
Hossein Rahmani

Professor in Computer Vision and Machine Learning

School of Computing and Communications 

Lancaster University 

Email: h.rahmani AT lancaster.ac.uk

Link to my university webpage 

I am a Professor at the School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University (LU).  I am currently looking for motivated PhD students and Postdocs with strong interests in computer vision and machine learning. If interested, kindly contact me via email.

Editorial Activities:

Area Chair: CVPR'25, CVPR'24, ICLR'25, ECCV'24

Senior PC: IJCAI'24, IJCAI'23.

Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2023-present); Pattern Recognition (2024-present); ACM Computing Surveys (2024-present);

Research Interests:

Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Video Analysis, Action Recognition/Detection, Object/Human Pose Estimation


Selected Publications (Google Scholar)