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Curriculum Vitae

Sociological institute, Deviantology & Social control, Department Member
ANNA YAKOVLEVA anna.yakovleva@hotmail.com | Skype: anyakovleva AFFILIATION Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Science Russia, Saint‐Petersburg, 7th Krasnoarmeyskaya str. 25/15; http://si.ras.ru/ Position: Senior Researcher MEMBERSHIP Saint‐Petersburg Sociological Association International AIDS Society BASIC EDUCATION Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences Postgraduate studies in “Sociology” Candidate’s Degree (Russia) in Sociology Saint‐Petersburg State University od culture and arts Specialties in “Sociology of Culture” 2001‐2004 1996‐2001 ADDITIONAL EDUCATION National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Nonprofit Sector in Russia and Abroad 2th Summer School of Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector, HSE, Moscow, Russia 2013 University Without Borders (online) Analysis of visual sources in the social sciences Instructor – Olga Boytsova, European University in Saint‐Petersburg, Russia 2012 U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation Bioethic Workshop Instructor – Dr. Irina Dardynskaia, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA 2007 Fund for International Non‐Profit Development Community Initiatives in the field of public health Internship in San Francisco, USA 2006 Kharkiv Center for Gender Studies Gender and Globalization: Opportunities and criticism of development 6th International Summer School on Gender Studies, Ukraine, Foros 2002 International Institute “Perspective” Marketing Research Qualification improvement 2001 International Institute “Perspective” Empirical Sociological Studies Re‐qualification; Instructor – Dr. Iosif Gurvich, Saint‐Petersburg State University, Russia 2000‐2001 ANNA YAKOVLEVA PAGE 2 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Science 2010 till now th Russia, Saint‐Petersburg, 7 Krasnoarmeyskaya str. 25/15; http://si.ras.ru/ Senior Researcher Public Organization of Social Projects in the Sphere of Populations’ Well‐being “Stellit” January 2002 – January 2010 Russia, Saint‐Petersburg, Mira str. 3 ‐ 507; http://www.ngostellit.ru/ Head of the department “Fundraising & Innovations” (2008‐2010) Head of the department “Social Studies” (2002‐2008) Development Director (2002‐2006) Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Science January 1998 – January 2002 th Russia, Saint‐Petersburg, 7 Krasnoarmeyskaya str. 25/15; http://si.ras.ru/ Assistant Researcher Interviewer PROFESSIONAL TEACHING Applied Sociology Stugio for NGOs Since 2013 Initiative online project; http://mastersocio.wix.com/mastersocio/ ‐ Creating and developing e‐manuals and e‐courses on applied sociology for non‐profit organizations Saint‐Petersburg State University, Faculty of Sociology January 2008 – January 2010 Russia, Saint‐Petersburg, Smolnogo str. 1/3, porch 9; http://www.soc.spbu.ru/ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Participation in the development of the course “Methodology of Research among Hard to Reach Populations” for students of interdisciplinary postgraduate program “Public Health” Participation in the development and teaching of the course “Social engineering” for students of specialties program “Sociology” Participation in the development and teaching of the course “Sociological Methodology” for students of specialties program “Sociology” Participation in the development and teaching of the course “Introduction to Public Health” for students of interdisciplinary postgraduate program “Public Health” World Health Organization, Russia Country Office January 2003 – January 2008 Russia, Moscow, Leontyevsky pereulok 9; http://www.euro.who.int/ ‐ ‐ Participation in the development and teaching of the course “Behavioral Studies of the Second Generation Surveillance for HIV / AIDS” for professionals working in the field of HIV / AIDS (Russian Federation, Azerbaijan Republic, Moldova Republic, Turkmenistan Republic) Participation in the Russian‐language adaptation of the course “Surveillance of the 2nd generation HIV / AIDS”, the Department of Public Health, University of Zagreb; preparing of the brief training module “Behavioral Surveillance” Saint‐Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts Russia, Saint‐Petersburg, Dvortsovaya embankment 2‐4; http://www.spbguki.ru/ ‐ Participation in the development and teaching of the course “Sociology of Deviance” for students of specialties program “Sociology of Culture” January 2003 – January 2005 ANNA YAKOVLEVA PAGE 3 PROJECTS’ PARTISIPATION Educational Projects Developing of the Centre for Social Research and Prevention 2008‐2010 In conjunction with the St. Petersburg State University and the Institute Pasteur (North‐West Russia Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS). Funding: The US Civilian Research & Development Foundation / CRDF. Position: Researcher‐Analyst. NGOs’ learning the basics of research, information and analytical activities 2006‐2007 Funding: The American Council for International Research and Exchanges Board IREX, civil society development program “Dialogue” Position: Project Coordinator. The woman in the criminal justice system: The development and implementation of educational programs for staff and female inmates and educational colonies 2003‐2004 Funding: Center for Prison Reform Position: Project Coordinator; Leading educational activities. Sex education in the schools of St. Petersburg 1998‐2002 In collaboration with the National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health in Finland STAKES. Funding: Ministry of Social Affairs and Foreign Affairs Position: Project Coordinator; Leading educational activities. Public Health Research Projects The study of HIV prevalence and risk behaviors in a group of sex workers, as well as an assessment of their number in Chelyabinsk City, Russia 2007‐2009 Together with the Federal Scientific and Methodological Centre for the Prevention and Control of AIDS. Funding: The World Health Organization. Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. Accessibility antiretroviral therapy for HIV‐positive patients in the cities of St. Petersburg and Orenburg Cities, Russia 2007‐2008 Funding: University Research Company / University Research Co., LLC. Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. The study of trends in HIV infection in the Russian Federation (on the model of studying risk factors for infection among women attending for pregnancy) 2005‐2006 In collaboration with the Institute Pasteur (North‐West Russia Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS). Funding: The World Health Organization. Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. The study of HIV prevalence and risk factors in populations of men who have sex with men in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia 2006 In collaboration with the Institute Pasteur (North‐West Russia Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS). Funding: The World Health Organization. Position: Researcher‐Analyst. Behavior monitoring study among high risk groups in St. Petersburg, Irkutsk and Orenburg, Russia 2005‐2006 Funding: Family Health International Position: Project Coordinator. Assessment of the situation in the group of sex workers in St. Petersburg 2005‐2006 Funding: Center for Social Development and Information Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. Sentinel surveillance of HIV infection in groups with risk behavior in the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan Republic and Moldova Republic In collaboration with the Institute Pasteur (North‐West Russia Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS). Funding: The World Health Organization. Position: Project Coordinator; Leading educational activities; Analyst. 2003 ANNA YAKOVLEVA The study of drug use among adolescents in St. Petersburg PAGE 4 2003 Funding: The Administrative Committee of St. Petersburg. Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. The effectiveness of sentinel sero‐epidemiological and behavioral studies in the HIV surveillance among intravenous drug users 2002 In collaboration with the Institute Pasteur (North‐West Russia Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS). Funding: UNAIDS, World Health Organization. Position: Project Coordinator. The addictive behavior among deaf young people in St. Petersburg 2002 Funding: A‐clinic Foundation. Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. Commercial sex business as a factor in the spread of STIs in St. Petersburg 2002 Funding: Saint‐Petersburg STI Clinic. Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. Drinking alcohol residents of Primorsky district of St. Petersburg (Small Community Study) 1999‐2000 In collaboration with the National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health in Finland STAKES. Funding: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Position: Interviewer; Data Collection Person. Alcohol abuse among St. Petersburg population 1999‐2000 In collaboration with the National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health in Finland STAKES. Funding: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Position: Data Input Person. Gender Studies Projects Adolescent attitude towards sexuality and sexual violence 2003‐2004 Funding: Children's Unit, Council of the Baltic Sea States Position: Project Coordinator. Comprehensive medical and psycho‐social approach to the rehabilitation of women victims of commercial sexual industry 2003‐2004 Funding: The MacArthur Foundation. Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. Prostitution of minors in St. Petersburg (STOP‐2 project) 2000 Funding: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Position: Interviewer; Analyst. Child prostitution involving foreigners in the North‐West of Russia 2000 Funding: Saint‐Petersburg Information Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Position: Interviewer; Analyst. Export of Russian women in the United States to engage in the sex business 2000 Funding: Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. Position: Analyst. Other Projects The role of community initiatives in the social control of deviance (as a part of the project “The social control of deviance: institutional effects of and everyday practices”) 2012‐2014 Funding: Russian Academy of Sciences. Position: Project Coordinator. Retreat behavior in a consumer society (as a part of the project “Deviant effects of consumer culture”) Funding: Russian Academy of Sciences. Position: Project Coordinator. 2010‐2011 ANNA YAKOVLEVA Social conditions of effective adaptation of servicemen involved in the fighting in the modern Russian society PAGE 5 2002‐2004 Funding: The MacArthur Foundation. Position: Researcher‐Analyst. The attitudes of students of the CIS countries to issues of violence and terrorism 2001‐2002 Funding: University of Texas, Health Science Center, Houston, School of Public Health, Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research. Position: Project Coordinator, Researcher‐Analyst. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) in the North‐West region of Russia in 1996‐2000 2000‐2001 Funding: Open Society Institute. Position: Data Collection Person. PUBLICATIONS In Scientific Journals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Потребительский ретретизм: альтернативный стиль жизни в обществе потребления // Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 2011. Том XIV. № 5 (58). С. 192‐201. – 1,1 п.л. Исследования в труднодоступных группах: опыт использования выборки, управляемой респондентом, и выборки «место‐время» // Социология: методология, методы, математическое моделирование. 2011. № 33. С. 57‐79. – 1,9 п.л. Влияние наркопотребления на обращаемость за лечением ВИЧ‐инфекции в Санкт‐Петербурге и Оренбурге // ВИЧ‐инфекция и иммуносупрессии. 2010. Т. 2, № 1. С. 78‐86. (в соавт. с Левиной О. С., Одиноковой В. А., Гурвичем И. Н.) – 0,6 п.л. An analysis of respondent driven sampling with Injection Drug Users in Albania and the Russian Federation // Journal of urban health: bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 2006. November, 83 (Suppl. 1). P. 73‐82. (with Stormer A., Tun W., Guli L., Harxhi A., Bodanovskaia Z., Rusakova M., Levina O., Bani R., Rjepaj K., Bino S.) – 0,6 п.л. Глобализация сексуального насилия: от проституции к транснациональной сексуальной индустрии // Гендерные исследования. 2003. №7‐8. С. 226‐245. – 0,8 п.л. Women victims of street sexual industry in Saint‐Petersburg, Russia // Socialiniai Mokslai. 2004. №1. Р. 129‐136. (with Rusakova M.) – 0,5 п.л. In Monographs 7. Потребительский ретретизм: отказ от общества массового потребления // Девиантность в обществе потребления: Коллективная монография / Под ред. Я.И.Гилинского и Т.В.Шипуновой. СПб: Издательский Дом «Алеф‐Пресс», 2012. С. 357‐416. – 5,8 п.л. 8. Глобализация индустрии сексуальных услуг // Глобализация и девиантность / Под науч. ред. д‐ра юр. н. Я. И. Гилинского. СПб: Издательство Р.Асланова «Юридический центр Пресс», 2006. С. 204‐256. (в соавт. с Гурвичем И.Н., Русаковой М.М.) – 6,1/2,8 п.л. 9. Коммерческая сексуальная эксплуатация несовершеннолетних в Санкт‐Петербурге и Северо‐ Западном регионе России // Санкт‐Петербург в зеркале социологии / Под ред. В.В.Козловского. СПб: Социологическое общество им. М.М.Ковалевского, 2003. С. 412‐443. (в соавт. с Гурвичем И.Н., Русаковой М.М., Пышкиной Т.В.) – 1,7 п.л. 10. Наркотизм в Санкт‐Петербурге // Санкт‐Петербург в зеркале социологии / Под ред. В.В.Козловского. СПб: Социологическое общество им. М.М.Ковалевского, 2003. С. 444‐471. (в соавт. с Гурвичем И.Н., Русаковой М.М., Пышкиной Т.В.) – 1,5 п.л. ANNA YAKOVLEVA PAGE 6 In Scientific Books and Periodicals 11. Ретретизм в обществе потребления // Петербургская социология сегодня: Сборник научных трудов Социологического Института РАН. СПб: Нестор‐История, 2011. С. 215‐235. – 2,7 п.л. 12. Региональная специфика современной российской проституции (на примере Санкт‐Петербурга и Оренбурга) // Петербургская социология сегодня. Сборник научных трудов Социологического института РАН. СПб.: Нестор‐История, 2010. С.455‐471. (в соавт. с Русаковой М.М.) – 2/1,2 п.л. 13. Исследования распространенности ВИЧ‐инфекции и поведенческих рисков в группе ПИН в некоторых городах Российской Федерации // Бюллетень Консорциума «Центр социальных исследований и профилактики». 2009. Т2. (в соавт. с Одиноковой В.А., Ерицян К.Ю., Русаковой М.М.) 14. Исследование распространенности ВИЧ‐инфекции и поведенческих рисков в группе секс‐работниц в г. Челябинске // Бюллетень Консорциума «Центр социальных исследований и профилактики». 2009. Т2. (в соавт. с Одиноковой В.А., Ерицян К.Ю., Русаковой М.М.) 15. Специфика современной секс‐работы в контексте планирования профилактики ВИЧ (на примере Санкт‐Петербурга и Оренбурга) // Бюллетень Консорциума «Центр социальных исследований и профилактики. 2009. Т2. (в соавт. с Русаковой М.М., Одиноковой В.А.) 16. Направления изучения социально‐поведенческих аспектов распространения эпидемии ВИЧ в России // Бюллетень Консорциума «Центр социальных исследований и профилактики». 2009. Т2. (в соавт. с Русаковой М.М., Левиной О.С., Бодановской З.Д.) Guidelines and Manuals 17. Разработка программ действий НКО на основе данных социальных исследований: Методическое пособие. СПб.: «А‐принт», 2008. 140 с. (в соавт. с Гурвичем И.Н., Левиной О.С., Бодановской З.Д., Русаковой М.М., Одиноковой В.А., Каменской К.Ю.) – 7,8 п.л. 18. Руководство по стратегии и практике развития антинаркотических молодежных движений. СПб: б/и, 2004. (в соавт. с Гурвичем И. Н., Кузнецовой И. В., Куликовым Л.В., Латышевым Г. В., Мейлахсом П. А., Первовой И. Л., Пышкиной Т.В., Русаковой М. М., Скворцовым Н.Г., Соколовым М.М., Тотубалиной В. Ю., Цветковой Л. А., Цепиловой О.Д., Шабалиной В.В.) – 5,8 п.л. 19. Рекомендации по превенции подросткового наркопотребления (на основе результатов исследований, проведенных в рамках Федеральной целевой программы «Комплексные меры противодействия злоупотреблению наркотиками и их незаконному обороту на 2002‐2005 гг.»). СПб: ЦРНО, 2004. (в соавт. с Гурвичем И. Н., Цветковой Л. А., Русаковой М.М., Левиной О.С., Колпаковой О.И., Тотубалиной В. Ю.) – 0,5 п.л. 20. Управление первичной профилактикой распространения ВИЧ‐инфекции среди учащихся учреждений начального профессионального образования на уровне города: Научно‐методическое пособие/ Под ред. И.Н. Гурвича. Спб.: Изд‐во С.‐Петерб. Ун‐та, 2008. 146 с. (в соавт. с Гурвичем И.Н., Русаковой М.М., Левиной О.С., Одиноковой В.А., Колпаковой О.И., Каменской К.Ю., Кондаковым С.Ю., Махаматовой А.Ф., М.С. Куцак) – 8,1 п.л. Other 21. The Baltic Sea Regional Study on Adolescents´ Sexuality: Russia // The Baltic Sea Regional Study on Adolescents´ Sexuality. NOVA, 2007. – 1 п.л. 22. Accessibility of Antiretroviral Therapy in St. Petersburg and Orenburg City, Russia. Bethesda, MD: University Research Co., LLC (URC), 2008. (with Rusakova MM, Gurvich I.N., Vinogradova EM, Odinokova VA, Kamenskaya KY, Makhamatova AF, Sidorenko ML, and Marudova NA) – 3 п.л. 23. Prostitution involving minors in St.‐Petersburg // Minors in the sex trade: Report of the European Commission STOP project. Helsinki, 2001. (with Rusakova M., Kolesova A., Pyshkina T.) – 1 п.л. 24. The commercial sexual exploitation of children in St Petersburg and Northwest Russia. Save the Children, Denmark, 2001. (with Gurvich I., Rusakova M., Pyshkina T.) – 3,5 п.л. ANNA YAKOVLEVA PAGE 7 CONFERENCES ‐ IV Всероссийский социологический конгресс «Социология в системе научного управления обществом», Москва, 2012 ‐ VI Ковалевские чтения, 11‐12 ноября 2012, Санкт‐Петербург ‐ 5‐е Голофастовские чтения, 22‐24 марта 2011, Санкт‐Петербург ‐ V Ковалевские чтения, 12‐13 ноября 2011, Санкт‐Петербург ‐ Третья конференция по вопросам ВИЧ/СПИДа в Восточной Европе и Центральной Азии, 28−30 октября 2009, Москва ‐ 4th IAS Conference on HIV pathogenesis, treatment and prevention incorporating the 19th ASHM Conference. 22‐25 July 2007, Sydney, Australia ‐ Scaling up through partnerships: HIV/AIDS implementers` meeting. June 16‐19, 2007 ‐ Kigali, Rwanda ‐ I Региональная межвузовская научно‐практическая конференция «Здоровье молодежи в XXI веке: состояние и проблемы», Санкт‐Петербург, 2003 ‐ II Всероссийский социологический конгресс «Российское общество и социология в XXI веке: социальные вызовы и альтернативы», Москва, 2003 ‐ 11‐ая Международная конференция «СПИД, рак и родственные проблемы», Санкт‐Петербург, 2003 ‐ Second Baltic‐Nordic conference on women’s studies and gender researchers. Shauliay University, 2003 ‐ Конференция с международным участием «Проблемы девиантного поведения молодежи в современном обществе». Сборник тезисов. СПб НИПИ им. Бехтерева. Санкт‐Петербург, 2001