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Knowledge Management Driven Information Systems for Improved Services in the Social Administration Field
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International Journal of Caring Sciences
May-August 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 2| Page 1480
Special Article
Knowledge Management Driven Information Systems for Improved
Services in the Social Administration Field
Dimitrios Stamoulis, BSc., MSc, PhD
Member of the Social Administration Research Laboratory, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
Charalampos Platis, BSc., MSc, PhD
Research and Studies Officer, National School of Public Administration and Local Government
(ESDDA), Athens, Greece
Anastasios Sepetis
Research Fellow, Department of Business Administration, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
Maria-Elisavet Psomiadi, RN, MSc
National School of Public Administration & Local Government, Healthcare Services' Administration
Specialization Department (ESDDA), Athens, Greece
George Pierrakos, PhD
Professor, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
Correspondence: Charalampos Platis, 211 Pireos Str, 17778 Tavros, +306944602540,
Knowledge management (KM) is mainly a social process, involving peoples’ attitudes, behaviors, opinions and
islands of information and knowledge scattered all over the public sector and the society itself. It is a paradox
that despite being a social process, KM is by and large absent from social services provision and support in the
Social Administration (SA) field of public administration. This paper tries to set the scene for using KM in the
SA field, proposes the infusion of KM into the main social services’ business processes, classifies relevant
knowledge assets in SA and identifies information technologies that could enable a paradigm shift for SA from
the top-down orientation in policy making and services provision to an knowledge based bottom-up approach, in
order to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Two short cases are discussed to propose KM as a key driver for
designing social administration’s information systems for improved social services: the social security
contribution evasion problem and the organization of a knowledge-based service desk to support social
administration’s stakeholders.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Social Administration, Social Administration Information Systems
Managing knowledge in the public sector has
been a concern since the establishment of the
field (Henry, 1974), since public administration
is a vast area of operations and practice, covering
at least the following areas: hypotheses
formulation and validation, strategy, services,
operations, infrastructures and quasi market
infrastructures. Wing (2002) emphasizes in KM
importance as an informed decision making tool
for Public Administration, mainly for effective
situation handling. Knowledge is produced in
each and every aspect of interaction among
governing bodies, public administration, private
and legal persons, while feedback is given
through governance structures to align
purposeful action with desired outcome and
expected behavior by the recipients of the public
administration decisions. In the context of public
management, knowledge management (KM) has
received quite a lot of attention, as “it is
increasingly advocated for improving novelty
and agility in policy development and service
delivery” (Pee & Kanhanhalli, 2016: 188). The

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proliferation of digital information technologies
in public administration as web-based knowledge
management systems – see for example (Savvas
& Bassiliades, 2009) – has greatly facilitated the
effectiveness and efficiencies of its operational
side, increasing the quality of service for citizens
and all the relevant stakeholders.
Social administration (SA) is part of the public
administration structure and operations, having
to do with the work, family, welfare and caring
dimensions of life, where the public sector is
expected to play a role, in view of implementing
its social justice vision (Au, 1994). Representing
horizontal policies by its nature, SA needs
particular attention in the context of KM,
because social services provision is very
interactive with the social constituencies; also
SA has direct implication on the daily life of the
involved stakeholders. Before further refining the
focus of KM on SA, it is useful to define more
explicitly the SA scope. The preferable choice
for scoping SA, is given by the definition as
provided by (Lohmann & Lohmann, 2001),
which refers and attributed to related events such
Social Services Administration
Encourage, evolve and practice social
services leadership
Decision-making process at the political
and institutional level that influences the exercise
of social policy
Continuous efforts to sustain and
develop a social service system.
In this context, the study of KM becomes more
demanding, as information and knowledge flows
from multiple dimensions and pertains to all
aspects of government policies that impact
stakeholders from both the demand and the
supply side of social services. According to
Sveiby (2005), KM has to “nurture, leverage and
motivate people to improve and share their
capacity to act.” Since social services represent a
significant tool for public administration to
implement social interventions, the application of
KM principles and techniques, along with
appropriate information technologies, is a strong
prerequisite for conceiving, designing,
implementing, operating and measuring social
administration’s projects and outcomes.
Literature review reveals that KM in SA is not
yet explored in depth (excluding the healthcare
sector, which is far better researched), apart from
some case studies – for example knowledge
management at the U.S. Social Security
Administration ( Rubenstein- Montano,
Buchwalter & Liebowitz, 2001) – nor
requirements have been derived out of the KM
perspective. Although data are being created
during the consumption of social services as well
as through the interactions of the social
stakeholders, especially in the welfare area,
“Data Driven Management’s impact on the
provision of welfare services is still being
realized and worked out” (Pedersen
and Wilkinson, 2018: 16).
Given that one the best definitions describes KM
as a process in which knowledge conceived,
allocated, and effectively used (Davenport,
1994), this paper proposes the infusion of the
KM perspective into SA information systems
(IS) to increase their effectiveness, information
richness and accuracy, using two specific cases,
that fit very well to the above definition of KM.
Material for these two cases has been collected
as part of a research work, trying to identify
digital transformation opportunities for the SA
field in view of raising their effectiveness in
terms of their design and delivery. A preliminary
part of this research has concluded on the
appropriateness of the SSM methodology for
designing information systems (IS) for the SA
field (Stamoulis, 2019).
How KM can be applied in the SA field
First of all, why KM is needed in the SA field?
Symptoms of a KM absence in any
administrative environment include repeating
mistakes, duplicating work, poor customer
(beneficiaries) relations, good ideas being lost,
dependency on key persons rather than key ideas,
slowness in launching news services etc. To a
higher or lesser extent, SA is susceptible to all
these symptoms, partly due to the multiplicity of
agencies and institutions that design and deliver
social services, partly because of the dominant
political ideologies that drive decisions in this
area, instead of a holistic design accruing from
knowledge elicitation.
Tacit knowledge is abundant in societal systems.
Beneficiaries of the social services bear
important opinions and views that need to be
taken into account; bottom-up approaches work
much better in this field as compared to top-
down. For example, demographic incentives can

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be succinctly identified and better prioritized by
those who would like to become parents, so
eliciting this knowledge requires focus groups,
structured interviews, opinion surveys, etc.
Statistical data may not infer value-based
information about demographic incentives as
effectively as the tacit knowledge elicitation
techniques. This is one of the reasons that
strategies for social interventions have been
characterized as low effective ones (Todd, 2017)
Such knowledge must be extracted / externalized
and then get internalized by the various SA
agencies and institutions for assimilation,
processing, enrichment so that it can be rich
enough to be presented back to the various
stakeholders for validation.
Table 1. Applying KM key processes onto social services provision.
Indicative list of social services
family support,
Employment /
third age
measures and
ge M
t) k
ey p
collection of
best practices,
with family
hunting and
, access to
collection of
best practices
analyses of taxable
income; input from
people in need
Policies and
Sharing of
of practice in
order to
perform pilot
Dialogue with
people in
situations to
understand why
and how have
fallen in the
poverty zone
Inform and
target audiences
formal training,
and matching
Inform and
Measures and
policies for early
warning to people
at risk of poverty
Statistics of
customer /
policy goals
Statistics of
customer /
policy goals
Statistics of
customer /
policy goals
Statistics of
customer / citizen
satisfaction, policy
goals fulfillment

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Social services need to be consumed as
designed, in order to be effective. Given that
legislation is quite often complex and
scattered into many laws and regulations,
potential beneficiaries of social services need
to have access into user friendly systems that
represent knowledge as a collection of cases
and solutions. So, it is obvious that case-
based reasoning must be applied by SA in
order to organize and present knowledge in
such a way that citizens and any kind of
stakeholders may be informed whether they
belong to potential beneficiaries of these
social services, for example.
The aforementioned examples refer to the
demand side for knowledge management in
the SA field. Let’s know have a look at the
supply side. The provision of social services
is subject to the typical public administration
decision making cycle, usually starting from
a political statement or will, getting
formulated in some sort of measures or
policies that are applied and then calibrated
through, at the best case, a continues learning
cycle that adapts to the situational
knowledge produced during policy
deployment and aligns with the social needs
on the go. In this way, SA and its
stakeholders become a community of
practice. While this is not usually the case,
the SA community of practice is the
preferable model, where stakeholders should
negotiate, communicate and coordinate with
each other directly in order to develop their
work. These collaborative actions are highly
points of importance in work practice
(Brown & Duguid, 2000). Such
knowledgeable co-evolution of stakeholders
creates an effective continuous consultation
that achieves gradually strategic alignment
and fruitful supply-demand relationships.
Which are the core business process
underpinning the main social services?
Arguably, social services cover the needs for
support for most of the phases of human life
from cradle to grave, including: demographic
incentives, support for families, childcare
facilities and financing (e.g. vouchers for
childcare), social inclusion, unemployment
aid, assistance for employment, work-life
balance, work conditions supervisory,
employer-employee relationships, pensions
and third age arrangements for active and
healthy ageing, relief for the disabled and aid
to the poor as well as combating the risk of
poverty. Along and across these business
process, horizontal and vertical social
services are designed, implemented,
deployed and applied by the SA. KM
activities must create additional value within
the core business processes to be worthwhile.
How this can be achieved in the SA field?
The following table tries to give a
preliminary set of answers:
The aforementioned table is not meant to be
an exhaustive list of KM methods applicable
to SA but aims at demonstrating the value of
injecting KM into the provision of social
services. It is worth mentioning in this vein,
that the European Commission (2020) has
adopted the Open Method of Coordination
for many of the topics that pertain social and
cultural issues, in an attempt to promote KM
practice among member – states. Reading
from the Commission’ web site: “EU
Member States have much to gain in
exchanging good practice on the way they
design policies and funding schemes. This
form of cooperation is referred to as the
"Open Method of Coordination" (OMC), and
is used in many policy areas.” It is therefore
obvious, that applying KM onto social
services design and implementation is of key
importance for the overall SA success.
In such a KM culture, all types of actors that
participate into the social services provision
and consumption process may potentially
produce knowledge assets. Looking at the
above table, sources of knowledge assets can
be easily identified and knowledge assets can
be classified into categories, such as:
reference assets (e.g. statistics,
procedures, models, key performance
indicators for measures and policies, etc.),

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informational assets (e.g. legislation
texts and interpretations, , policies,
directives, eligibility criteria, etc.)
operational assets (e.g. beneficiaries’
evaluation, experts’ advice, communities’
views, professional service providers’
opinions, situational knowledge, checklists,
resource assets (e.g. list of agencies,
professionals, funds, sample application
forms, indicative workflows for the
provision of social services etc.)
Implications for designing KM-driven IS
for SA
IT is a key enabler in the KM domain,
because KM cannot scale up unless
appropriate information systems are used.
Different types of information systems are
used to support the various knowledge
processes, such as knowledge acquisition,
creation, organization, usage, sharing,
deployment and dissemination. So far, SA is
mainly based on statistical analyses of past
data, such as trends and projections. Tacit
knowledge, opinions, situational knowledge
etc. are lost and do not provide input into SA
policies, since there are no procedures and
information systems to capture and process
Therefore, online surveys, situation
description forms, calls for specific cases
self-descriptions, platforms for collaborative
knowledge creation and sharing, open
consultation platforms for civil society
engagement are desperately needed in the
SA field.
Regarding knowledge dissemination and
exploitation, expert systems and case based
reasoning technologies need to be applied so
that when individual cases are described by
the interested parties, relevant legislation and
policies are presented to help those
concerned. Needless to say, easy to use web
sites and mobile apps are indispensable for
information collection and sharing; on-line
communities need to be built around social
services topics, through which inferences can
be made about areas of concern; online
platforms for exchanging views, opinions
and ideas are also helpful for internalizing
tacit and scattered pieces of knowledge.
Online communities have started to attract
some attention as a tool in the area of SA
(e.g. an online community to support parents
in their transition to work (Bista et. al.,
2013)), but their full potential is not yet
Since an increasing number of the social
services may be offered by the public
administration through private sector
subcontractors or private-public partnerships,
SA needs also to employ new types of
information systems, the so-called Public
Service Platforms (PSP). According to the
study (Ranerup, Zinner Henriksen &
Hedman, 2016: 6) that coined the term PSP,
“this technology supports the demand side of
the marketplace (i.e. citizens who search
among public offerings) as well as the supply
side (i.e. the public and private sectors that
provide publicly funded services in quasi-
markets)”. In this paper, social services such
as elder care, healthcare and pension have
been analyzed in terms of their value
proposition, value architecture, value
network and value finance. PSP will become
more and more the case since informed
decisions by policy makers and empowered
beneficiaries of the social services can be
better serviced though such technologies.
It is quite often the case that a significant
number of applicants fill-in application
forms to apply for social offerings; whoever,
usually some of them are rejected due to
non-compliance with the legislation criteria
for eligibility to these offerings, or
inappropriate evidence of claims. If all these
applications had to be manually, or even,
semi-automatically, checked, the time and
resources needed far exceed reasonable
processing requirements. The use of
integrated workflows and robotic process
automation technologies is the appropriate
answer for the SA field. According to
technopedia (2020), “Robotic process
automation (RPA) is the practice of
automating routine business practices with
"software robots" that perform tasks
automatically. These tasks include

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transaction processing, IT management and
automated online assistants. These software
robots could replace human beings for
common tasks. Robotic process automation
makes heavy use of artificial intelligence to
train these robots.” Using RPA technology
which exploits machine learning and AI
techniques, large amounts of applications
can be processed to allow for timely
acceptance or rejection of applications for
the social services benefits. However, each
time legislation changes, the robots need to
be retrained in order to correctly reflect
changes in eligibility criteria, evidence
needed and modifications of thresholds.
Figure-1: a generic conceptual information systems model for social services’ service desk
from a KM perspective
Finally, eligibility criteria for social services
consumption as well as social services benefits
usually aggregate information resources scattered
all over the public administration’s information
systems. Being horizontal by nature, social
services need to consume information resources,
compose benefits from various policy areas and
provide feedback to the rest of the public sector’s
IT infrastructures. To achieve such an
interoperability level, well-defined information
governance has to be in place, based on KM
rules and methodologies, in order to be effective.
Moreover, integrated workflows and federated
information technologies have to be employed to
support interorganizational and interdepartmental
information and processing flows; thus the need
for shared ontologies upon which the social
services ecosystems will be able to operate.
Designing information systems in such a way,
SA will be equipped well enough to enter into a
digital future.
Case-1: The social security contribution
evasion problem from a KM perspective
Turning our focus onto a specific problem to find
out how KM could be useful at the
organizational level, the social security
contribution evasion problem is analyzed below.
In most countries, social security is partly paid
by the employer and partly by the employee.
Some employers are susceptible to not timely
paying, or not paying at all, their due amounts to

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the social security funds. So far, manual and on-
site audits are being used for revealing evasion
cases. But prevention is better than treatment.
Proactive action could be taken; social security
funds many borrow experience already gained in
credit risk scoring by the banking and finance
Using artificial intelligence (AI) and risk scoring
models, social security funds may start collecting
information to produce knowledge about evasion
prone employers. Information from past cases
including demographic and sectoral data,
financial statements and taxation profiles, social
security funds may shape risk profiles and
continually fine-tune AI models that will be able
to predict, progressively with higher probability,
the propensity of a legal person to evade social
security contribution in order to categorize them
according to their evasion risk. Using such
taxonomy, the fund may allocate more
effectively their human audit resources, by
scheduling more often on-site audits to those
with higher risk indicator, as opposed to those
with lower ones. May also allocate more
experienced personnel to higher risk profiles,
than others. Auditors will need to evaluate the
risk score after an on-site audit, in order to
validate or contribute to calibrate the model more
effectively. Finally, evasion penalties or
favourable arrangements for delayed payment of
contributions may also be risk justified. In this
way, KM and AI will significantly reduce the
social security contributions evasion problem, by
using effectively the fund’s resources and
increase the fund’s revenue. Obviously, the use
of AI alone without a sound KM framework will
only incur costs without any benefits for the fund
and any such application will soon be
abandoned. This case reveals that cross-sectoral
transfer of knowledge to the SA field is
important, since there is no need to re-invent the
wheel, when successful implementations of KM
applications already exist in other sectors.
Our field investigation has shown that currently,
social pension funds’ auditors are usually relying
mainly on max five factors in order to determine
whom to re-visit for auditing; namely: (1)
previous offenses, (2) type of business activity,
(3) number of employees, (4) location, and (5)
frequency of audits over the past five years.
Using a KM perspective, the number of
parameters to be taken into account in order to
determine the risk factor can easily increase to
twenty. Knowledge elicitation through interviews
and focus groups with such auditors revealed the
following factors, in addition to the
aforementioned five, that can play a role and
should be used as inputs to an AI system to
calculate much more accurately the risk factor:
Type of business activity
Type of business sector
Types of contracts with employees
Mix of types of contracts
Nationality of employees
Number of employees per type of
Balance sheet of the company
Type of management
Corporate governance model
Current financial standing of the
Location of business activity
Mean value of wages and salaries
Mean number of years of employees
with the same employer (loyalty)
Employee selection process
Employee compensation scheme
Employing a neural network as an AI engine
requires the initialization of weights for each
parameter before start calibrating it to produce
precise predictions. For the initialization,
parameters can be categorized as of low, medium
and high importance, with 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75
weights respectively. Running the model with
these weights, auditors will review the results
and calibrate further the model using past data
from the previous decade. A focus group with
experienced auditors may easily classify these 20
parameters in high, medium and low importance
groups to allow for the initial setting of the
neural network.
The effectiveness of using a neural-network
based AI engine with 20 parameters against the
empirical, simple data-base five parameters
model currently used is incomparable and will
increase geometrically the return of effort of the
Case-2: KM-based service desk for social
The variety of social services and the
complexity of their eligibility criteria make the
task of running effectively a service desk to
answer questions of potential beneficiaries a
rather challenging task. As shown above,
knowledge assets can be classified in many types
of assets with several subtypes. Moreover, the

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horizontal nature of offerings that cross-cut many
governmental functional areas, such as Ministry
of Tax and Finance, Housing, Education, Work
and Social affairs, Family, Welfare, etc. as well
as the volume of knowledge assets that are
produced by a variety of actors such as agencies
of the public and private sector, professionals
and experts in the area, require a sound
knowledge management governance model. In
such a set-up, a well-organized and effective
service desk to facilitate effective support and
assistance plays a dominant role.
Gartner Group (2018) has identified six
knowledge management types in relation to
customer service: agent knowledge, corporate
knowledge, social knowledge, search knowledge,
community knowledge and partner knowledge.
A generic conceptual model for social services
information systems from a KM perspective that
encompasses these six KM types identified by
Gartner Group, is depicted below:
This conceptual model shows on the left-hand
side the various types of interfaces for the social
services demand: contact (phone/ email/ video)
center agents, intelligent search engines, natural
language queries (e.g. using chatbots, alerting
mechanisms), organization and hosting of
thematic groups for listening to “the voice of the
customer”, etc. All these interfaces synthesize
and produce knowledge that can be derived out
of the knowledge base whose assets are
constantly being updated not only from content
editors (e.g. public and private social
administration agencies), but also from crowd
sourcing techniques and contributions of all
relevant stakeholders.
The evolution of such a conceptual model is
obviously on-line communities where knowledge
is produced and exchanged, allowing “new
participatory environments and spaces and the
new relationships among the classic service
professionals, the data analytics, the (middle)
managers and the citizens as end-users”
(Pederson & Wilkinson, 2018:13) that may lead
to “the provision of welfare services may become
an arena for negotiation of a new future model of
the provision of welfare services to citizens”
Social administration demonstrates some
interesting characteristics among other public
administration areas that makes it a strong
candidate for adopting the knowledge
management discipline. In this paper, the need
and the importance for infusing knowledge
management theory and practice into social
services is demonstrated. Adopting a KM
approach into the business processes of the social
administration fields, has direct implications in
the selection and usage of new information
technologies that must be applied to the SA area,
if social services are to be effective and efficient,
both at the SA area horizontally and within SA
organizations. The benefits of designing KM-
driven information systems for the SA field are
exemplified by two short cases; one is about the
use of KM-based AI engines to tackle the social
security contribution evasion problem and the
other is about the organization of a KM-driven
service desk for SA, which can pave the way
towards on-line communities. Knowledge-driven
on-line communities is a promising KM tool for
SA service design and provision. According to
Colineau, Paris & Dennett (2011) results from
group interviews with welfare recipients have
shown the usefulness of establishing a
government-mediated online community that
would help them in making the transition from
welfare support to work.
Reinventing SA from the KM perspective is a
prerequisite for the public administration, and the
social administration more specifically, to follow
the governance paradigm, which is the
considered the next in public sector’s business
model reengineering (Osborne, 2006 & 2010).
Other implication implications of the governance
paradigm for social work administration are
researched by Frahm & Martin (2009).
Further steps of this research include definition
of the business processes to be designed around
each knowledge asset of the SA field as
identified above, as well as the construction of a
reference blueprint for a KM-driven conceptual
model of information systems for social services.
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