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Seralini et al. (2012) Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize. Food and Chemical Toxicology.
Food and Chemical Toxicology当該論文へのリンク

デイビッド・シュピーゲルホルター教授(Professor David Spiegelhalter)

英国・ケンブリッジ大学 数学科学科 教授
Winton Professor of the Public Understanding Of Risk, University of Cambridge

* シュピーゲルホルター教授は市民に対するリスク・コミュニケーションの専門家です。




"In my opinion, the methods, stats and reporting of results are all well below the standard I would expect in a rigorous study – to be honest I am surprised it was accepted for publication.

All the comparisons are made with the ‘untreated’ control group, which only comprised 10 rats of each sex, the majority of which also developed tumours. Superficially they appear to have performed better than most of the treated groups (although the highest dose GMO and Roundup male groups also fared well), but there is no proper statistical analysis, and the numbers are so low they do not amount to substantial evidence. I would be unwilling to accept these results unless they were replicated properly."


オットリン・レイサー教授(Professor Ottoline Leyser)

英国・ケンブリッジ大学 セインズバリー研究所 副所長 
Associate Director of the Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge




"Like most of the GM debate, this work has very little to do with GM. The authors of the paper do not suggest that the effects are caused by genetic modification. They describe effects of the roundup herbicide itself and effects that they attribute to the activity of the enzyme introduced into the roundup resistant maize. There is good evidence that introducing genes in to crops using GM techniques results in fewer changes to the crops than introducing them using conventional breeding.

This is unfortunately rather a subtle point and is somewhat tangential to the immediate issue."


トム・サンダーズ教授(Professor Tom Sanders)

キングス・カレッジ・ロンドン 栄養科学研究課 部長
Head of the Nutritional Sciences Research Division, King’s College London







"This is reminiscent of work by the Ramazzini Institute and suffers from many of the same problems.

Most toxicology studies are terminated at normal lifespan i.e. 2 years. Immortality is not an alternative.

No food intake data is provided or growth data. This strain of rat is very prone to mammary tumours particularly when food intake is not restricted.

There is a lack of information on the composition of the diet. One concern is whether there were mycotoxins in the maize meal because of improper storage. Zearalanone is a well know phytoestrogen produced by filamentous fungi that grow on maize.

The statistical methods are unconventional and probabilities are not adjusted for multiple comparisons. There is no clearly defined data analysis plan and it would appear the authors have gone on a statistical fishing trip."


マーク・テスター(Mark Tester)

豪州・アデレード大学 オーストラリア植物機能ゲノム科学センター 研究教授
Research Professor, Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics, University of Adelaide

 パッと思いつく事は、長年GMフーズを販売してきた国の研究者からはなぜ、このような疫学調査は出ていないのか?ということです。 もし、この論文に書かれているGMフーズの影響の大きさが本当であり、もし、人間にも影響があるとすれば、大勢の北米人がすでに犠牲になっているはずです。



 論文の主要な2つの図(Fig 1とFig 2)には対照群が見当たりません。これは信じられないことです。両方の図において、年老いたラットに腫瘍ができて死んだことが表されています。なぜ、比較できるように対照群のデータを一緒に発表しなかったのでしょうか。おまけに両方の図において、標準誤差と表しているデータが平均値になっています。



"The first thing that leaps to my mind is why has nothing emerged from epidemiological studies in the countries where so much GM has been in the food chain for so long? If the effects are as big as purported, and if the work really is relevant to humans, why aren’t the North Americans dropping like flies?! GM has been in the food chain for over a decade over there – and longevity continues to increase inexorably!

And if the effects are as big as claimed, why have none of the previous 100+ plus studies by reputable scientists, in refereed journals, noticed anything at all?

The two main Figures in the paper (Fig 1 and Fig 2) do not contain controls. It is unbelievable. They show that old rats get tumours and die – that is all that can be concluded from those two Figures. Why do they not present the control data in the same way, but instead present it within each figure as a mean =/- SEM?

Finally, of course, this was a study of one event with one gene. To then extrapolate to all genetically modified crops is absurd. Even if it eventuates that there is an issue with this one event, or even this one gene, there is no reason at all for other genes introduced using GM to carry the same burden of risk. GM is an adaptation of a natural process that occurs all the time all over the planet – it is “only” a technology, a technique. It is how it is used that is more important. Generalisations about the risk of the technology per se are absurd."






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