GTK+ IOStream
GTK+iostream, Data plots, ORB, Neural Networks, WSOLA
Create GTK+ interfaces using IOStream style code.
Its simple and quick!
Also providing simple data plotting (similar to Matlab/Octave), ORB (Object Request Broker), and Neural Network computations.
You can create GTK+ GUIs in a few lines of code.
Labels<<"Thanks for reading";
or even one line :
(HBox() << (Labels()<<"Thanks for reading")).show();
Inline code destructs the classes, but leaves the widgets/callbacks operating. This is great for embedded memory saving code.
You can also plot like so :
Plot figure; figure.plot(x, y, x.size());
Plotting utilises
ORB utilises
Feed forward neural networks with different activation functions.
Audio playback/recording and digital signal processing (DSP) - utilising Jack