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Abhinav Galodhaa , Sharad Kumar Guptab
a School of Interdisciplinary Studies (SIRe) Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Delhi, (
b Punjab Remote Sensing Center, Ludhiana
Commission VI, WG VI/4
KEY WORDS: Surface urban heat island; Google Earth Engine; Land Surface Temperature; MODIS; Landsat; Sustain-
able Development Goals
At least 2 billion urban occupants will be concentrated in Asia and Africa, amounting to 70% of the global population by
2050. This rapid urbanization has caused an innate effect on the ecology and environment, which further results in intense
temperature variations in urban and rural areas, especially in India. According to a recent IPCC report, 8 out of the 15
hottest cities in the world are situated in India. The rising industrial work, construction activities, type of material used
for construction, and other factors have reduced thermal cooling and created temperature imbalance, thereby creating
a vicious effect called ”urban heat island” (UHI) or ”surface urban heat island” (SUHI). Several researchers have also
related it with climate change due to their contribution to the greenhouse effect and global warming. In this study, we
have particularly emphasized northern India, including Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Delhi. We created a Google
Earth Engine (GEE) based Web-App to assess the UHI intensity over the past 15 years (2003 – 2018). We are using
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images, Landsat 5, 7, and 8 data for studying UHI. The land
surface temperature (LST) based UHI intensity (day and night time) will be available for major metropolitan cities with
their respective clusters. With feasibility in SUHI monitoring, we can address an increasing need for resilient, sustainable,
and safe urban planning of our cities as portrayed under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 11 highlighted by
United Nations).
Climate change, increase in urban-rural population, rise in
population density, and poverty are few out of a huge lot
leading to challenges gripping the world. The rise in tem-
perature both air flux temperature and land surface tem-
perature have been contributing factors in climate changes
[Mustafa et al., 2020]. Several studies have shown that
better social, economic and livelihood prospects lead to
unprecedented urban migration, which may subsequently
lead to temperature rise and cities behave as urban heat
islands (UHI) [Li et al., 2013, Sheng et al., 2017].
India currently stands second just shy of China to be-
come the most populous nation by 2027. Massive urban
migration has become visible for a better life and work
prospects in both formal and informal sectors, which may
have caused changes in land-use patterns and fluctuations
in regional temperature. A direct relationship can be es-
tablished between the two [Chen and Zhang, 2017]. Re-
search shows the positive effects of the presence of green-
cover, agriculture, and water-bodies helping to regulate
the UHI effect, and simultaneously the negative conse-
quences of built-up area and uncovered landcover accel-
erate UHI at an alarming rate [Amiri et al., 2009, Chen
and Zhang, 2017, Song et al., 2014].
Remote sensing is very beneficial for UHI and LST stud-
ies. Multispectral images obtained from Landsat series
sensors i.e. TM (thematic mapper), ETM+ (enhanced the-
matic mapper), and TIRS (thermal infraRed sensor) are
Corresponding author
beneficial for estimating LST and determining the appro-
priateness of 30m spatial resolution for UHI studies [Guha
et al., 2018]. The Landsat series is available at a global
scale at 30m spatial resolution but with poorer temporal
resolution at 16 days. For carrying out UHI and LST stud-
ies, this research uses thermal infrared bands of Landsat-5
and Landsat-8, available at 30 m spatial resolutions [So-
brino et al., 2004, Jiménez-Muñoz et al., 2014]. Landsat
series with help of new emerging methods such as mono-
window algorithm [Qin et al., 2001], single-channel algo-
rithm [Jiménez-Muñoz and Sobrino, 2003, Jiménez-Muñoz
and Sobrino, 2009] have made UHI and LST estimations
Global surface UHI explorer app1, developed by Yale
University helps to monitor UHI intensities at a global
scale using Google Earth Engine (GEE). The UHI dataset
was based on a simplified urban-extent algorithm (SUE)
using MODIS Terra and Aqua dataset at 1 km spatial
resolution [Chakraborty and Lee, 2019]. The app shows
the annual daytime and nighttime temperatures of 10,000
big cities around the globe and contains a year-wise slider
from 2003 until 2018. It also generates two charts for the
selected cluster, where the first one displays the change
in the UHI intensity from 2003 to 2018, the second chart
shows the monthly variation of the UHI intensity derived
from 15 years of MODIS data.
In this paper we have developed a GEE-based Webapp
for determining LST and analyzing the UHI effect at 30 m
spatial resolution using Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 images.
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIV-M-3-2021
ASPRS 2021 Annual Conference, 29 March–2 April 2021, virtual
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License.

Page 2
UHI and LST estimation was carried out for Punjab state
in the northern part of India. Punjab is bordered by the
mountainous region and union territory of Jammu and
Kashmir (J & K) to the north, Chandigarh city to the
east, Himachal Pradesh to the northeast, Haryana to the
southeast, and Rajasthan to the southwest. The state adds
an area of 50,362 sq. kilometers, accounting for 1.53% of
India’s total geographical area. The state lies between
29.54°N to 32.57°N latitudes and 73.88°E to 76.94°E lon-
In this study, we have used thermal infrared (TIR)
bands available at 120m and 100m from Landsat 5 and
Landsat-8 satellites respectively. Emerging technologies
and algorithms were used or LST estimations. We have
also used MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spec-
troradiometer) on-board Terra and Aqua satellites with
global coverage of Earth at a temporal resolution of 1 day.
For the development and validation of a global, interac-
tive Earth system, MODIS is playing a vital role thus able
to predict global change accurately enough to assist pol-
icymakers in making sound decisions concerning the pro-
tection of our environment. Even at coarser resolutions
such as 250m, 500m, and 1km due to global and day-night
time coverage, MODIS datasets are extremely fruitful in
UHI and LST estimations (
Figure 1: Study Area
Google Earth Engine (GEE) has petabytes of freely avail-
able datasets from the United States Geological Survey
(USGS). This research uses various datasets available in
GEE such as Landsat-5, Landsat-8, MODIS etc. For com-
putation of LST from Landsat-8, either of the two bands
10 or 11 can be used in split-window method; however
band 11 has some quality issues and large calibration con-
straint. Hence, band 10 is preferable for thermal studies in
determining brightness temperature. The digital number
(DN) image can be converted to top of atmosphere (TOA)
reflectance, which can be further used to compute surface
reflectance (SR). The SR is used to determine normalized
difference vegetation index (NDVI) using NIR and RED
band of the images. SR reflectance data is readily available
from GEE datasets derived from Land Surface Reflectance
Code (LaSRC) where the coastal band is used for aerosol
inversion, and MODIS data for auxiliary atmospheric and
atmospheric correction performed with radiative transfer
model [Vermote and Kotchenova, 2008]. Quality assess-
ment band (BQA), can be used to retrieve cloud coverage
masking, which includes cloud shadowing for which a func-
tion was created in GEE [Ermida et al., 2020]. The NDVI
equation is mentioned as:
RED = Red Band (Band 4)
NIR = Near Infrared Band (Band 5)
NDVI = Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
3.1 Surface Emission
Using the NDVI thresholds, min, max values, surface emis-
sivity (ε) was estimated using the equations given as the
NDVI thresholds method [Sobrino et al., 2004, Sobrino et
al., 2001]. Also, the fractional vegetation (Fv), of each
pixel was determined from the NDVI threshold informa-
tion using the following equation [Carlson and Ripley, 1997]:
Fv =
NDVIveg NDVIbare
NDVIbare = NDVI (Completely Bare)
NDVIveg = NDVI (Fully Vegetated)
NDVI = Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
Fv = Fractional Vegetative Cover
Using the Fv parameter, (ε) can be determined using equa-
tion [Guha et al., 2018]:
ε = 0.004×Fv +0.986
ε = Emissivity Factor
The (ε) is derived from Landsat bands as follows [Ermida
et al., 2020]:
• Fv is derived from ASTER using the NDVI equation.
Using original ASTER emissivity, bare ground emis-
sivity and corresponding Fv with a prescribed value of
ASTER emissivity for bare ground can be used for
each TIR band 10,11 of Landsat-8 with spectral fixing.
Corresponding NDVI values for Fv determination.
Fractional vegetative cover is fundamentally used for
calculating emissivity in each TIR band combination.
3.2 LST Estimation
Using reflectance values from thermal band 10 of Landsat-
8 TIRS, spectral radiance was determined using [Carnahan
and Larson, 1990]:
Lλ = 0.0003342×DN+0.1
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIV-M-3-2021
ASPRS 2021 Annual Conference, 29 March–2 April 2021, virtual
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License.

Page 3
Lλ = Spectral Radiance
DN = Decimal Number
Brightness temperature can be determined using the equa-
tion [Guha et al., 2018]:
TB =
ln(K1/Lλ )+1
Lλ = Spectral Radiance
TB = Brightness Temperature (K)
K1 = 774.89
K2 = 1321.08
Eventually, LST was estimated using the equation (Weng,
Lu, & Schubring, 2004):
LST = Land Surface Temperature
TB = Brightness Temperature (K)
λ = Wavelength
¯h = Planck’s Constant
c = Velocity of light (m/sec)
3.3 CHIRPS Daily: Atmospheric Data
Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation Station (CHIRPS)
gridded data is a 30+ years dataset representing quasi-
global rainfall/precipitation. It incorporates 0.05° arc res-
olution satellite images along with in-situ/field-based sta-
tion data to create tile/grid-based rainfall time series for
trend analysis and seasonal drought forecasting. The CHIRPS
dataset is available at a global scale from 1981 - until
now. Precipitation band is the only band available with
its raster values as a function of mm/day.
3.4 Landuse Landcover
Landuse classification for the given study area can be car-
ried out mainly into 4 classes i.e. Agriculture, Forest,
Urban-city, and Waterbody. There are two methods to
carry out classification i.e. unsupervised (without the pres-
ence of class labels) and supervised (with the presence of
class labels). General steps to carry out a supervised based
classification are (
Store training data, store class labels, identify specific
properties of each class label as a numeric value to
define part of predictors.
Combine all these labels with the specific property as
a feature collection.
Identify or create a classifier, hyper-tune its parame-
Train the classifier with set parameters with defined
training data.
Classify image or feature collection with defined la-
Validate with test dataset, create error-matrix.
Compute the overall accuracy and classified map.
Iterate the process after tuning the hyper-parameters
until desired overall accuracy isn’t obtained.
With property storing class labels and properties stor-
ing predictor variables, training data is considered a fea-
ture collection. Class labels need to be continuous, start-
ing from 0 and stored as integers. When it is necessary
to convert class values to continuous integers, use remap()
function. The prediction labels have to be numeric values.
Validation, testing, and/or training dataset can be
made from multiple sources. Preparation of training dataset
can be intensely carried out in GEE, with the help of ge-
ometry drawing tool. Alternatively, a predefined training
set can be imported from a GEE as an asset. A classi-
fier can be defined from one of the constructor tabs as an
ee.Classifier and can be trained using the classifier.train()
option. The current research uses a statistical machine in-
telligence and learning engine (SMILE) Classification and
Regression Trees (CART) classifier [Breiman et al., 1984]
to easily predict more than two classes.
The entire workflow can be segregated into 3 phases
Figure 2: Workflow
starting with input where we have Landsat-8 time series
data, layer stacked. Cloud-cover mast at less than 10%
cover. In the Data processing section, here I am showing
single snippets using Landsat 8 imagery. I am determin-
ing the vegetation cover with normalized difference vege-
tation index. Using the thermal band of Landsat 8 image
collection and brightness temperature determine the land
surface temperature and emissivity factor. For land cover
classification I am using the smile cart supervised classifi-
cation algorithm. Using the climate hazards group infrared
precipitation station data abbreviated to CHIRPS which
gives a global daily precipitation data at 0.05 arc resolution
I determine the precipitation. Also, MODIS TERRA and
Aqua dataset is used for surface heat Island estimation. In
the output section, I am showing the Indian outline map
and my highlighted study area Punjab state. in the bot-
tom corner, shown is the LST time series chart variation
for the year 2016.
MODIS Terra and Aqua datasets are used to witness
and analyze the annual summer, winter day-time, and
nighttime variations across the years from 2003 until 2018.
Overlaying city-wide clusters for the study area to identify
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIV-M-3-2021
ASPRS 2021 Annual Conference, 29 March–2 April 2021, virtual
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License.

Page 4
the UHI and LST variations. Annual max and min for sea-
sonal variation across the day-time and nighttime are also
added as additional drop-down options. The advantages
are the availability of Terra as a daytime sensor and Aqua
as a nighttime sensor for assessing thermal temperature
variations. The temporal resolution of 1 day is also an
additional advantage. The drawbacks, however, include
coarser resolution of 1km and not taking into account the
other factors for example precipitation variations, land-
cover changes, vegetation cover which have a tremendous
impact in controlling the UHI effects [Chakraborty and
Lee, 2019]. These factors were covered in the proposed
research using Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS (LS), CHIRPS (pre-
cipitation) datasets.
LS series have been beneficial to cover the UHI and
LST estimates from 2013 - until now, at 30m fine resolu-
tion with one drawback being the poor temporal resolu-
tion of 16 days. CHIRPS daily global precipitation since
1981 until now provides data at fine resolution for annual
precipitation in (mm/hr) was incorporated for the study.
Landuse landcover was done for the entire study area using
the SMILE CART algorithm. GEE user interface platform
( is used for the im-
plementation of all these factors. Finally, a GEE-based
web app is also developed to monitor the LST estimation
which soon will be available to use for the general public.
Now for the results section, in the figure-4 top left cor-
Figure 3: LST, Land Cover Classified Image, Precipitation
ner, we have the precipitation map using CHIRPS data set
measured in mm/day. The red portion signifies Higher pre-
cipitation cover followed by mild precipitation in the green
region and lower precipitation in the blue region. In the
top right corner, the land cover classification was carried
out using a smile cart supervised algorithm, there are four
classes water body agriculture City, and forest. the classi-
fication results overlap and match with the ground truth
labels used. the water body is signified with blue color,
agriculture is signified with the red region as Punjab state
is a hub for agriculture yield. The city is one with yellow
color and forest with a dark green cover. In the bottom
corner, I have the LST map estimated from the brightness
temperature equation, the blue color predominates in the
Northern and North-Eastern regions of Punjab signifying
the lower temperatures. The urban settlement has red and
yellowish red color along with the South Western region
signifying the higher temperature.
In figure-5 of the result top left corner signifies images
for Landsat 8 image collection visualized as true color
composite (TCC). The top left corner signifies the veg-
etation cover determined using normalized difference with
index dark green color showcases forest cover, light green
color is predominantly agriculture and Orange color is
for non-vegetation cover. The bottom left corner indi-
cates the thermal band of Landsat-8, the light blue por-
tion has a lower temperature compared to White and light
green portions which indicate high temperature. Emis-
sivity shown in the bottom right corner determined from
the LST brightness temperature equation indicates with
higher temperatures in the red and yellow region and lower
temperature is indicated by light green and darker green
color which is dominated by forest cover and Agriculture.
Figure 4: Results (Stacked Landsat -8 TCC, Vegetation
Cover (NDVI), Thermal Band)
In figure-6 here, annual precipitation as a function of
mm/day for the year 2020 is shown as a time series for
this study area month of March till April we have average
precipitation during months of May and June due to Lu
condition and absence of tropical winds, the temperature
is much higher thus precipitation is lower. the month of
mid-July till early October there is a sudden spike in pre-
cipitation due to the onset of southwest monsoon winds.
December to January slight rainfall is occurring due to the
presence of North-Western disturbance.
In figure-7 here, the global urban heat island explorer
app is created by the center of earth observation, Yale Uni-
versity (https://yceo. In, yellow
is a cluster of 10,000 cities available globally. To find
the surface UHI intensity it has been implemented using
MODIS Terra Aqua data set from the year 2003 to the
year 2018. The options include annual day and night time,
summer day and night time, winter day and night time.
Finally, figure-10 shows the interface on GEE Explorer
App that showcases the algorithm to create land surface
temperature estimation with Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS sen-
sors. This tool maps land surface temperature in the Pun-
jab region from 2013-onwards using a brightness temper-
ature (BT) parameter from Landsat-8, Vegetation cover
(NDVI), Landcover classification using Smile Cart Clas-
sification derived from Landsat imagery. The landcover
classification had an overall accuracy of 90.17%. One can
use the tools below to explore changes in LST estimation,
vegetation cover, land cover changes, and precipitation
changes. The Dropdown menu has been made available
to the user to filter the satellite images for different dates.
Selection of images as part of image collection can be car-
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIV-M-3-2021
ASPRS 2021 Annual Conference, 29 March–2 April 2021, virtual
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License.

Page 5
Figure 5: Results (CHIRPS , Precipitation (mm/day))
In figure-8 here, LST variation for Chandigarh city is
shown for the state of Punjab, the annual temperature
variation can be seen for the year 2018 where light glow
signifies the annual day temperature varying less than -1.5
degree Celsius while light brown region indicates annual
day temperature varying from 0 to 1.5 degree Celsius.
Figure 6: Results (MODIS Terra- Aqua Dataset for LST
ried out as individual scenes can be overlaid on the map
layer. A visualization drop menu is provided to choose the
band compositions to visualize images on map-layer. LST
classified images can also be added as an overlay option.
In this paper, we have shown the UHI and LST estima-
tion for the state of Punjab, India using both Landsat-8
OLI/TIRS sensor datasets and MODIS Terra and Aqua
datasets. We can conclude that MODIS Terra and Aqua
datasets are crucial for LST and UHI determination due
to mainly two reasons. Firstly, availability of 1km global
daily data and secondly, availability of both daytime and
nighttime mean, max and min temperature variations for
10,000 cluster cities mainly can be considered the relevant
reasons to use MODIS data. Using Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS
sensor-based imagery is beneficial mainly for its fine spa-
tial resolution at 30m and optimizing with other factors
(NDVI, Fv, (ε) and Thermal information (Band 10,11)).
Punjab is an agricultural hub, thus the NDVI values are
more than 0 throughout the year ranging between (0.1-
1.0). The annual precipitation derived using the CHIRPS
dataset from 1981-on wards, shows that Punjab is predom-
inately affected by SW and NW trade winds. The LST,
thermal information also shed the same concept that the
rural regions in SE Punjab (Abhor) along Rajasthan state
have shown a large heatwave condition due to the pres-
ence of loo during summers, lack of vegetation cover, and
water scarcity. Emissivity variations for SE Punjab are
Figure 7: LST Estimation for Chandigarh City
In figure-9 here, this graph on the left side Red Line in-
dicates annual daytime and the blue line indicates annual
night-time UHI intensity in degree Celsius, from the pe-
riod 2003 to 2018, while the right corner graph shows the
seasonal variability of UHI intensity between monthly day
and night time UHI intensities in degree Celsius for the
year 2018.
Figure 8: Annual and Monthly UHI Intensity
Figure 9: GEE Explorer Web-App for LST Estimation:
higher than in other areas. Precipitation (mm/hr) annu-
ally has receded throughout the years. These, all factors
are reasoning’s behind the high-temperature surge. Incor-
porating drought parameters can help establish the rising
UHI and Surface Heat Island (SHI) effects.
The authors are grateful to the Google Earth Engine server
for implementation of the code https://code.earthengine. and to the GEE-developers community plat-
form for resolving doubts (
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIV-M-3-2021
ASPRS 2021 Annual Conference, 29 March–2 April 2021, virtual
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License.

Page 6
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The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIV-M-3-2021
ASPRS 2021 Annual Conference, 29 March–2 April 2021, virtual
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License.