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The SmarterHQ Offering is Now Wunderkind Audiences

SmarterHQ, the leading cross-channel personalization platform, joined the Wunderkind family in 2020. Since then, they have accompanied us on our relentless mission to deliver one-to-one messages at an unmatched scale. Now, we are taking the next step on our journey together, which will empower marketers to unlock more revenue than ever before across text messaging and email.

SmarterHQ has been integrated into the Wunderkind platform and is now called Audiences. Read on to learn more about Audiences and what this means for your marketing strategy.

Level Up Your Marketing Strategy with Audiences

It’s no secret that personalized experiences are quickly becoming an essential part of building a strong brand and developing a competitive advantage. Shoppers today expect seamless, personalized experiences on every channel and at every touchpoint. According to Accenture, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations.

However, it’s not always easy for brands to fulfill those expectations. Customers have a multitude of devices, touchpoints, email addresses, and sales channels available at their fingertips. If your data systems don’t talk to each other, or you don’t have the resources, it can be challenging to create consistent customer journeys and compelling messages that appeal to your target audience.

Audiences’ narrative-driven interface makes it easy to identify, create, and segment audiences based on unified customer data.

Imagine being able to quickly segment and target audiences, get instant feedback on audience sizes, and leverage engagement and purchase probability models. Thanks to Audiences, this level of cross-channel marketing is now a reality.

Our data science team uses state-of-the art predictive modeling technology to take the guesswork out of your marketing messaging, enabling you to send the right message, to the right user, at the right time.

For example, you can automatically link multiple email addresses to one unique shopper and share personalized offers that are likely to be of interest based on their previous browsing behavior across any device. Irrelevant messaging and irritating email blasts are a thing of the past as marketers are able to identify, create, and segment audiences based on unified customer data.

How Does Audiences Work?

Let’s dive into how you can use Audiences to take your marketing and eCommerce strategy to the next level.


Activate real-time, multichannel data to recognize and understand your customers across all touchpoints. By collecting data across devices, emails addresses, and channels (including in-store), you can unify the data to build out single customer profiles. This will enable you to understand customer behavior and predict their actions.


Identify, segment and target audiences quickly and easily based on customer behavior and information.

Who is your most profitable target audience? Who is at risk of churning? With Audiences, you can create sophisticated behavioral segments to send the most relevant content to the right customers, and leverage engagement and purchase probability models.


Automate the delivery of relevant, personalized content in real-time via email, web, mobile push, and more to drive deep engagement. You can engage, re-engage, cross-sell and upsell customers with 1:1 content, no matter where and when they interact with your brand.

Why Top Brands Rely on Audiences

Businesses today have a massive opportunity to provide better customer experiences than ever before. The most successful brands have realized this and are already using the technology available to connect and reconnect with their customers.

Puma, American Eagle, Sam’s Club, DSW, Bloomingdale’s, and HelloFresh are just a few of the renowned, global brands using Audiences to make personalized customer experiences at scale a reality. This is what separates good brands from great brands as the eCommerce market becomes more competitive.

History of SmarterHQ and its Journey to Audiences

Wunderkind and SmarterHQ have always shared a vision of building products that provide high value to marketers and empower them to deliver better customer experiences.

Wunderkind, the leading performance marketing channel that delivers one-to-one messages at scale, acquired SmarterHQ in 2020. In doing so, we immediately benefited from their advanced segmentation and orchestration engine for enterprise eCommerce.

SmarterHQ’s revolutionary technology provided brands with a complete picture of their in-store, online, and in-app data. Marketers could identify and target even the most complex audiences to share tailored messages with unmatched customization.
When SmarterHQ joined the Wunderkind family, the initial integration leveraged SmarterHQ’s segmentation capabilities to make Wunderkind’s text messaging platform more customizable. This gave top eCommerce brands the flexibility they needed to deliver texts at scale.

This is exciting news for brands, as nearly every retailer right now is focused on increasing their one-to-one experiences to grow their eCommerce businesses.

Ready to Scale and Grow Your eCommerce?

Wunderkind combines next-gen identity technology with world-class strategy to drive up to 25% of total digital revenue for top eCommerce retailers. With Audiences, marketers have access to a powerful engine for growth by delivering one-to-one messages at unprecedented scale across email and text messaging.

Read more here to learn how Wunderkind can help you drive growth with personalized customer experiences at scale.


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Wunderkind is a leading performance marketing engine that delivers tailored experiences at scale. Digital businesses use Wunderkind to remember who users are better than ever before, allowing them to deliver high-performing, one-to-one messages on websites, through emails and texts, and in ads at a scale that’s not otherwise possible.