem allows the policy refinement
to be done in a way that is similar to policy improvement in a MDP setting.
Theorem 1 Let the current stochastic policy 1I"(alm) lead to Q-values Q1r(m, a) on
the level of messages. For any policy 11"1 (aim) define
J1r1 (m) = L: 11"1 (alm)[Q1r(m, a) - V1r(m)]
The change in the average reward resulting from changing the current policy accord-
ing to 1I"(alm) -+ (1- {)1I"(alm) + {1I"1(alm) is given by
~R1r = {L: p1r(m)J1r1 (m) + O({2)
where p1r (m) are the occupancy probabilities for messages associated with the current
The proof is given in Appendix. In terms of policy improvement the theorem can
be interpreted as follows. Choose the policy 1I"1(alm) such that
J1r (m) = max[Q1r(m, a) - V1r(m)]
If now J1r1 (m) > 0 for some m then we can change the current policy towards
11"1 and expect an increase in the average reward as shown by the theorem. The
{ factor suggests local changes in the policy space and the policy can be refined
until m~l J1r\ m) = 0 for all m which constitutes a local maximum for this policy
improvement method. Note that the new direction 1I"1(alm) in the policy space can
be chosen separately for each m.
Based on the theoretical analysis presented above we can construct an algorithm that
performs well in a POMDP setting. The algorithm is composed of two parts: First,

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Tommi Jaakkola, Satinder P. Singh, Michael I. Jordan
Q(m, a) values-analogous to the Q-values in MDP-are calculated via a Monte-
Carlo approach. This is followed by a policy improvement step which is achieved by
increasing the probability of taking the best action as defined by Q(m,a). The new
policy is guaranteed to yield a higher average reward (see Theorem 1) as long as for
max[Q(m, a) - V(m)] > 0
This condition being false constitutes a local maximum for the algorithm. Examples
illustrating that this indeed is a local maximum can be found fairly easily.
In practice, it is not feasible to wait for the Monte-Carlo policy evaluation to converge
but to try to improve the policy before the convergence. The policy can be refined
concurrently with the Monte-Carlo method according to
1I"(almn) -+ 1I"(almn) + €[Qn(mn, a) - Vn(mn)]
with normalization. Other asynchronous or synchronous on-online updating schemes
can also be used. Note that if Qn(m, a) = Q(m, a) then this change would be
statistically equivalent to that of the batch version with the concomitant guarantees
of giving a higher average reward.
In this paper we have proposed and theoretically analyzed an algorithm that solves
a reinforcement learning problem in a POMDP setting, where the learner has re-
stricted access to the state of the environment. As the underlying MDP is not
known the problem appears to the learner to have a non-Markov nature. The aver-
age reward was chosen as the figure of merit for the learning problem and stochastic
policies were used to provide higher average rewards than can be achieved with de-
terministic policies. This extension from MDP's to POMDP's greatly increases the
domain of potential applications of reinforcement learning methods.
The simplicity of the algorithm stems partly from a Monte-Carlo approach to obtain-
ing action-dependent values for each message. These new "Q-values" were shown to
give rise to a simple policy improvement result that enables the learner to gradually
improve the policy in the continuous space of probabilistic policies.
The batch version of the algorithm was shown to converge to a local maximum. We
also proposed an on-line version of the algorithm in which the policy is changed
concurrently with the calculation of the "Q-values." The policy improvement of the
on-line version resembles that of learning automata.
Let us denote the policy after the change by 11"!. Assume first that we have access
to Q1I"(s, a), the Q-values for the underlying MDP, and to p1l"< (slm), the occupancy
probabilities after the policy refinement. Define
J(m, 11"!, 11"!, 11") = L 1I"!(alm) L p1l"< (slm)[Q1I"(s, a) - V1I"(s)]
where we have used the notation that the policies on the left hand side correspond
to the policies on the right respectively. To show how the average reward depends

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Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Markov Decision Problems
on this quantity we need to make use of the following facts. The Q-values for the
underlying MDP satisfy (Bellman's equation)
Q1r(s, a) = R(s, a) - R1r + L:P~3' V1r(s')
In addition, 2:0 7r(alm)Q1r(s, a) = V1r(s), implying that J(m, 7r!, 7r!, 7rf ) = 0 (see eq.
13). These facts allow us to write
J(m, 7rf , 7rf , 7r) - J(m, 7rf , 7rf , 7rf )
L: 7rf (alm) L: p 1rĞslm)[Q1r(s, a) - V1r(s) - Q1r< (s, a) + V1r< (s)]
By weighting this result for each class by p 1r< (m) and summing over the messages
the probability weightings for the last two terms become equal and the terms cancel.
This procedure gives us
R1r< - R1r = L:P1rĞm)J(m, 7rf ,7rf , 7r)
This result does not allow the learner to assess the effect of the policy refinement
on the average reward since the JO term contains information not available to the
learner. However, making use of the fact that the policy has been changed only
slightly this problem can be avoided.
As 7r! is a policy satisfying maxmo l7rf (alm) -7r(alm)1 ::; (, it can then be shown that
there exists a constant C such that the maximum change in P(slm), pes), P(m) is
bounded by Cf. Using these bounds and indicating the difference between 7r! and
7r dependent quantities by ~ we get
L:[7r(alm) + ~7r(alm)] L)P1r(slm) + ~p1r(slm)][Q1r(s, a) - V1r (s)]
where the second equality follows from 2:0 7r(alm)[Q1r(s, a) - V1r(s)] = 0 and the
third from the bounds stated earlier.
The equation characterizing the change in the average reward due to the policy
change (eq. 16) can be now rewritten as follows:
R1r< - R1r = L: p 1r< (m)J(m, 7rf , 7r, 7r) + 0Ğ(2)

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Tommi Jaakkola, Satinder P. Singh, Michael I. Jordan
where the bounds (see above) have been used for Vir' (m) - p1r(m). This completes
the proof.
The authors thank Rich Sutton for pointing out errors at early stages of this work.
This project was supported in part by a grant from the McDonnell-Pew Foundation,
by a grant from ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories, by a
grant from Siemens Corporation and by grant NOOOI4-94-1-0777 from the Office of
Naval Research. Michael I. Jordan is a NSF Presidential Young Investigator.
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