Books by Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Papers by Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Since a couple of years ago, some well known computer scientists, such as Steve Mann, argued that... more Since a couple of years ago, some well known computer scientists, such as Steve Mann, argued that the development of information technologies and their capturing of everyday life with webcams and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) would not lead to surveillance, but to what they called sousveillance, i.e. to a state where everybody would be watching everybody. For them, the diffusion, on the web, of all available information, would prohibit the existence of a central superpower that has the exclusive privilege to watch without being watched. This paper is aiming to demonstrate that the underlying structure of sousveillance is a Catopticon, i.e. a mirror tower based architecture. The notion of Catopticon has been defined in opposition to the Bentham’s Panopticon, which rationally organizes surveillance. The paper draws some possible ethical consequences of the extension of the Catopticon to the entire planet. It tries to show that a universal Catopticon is necessarily unique in na...
Pouvoirs, 2019
Le terme « intelligence artificielle » renvoie au moins a trois choses bien distinctes : une disc... more Le terme « intelligence artificielle » renvoie au moins a trois choses bien distinctes : une discipline scientifique, les applications de cette discipline, et les craintes de voir une machine prendre son essor de facon independante de nous. Nous montrons ici que seules les applications necessitent d’etre contenues et que cela passe par une reflexion et une ethique permanentes.
ICCS, 2008
Abstract. On the one hand, Conceptual Graphs are widely used in nat-ural language processing syst... more Abstract. On the one hand, Conceptual Graphs are widely used in nat-ural language processing systems. On the other hand, information fusion community lacks of tools and methods for knowledge representation. Us-ing natural language processing techniques for information fusion is a ...
Nous avons concu une ontologie destinee a indexer le corpus des œuvres numeriques litteraires. Ce... more Nous avons concu une ontologie destinee a indexer le corpus des œuvres numeriques litteraires. Cette ontologie prend en compte les dimensions esthetiques et materielles des œuvres de sorte que l'analyse critique et la production d'archives se croisent dans la tâche de conservation.
Cet article examine l'utilisation de langages de haut ni-veau dans la conception d'agents... more Cet article examine l'utilisation de langages de haut ni-veau dans la conception d'agents autonomes ethiques. Il propose un cadre logique nouveau et modulaire pour re-presenter et raisonner sur une variete de theories ethiques, sur la base d'une version modifiee de l'Event Calculus, im-plementee en Answer Set Programming. Le processus de prise de decision ethique est concu comme une procedure en plusieurs etapes, capturee par quatre types de modeles interdependants qui permettent a l'agent d'evaluer son en-vironnement, de raisonner sur sa responsabilite et de faire des choix ethiquement informes. Notre ambition est double. Tout d'abord, elle est de permettre la representation sys-tematique d'un nombre illimite de processus de raisonne-ments ethiques, a travers un cadre adaptable et extensible en vertu de sa hierarchisation et de sa syntaxe standardisee. Deuxiemement, elle est d'eviter l'ecueil de nombreux tra-vaux d'ethique computationnell...
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2018
We have designed an ontology to index a corpus of digital literature works. We have given this on... more We have designed an ontology to index a corpus of digital literature works. We have given this ontology the shape of a memory island, a navigable virtual territory where categories are regions and descriptor places, and where archives of these ephemeral works are made accessible.
2016 20th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 2016
In this paper, we develop a visualization tool that applies unsupervised named entity recognition... more In this paper, we develop a visualization tool that applies unsupervised named entity recognition and streamgraphs in order to visualize massive amounts of unstructured textual stream data, namely, French newspapers (e.g. Le Figaro, La presse, L'humanité) from the first world war period. Such a visualization allows us to identify main characters, events and locations involved in or relevant to the first world war, according to the French press. Furthermore, our visualization technique can help visually identify correlations between major people (e.g. presidents, generals, public figures...), locations (e.g. countries, cities, towns...) and organizations and events (e.g. corporations, battles...) on multiple aligned streamgraphs. We discuss the streamgraph method and compare it to alternative methods while drawing some examples from the visualization of the first world war. Our method helps users identify named entities and visualise them highlighting significant ones at specific time periods. Furthermore, it can be applied to unstructured data streams of any domain or time period.
Books by Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Papers by Jean-Gabriel Ganascia