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Hebbian Plasticity for Improving Perceptual Decisions
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Hebbian Plasticity for Improving Perceptual Decisions
Tsung-Ren Huang
Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
Shibata et al. reported that humans could learn to repeatedly evoke a stimulus-associated
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity pattern in visual areas V1/V2
through which visual perceptual learning was achieved without stimulus presentation.
Contrary to their attribution of visual improvements to neuroplasticity in adult V1/V2,
our Hebbian learning interpretation of these data explains the attainment of better
perceptual decisions without plastic V1/V2.
Keywords: Categorization, Decision Making, Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis,
Neurofeedback, Neuroplasticity, Perceptual Learning, Reinforcement Learning

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Through on-line feedback, Shibata et al. (1) demonstrated the ability of humans to
induce a stimulus-associated functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) voxel
pattern in the early visual areas V1/V2. Furthermore, visual sensitivity to an oriented
grating stimulus in a noisy background was improved through repeated induction of such
a voxel pattern. Interestingly, no grating-related perceptual experience was evoked in
their participants by this perceptual learning paradigm. How can stimulus-specific
perceptual improvement be attained without external presentation and internal imagery of
the stimulus? What exactly has been learned by the neurofeedback participants?
Category Units
Voxel Paern
Sub-voxel Acvies (Cognive Strategies)
Fig. 1. Two proposed types of learning involved in the neurofeedback paradigm. In this
schematic, all voxel cells are connected with all category units, and their relative strength
of connection weights are learned through Hebbian mechanisms. For reinforcement
learning, different cognitive strategies and sub-voxel activities may activate the same
pattern at the voxel level.

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Our explanation for these data is that both reinforcement and unsupervised
Hebbian learning are involved in their neurofeedback procedure (Fig. 1). The
reinforcement signal was a variable-size disk indicating the degree of match between a
spontaneous voxel pattern in a trial and a stimulus-associated template pattern. The
induced template-like patterns in V1/V2 then allowed unsupervised Hebbian mechanisms
to strengthen the synaptic connections between repetitively activated V1/V2 neurons and
their receiving neurons, such as those in V3. In effect, exposure-specific perceptual
decisions were improved because neurons in downstream areas learned to respond more
to regular grating signals and to ignore irregular background noises in the inputs. Owing
to the limited spatial resolution of fMRI, the possibility remains that different cognitive
strategies and neurons at the sub-voxel level could activate the same voxel pattern.
Therefore, induction of a grating-associated voxel pattern did not necessarily trigger
perception of that grating.
This interpretation, contrary to the conclusion of Shibata et al., attributes visual
improvements in the neurofeedback study to neuroplasticity in brain structures other than
V1/V2. Note that their stimulus-associated template pattern was a voxel pattern obtained
before perceptual learning, and their reinforcement procedure in fact encouraged
preservation of such a pre-training stimulus representation in V1/V2. Because unchanged
neural representations cannot account for changed behavioral performances, the observed
improvement in perceptual decisions likely reflects neuroplasticity somewhere else in the
visual system, such as areas V3 and V4, whose response properties were free to change
during the V1/V2 pattern induction stage.
In general, visual perceptual learning (VPL) can result from changes of neuronal
responses in early visual areas V1/V2 (2-4) and/or higher brain areas that underlie visual
recognition, attention and decision making (5,6). Although the neurofeedback results
support for the latter case from the viewpoint of Hebbian learning, our suggested Hebbian
plasticity between connecting neurons may, in principle, occur within or across any brain
areas, including V1/V2, in other VPL tasks. Moreover, changes of neural connectivity
and response in a neuronal network are often two faces of the same coin—neither
characterizes VPL. For example, changed connectivity between the lateral geniculate
nucleus and V1 alters V1 neuronal response in an orientation discrimination task (4), and

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changed connectivity between the middle temporal and lateral intraparietal (LIP) areas
alters LIP neurononal response in a motion discrimination task (6).
To illustrate Hebbian plasticity for VPL, pattern-specific improvement in
perceptual decisions was simulated by a two-layer neural network with divisive/shunting
normalization in each layer (7). The network matches an input pattern x with each
category prototype j
w and outputs the degree of match y j to category units:
The best match category J is chosen as the perceptual decision, and its category prototype
then updates to accommodate the current instance based on an unsupervised Hebbian
learning algorithm known as the Instar rule (8), or conditional principal component
analysis (9):
wJ ~ yJ (
wJ ) .
S/N Ratio
Accuracy (%)
Pattern 1 (N=20)
S/N Ratio
Accuracy (%)
Pattern 2 (N=20)
S/N Ratio
Accuracy (%)
Pattern 3 (N=20)
Fig. 2. Simulation results of improved perceptual decisions after unsupervised Hebbian
learning [cf. Fig. 3A in (1)]. Blue and red points indicate classification performances of a
3x3 input pattern with different signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios before and after Hebbian
learning. Classification accuracy only improves for a repeatedly presented signal pattern,
as shown in the middle panel. Error bars depict the standard errors of the group means
from 20 independent simulations with randomized initial weights for network
connectivity and randomized presentation order of stimuli to the network.

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After learning, a category prototype is approximately equal to the weighted
average of category instances, with weights being the degree of match. In other words,
the network incrementally learns the regularities in the input patterns, particularly from
the low-noise instances. The simulation results (Fig. 2) for a three-alternative forced-
choice task qualitatively resemble the behavioral performance reported by Shibata et al.
in that decision accuracy is a monotonic function of signal-to-noise ratio, and it improves
only for the choice corresponding to a repeatedly presented signal pattern. Note that such
a Hebbian model can also account for VPL with feedback by adding supervised decision
signals into the category units. Thus, it is a general model for learning in perceptual
decision making with multiple choices and goes beyond VPL models for binary decisions
[e.g., (4, 10-11)].
For the neurofeedback study, whereas the “perceptual” learning component is
explicable, the reinforcement-learning (RL) problem faced by participants is challenging
in theory due to its infinite state and action spaces. Unlike conventional RL problems
with delayed rewards, the neurofeedback study provided immediate evaluative feedback
in each trial. The challenge for the participants was to discover effective actions by trial
and error before reward-bearing actions could be further exploited. On balance, sufficient
exploration is the key to success in reinforcement learning (12).
Because participants had no access to the state/voxel space, to optimize reward
they had to estimate reward as a function of an experimentally unrestricted, infinite set of
action options. In reality, the participants might randomly or parametrically explore a
finite set of N actions. Because the overall reward function and its derivatives were
unknown with respect to the N actions under exploration, this optimization process
required sampling of the N-dimensional continuous-valued action space and was
expected to be slow with a large N (13). Given that action evaluation was sequential in
the neurofeedback study and N might dynamically increase when the chosen actions were
reward-irrelevant, it is unclear how participants could quickly learn to induce V1/V2
activity patterns within 180 attempts (i.e., the total trial number of a pattern induction
In summary, we offer a theoretical perspective on the neurofeedback study by
Shibata et al., who substituted stimulus-derived biofeedback signals for real stimuli in

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visual perceptual training. The lack of stimulus perception might result from other
stimulus-unrelated sub-voxel activities that shared the same template pattern at the voxel
level. Together with the procedure of clamping a pre-training pattern, it also suggests the
observed improvement of perceptual decisions to be a refinement of inference about the
input signals rather than the stimulus representation in V1/V2 per se. Such an inference
improvement may be attributed to synaptic plasticity in Hebbian learning, which is a
viable mechanism for other forms of perceptual learning (10, 14). Finally, it remains an
open question why rapid learning of pattern induction was observed in the neurofeedback
study given that uninformed, sequential exploration of an infinite state/action space is
theoretically a slow process.

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References and Notes
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