Imports Apache2 Access & Error logs into MySQL Schema of tables, views & functions designed to normalize data. Client & Server components capable of consolidating logs from multiple web servers & sites with complete Audit Trail & Error Logging!
ApacheLogs2MySQL consists of two Python Modules & one MySQL Schema designed to automate importing Apache Access & Error Log files into a normalized database schema for reporting & data analysis.
Runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS & tested with MySQL versions 8.0.39, 8.4.3, 9.0.0 & 9.1.0.
Imports Access Logs in LogFormats - common, combined and vhost_combined. Plus a csv2mysql LogFormat.
Imports Error Logs in default LogFormat and preforms data harmonization on Apache, System, Log Messages to create unified, standardized dataset.
Python executes all MySQL from command prompt or PM2. Easy MySQL database installation with 3 simple steps.
Currently 47 tables, 724 columns, 110 indexes, 50 views, 5 stored procedures and 42 functions.