SCUGC 2015: The 5th Workshop on
Social Computing and User-Generated Content

June 16, 2015, Portland, Oregon.

in conjunction with ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (ACM-EC 2015)

Room: Oregon Convention Center (OCC), 1st Floor, Rooms A107-A109

The  workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners from a variety of relevant fields, including economics, computer science, and social psychology, in both academia and industry, that are interested in the field of social computing and user generated content. We solicit research contributions (both new and recently published). The workshop will also feature a discussion panel on prediction markets.

Social Computing and User Generated Content

Social computing systems are now ubiquitous on the web-- Wikipedia is perhaps the most well-known peer production system, and there are many platforms for crowdsourcing tasks to online users, including Games with a Purpose, Amazon's Mechanical Turk, the TopCoder competitions for software development, and many online Q&A forums such as Yahoo! Answers. Meanwhile, the user-created product reviews on Amazon generate value to other users looking to buy or choose amongst products, while Yelp's value comes from user reviews about listed services; and a significant fraction of the content consumed online consists of user-generated, publicly viewable social media such as blogs or YouTube, as well as comments and discussion threads on these blogs and forums.

Workshop Topics

The workshop aims to bring together participants with diverse perspectives to address the important research questions surrounding social computing and user generated content: Why do users participate- what factors affect participation levels, and what factors affect the quality of participants' contributions? How can participation be improved, both in terms of the number of participants and the quality of user contributions? What design levers can be used to design better social computing systems? Finally, what are novel ways in which social computing can be used to generate value? The answers to these questions will inform the future of social computing; both towards improving the design of existing sites, as well as contributing to the design of new social computing applications. Papers from a rich set of experimental, empirical, and theoretical perspectives are invited. The topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to

Organizing Committee

Boi Faltings, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

John Horton, New York University

Alex Slivkins, Microsoft Research NYC

Steering Committee

Yiling Chen, Harvard University

Arpita Ghosh, Cornell University
