- Delivered an invited talk at the School of AI and Data Science, IIT Jodhpur: Computational and Cognitive Models of Decision Making in Natural Language
- On the Job Market! Looking for faculty positions!
- 1 paper accepted at 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON) Conference, 2024, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai (More details)
- 1 abstract accepted at 2nd edition of Rational Approaches in Language Science (RAILS) Conference, 2025, Saarland University, Germany (More details)
- Completed 2 years of postdoctoral research at the University of Stuttgart, Germany!
- The University of Stuttgart has nominated me for Akademiepreis (Academcy Prize) of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, Germany. 🎉 (More details)
- Delivered an invited talk at School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Glasgow titled "Work Smarter...Not Harder: Efficient Minimzation of Dependency Length in SOV Languages" on 14th June, 2024 (More details)
- I was awarded the Publikationspreise (Publication Prize) 🥇🎉 by the University of Stuttgart. This prize is endowed with a certificate and 2,500 euros! (More details)
- 3 papers accepted! 🎉 Two at the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci-2024) conference and One at the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL-2024) conference. (More details)
- Our bounded rationality paper at the CogSci-2023 conference received a 1K USD cash prize award 🏅 🎉 from the Cognitive Science Society. (More details)
- Both the examiners of my PhD thesis, Prof. Tal Linzen (NYU) and Prof. Girish Jha (JNU) unanimously reccomended my thesis for the award of 'distinction' in doctoral research. 🏅 🎉
- Our Hindi UID Paper titled "Uniform Information Density Effects on Syntactic Choice in Hindi" is on reading list of a Linguistics course at University of Pennsylvania. (More details)
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