Mapgraph is SYSTAP’s disruptive new technology to exploit the main memory bandwidth advantages of GPUs. The early work was co-developed with the University of Utah SCI Institute and has its pedigree in the UINTAH software running on over 750M cores on the TITAN Super Computer.
Today, SYSTAP has commercialized this technology into it’s Blazegraph Accelerator and Blazegraph HPC products. Checkout our options for GPU acceleration of graphs or contact us to learn more:
The early work was released under the Apache 2 open source license and is available on here at Sourceforge. This work was (partially) funded by the DARPA XDATA program under AFRL Contract #FA8750-13-C-0002 and DARPA Contract #D14PC00029.
Apache License V2.0User Reviews
Hi, I 'm trying to profile load efficiency of Medusa by using nvprof --metrics branch_efficiency there is a warning: "Warning: No CUDA application was profiled, exiting". I do not know why this is happening. I used the Redhat 6.5 OS and CUDA 7.5 on K20M GPU card. Thanks for your kindly response.