What is TPC?:

Transfer Point Contestを略してTPCと勝手に呼んでます。輸送量コンテストです。

Transport Point Contest (AKA TPC) is a transport loadout contest.

It is an unofficial event where the objective is to transfer the maximum amount of TP in a sortie during an event map's transport phase.

The TPC is to make the TP phase more enjoyable, as it is normally a dull and tedious phase.

対象海域( Eligible maps)


The eligible maps are the transport maps during the official events
You can participate in this event simply by sortieing to any official event's transport map.  Note to take a screenshot of the highest TP score per gauge (more info below).
※What is a transport map?
Any map where there is a TP gauge to be depleted

参加資格(Eligibility for participation


You would require the following to participate in this competition.

The organiser wishes for all participants to recognise and give credit to others who beat their score. Be a good sport!


スコアの登録について(How to register your score)



スコアの集計について(How scores are collected )

To all EN players

優勝者への栄誉(What honours are available to the winners?)

The victorious player will receive the highest of compliments as well as the respect from a multitude of players.

その他の質問は?(What if someone has other questions?)