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Society for Privacy and Confidentiality Research

Supporting the Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality

Purpose of the Society

The Society for Privacy and Confidentiality Resarch exists to support the Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality and connected activities.

The Journal

The Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality is an open-access multi-disciplinary journal whose purpose is to facilitate the coalescence of research methodologies and activities in the areas of privacy, confidentiality, and disclosure limitation. The JPC seeks to publish a wide range of research and review papers, not only from academia, but also from government (especially official statistical agencies) and industry, and to serve as a forum for exchange of views, discussion, and news.

Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy Workshop

The Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy Workshop Series is an independent workshop series supported by the SPCR via the Journal.

The workshop is intended to be an occasion for researchers from different research areas, such as computer science, statistics, and data analysis, to discuss the recent developments in the theory and practice of differential privacy.

The Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality publishes selected, expanded, and peer-reviewed workshop papers from each workshop, under the editorial supervision of one of the TPDP organizers.

More info about the Society

The Society is a not-for-profit organization, registered under number 13709321 in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on January 12, 2024.

  • President: John M. Abowd (Cornell University)
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Alan F. Karr (Temple University)
  • Board members:

    • Cynthia Dwork (Harvard University)

    • Jerome P. Reiter (Duke University)

    • Aleksandra Slavković (Penn State University)

The Society is a 501(c)(3) organization. We accept donations to support our mission, please contact the Treasurer. Online donations will be possible soon.